
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Logan County Executive and Personnel Committee met February 5.

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Logan County Executive and Personnel Committee met Feb. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Emily Davenport – CH; Kevin Bateman-VCH; Dave Blankenship; Bob Sanders; Annette Welch


Guests: Bob Farmer

Mrs. Davenport called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Mrs. Welch, to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2018 meeting as printed. Motion carried.

Old Business:

1. Identity Protection Policy: Mrs. Davenport reported that State’s Attorney Jonathan Wright has approved the policy and it is in everyone’s packet. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs. Welch, to approve the Identity Protection Policy. Motion passed.

2. Opioid Litigation Resolution: Mr. Ruben discussed that this is what Mr. Wright spoke about the last month’s Workshop meeting and that he had asked that it be sent back to Committee. He discussed having the Committee bring it forward again, Mr. Wright will be at the Board meeting and then he can decide if he’s ready to move forward or not. Mr. Ruben discussed checking with Mr. Wright in the meantime and that it can be brought up at Workshop again. Mrs. Davenport discussed missing the meeting where Mr. Wright presented on this topic and asked about more detail. Mrs. Welch discussed that the Board had talked about not taking on something like this and that she thought it was joining in on someone else’s litigation. Mr. Ruben discussed that there are a couple of different cases going on in the State currently and they are trying to talk counties into joining a class action suit against opioid manufacturers. He explained that the manufacturers were telling doctors that the opioids were not addictive, and counties were hoping to recoup costs of NARCAN, among other things.

New Business:

1. Policy for Storing All County Vehicle Titles at County Clerk’s Office: A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Sanders, to suggest that all County vehicle titles be stored in the County Clerk’s Office under files by department. Mr. Ruben discussed the Board not being able to tell Elected Officials to follow this policy and to remove the wording “to suggest”. He stated that he thought the only Elected Official that would have vehicle titles would be the Sheriff. Mr. Sanders suggested that originals of the titles first go to the Board Office, to make a copy first for insurance purposes and possibly a copy to the Treasurer’s Office for auditing purposes, and then send the original up to the County Clerk’s Office. Mr. Bateman discussed making sure the mailing address for all titles be the Courthouse, 601 Broadway Street. Mr. Ruben suggested having all titles sent to the County Clerk’s Office first, then have them send copies to the Board Office and to the Treasurer. Mr. Ruben and Mr. Sanders that every new vehicle has to be voted on by the full Board, and so the County Clerk would know the details because of being the recording clerk for that meeting. Mrs. Davenport asked if the Board Office should draw up a policy. Mr. Ruben stated yes. He discussed talking with the Department Heads and they are on board with this new policy, and that it includes all vehicles not just cars. Mrs. Welch stated that when they did the insurance audit this year, all of that information was needed and it was hard to get because of the titles not being in one place. Mr. Sanders discussed talking with Sally Turner and that contracts for the County have not been on file in her office either. Mr. Ruben stated that since he has been Chairman, the County Clerk has a copy of all contracts he has signed. Motion passed.

Public Comments:

A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting ended at 6:39 pm.
