Village of Sherman Board of Trustees met April 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Village Board In Attendance:
Trevor j. Clatfelter, President; Bret Hahn, Trustee; Pam Gray, Trustee; Brian Long, Trustee; Kim Rockford, Trustee; Kevin Schultz, Trustee; Jay Timm, Trustee
Officials In Attendance:
Michael Stratton, Village Administrator; Jeremy Stuenkel, Treasurer; Craig Bangert, Chief of Police, Bruce Beal, Public Works Employee.
Public In Attendance:
Byron Painter, Alisha Armenta (interpreter), Tina Hoecker, Jared Owens, Doug & Melissa Owens, Mitch McCullar, Paula Cunnigham, Wanda Dunkel, Dan & Jodi Fleck, Roxanne McCuller, Sandy & Chris Walden, John Miller, Josh Miller, Ed Carter and others not signed in.
1. Roll Call. President Clatfelter requested roll call vote. Acting Village Clerk Stratton conducted roll call of the Village Board of Trustees with all members present. President announce a quorum was present to conduct Village business.
2. Pledge of Allegiance. The entire WHS Scholastic Bowl Team and Coaches led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Set Agenda. President Clatfelter asked the Board for non-action items to be added to the agenda. No one requested additions to the agenda. President Clatfelter entertained a motion of the Board to set the agenda. Motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Rockford. Voice Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Motion passed.
Clerk’s Report:
1. Presentation of Minutes of March 6, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Minutes of the Sherman Village Board of Trustees were presented for approval. Motion to Approve was made by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Gray. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.
2. Presentation of Bills for Authorization for Payment. President Clatfelter asked if there were any questions regarding the bills. Treasurer Stuenkel addressed the Board and noted there was double check written to Wingfoot. Motion to Authorize payment of bills as amended by Treasurer Stuenkel by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Schultz. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.
President Clatfelter moved up the Agend to the President’s report in light of the number of visitors present for the WHS Scholastic Bowl Program.
President’s Report:
1. Sponsorship for Afterprom for WHS Prom. President Clatfelter addressed the Board and requested sponsorship by the Village in the amount of $500 to support the Afterprom event for WHS Prom. President Clatfelter noted this is the same amount authorized last year. President Clatfelter asked if there were any questions by the Board. There being none. Motion to authorize payment to WHS Afterprom for $500 by Trustee Rockford, seconded by Trustee Timm. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.
2. Special Recognition of the WHS Scholastic Bowl Team as 2018 Class 1A IHSA State Champions. President Clatfelter read proclamation honoring Williamsville High School Scholaastic Bowl Team for their 2018 Class 1A IHSA State Championship win. (copy which is included with these minutes as matter of public record). President Clatfelter kicked off the presentation of awards.
Treasurer’s Report:
President Clatfelter requested Treasurer Stuenkel address the Board on the Treasurer’s Report and asked if there were any questions of the Board. There being none. Motion to Approve was made by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Hahn. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.
Engineering Report:
No Engineering Report.
Legal Report:
No Legal Report.
Village Administrator & Economic Development Report:
No Report.
Committee/Department Reports:
No Committee Reports.
Sherman Police Department Report:
Chief Bangert addressed the Board to let them know that on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 10am to 2pm is National Take Back Day.
Emergency Management Agency Report:
No EMA Report
Department Of Public Works Report:
No Report.
2(Minutes Approved by Board April 17, 2018)
New Business:
President Clatfelter noted there was no new business.
Old Business:
President Clatfelter reminded the Board of upcoming events. Garage Sales dates of Friday and Saturday April 27-28 and Clean Up Day Saturday May 5 8am to 11am.
President Clatfelter also reminded Board of the upcoming Public Hearing on the Budget that is set for Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 5:30pm. President Clatfelter noted legal notice was published in the Sun-Times of the public hearing as required by law.
Civic Organizations:
President Clatfelter noted there was no Civic Organization to present before the Village Board.
Public Comment:
President Clatfelter reviewed sign-in Sheet and noted that no one requested to address the Board.
President Clatfeleter addressed the chamber to let visitors know the Board would be going into closed session to discuss land purchase matters. President Clatfetler further explained that there was no action that would be taken out of closed session.
Executive Session:
Adjourn To Executive Session.
President Clatfelter requested motion to adjourn to executive session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) of the Open Meetings Act. Motion by Trustee Gray, seconded by Trustee Schultz. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed. Board Adjourned to Executive Session at 6:28 pm.
Arise From Executive Session.
President Clatfelter requested motion to arise from executive session. Motion by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Gray. Voice Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion passed. Board arose from executive session at 7 pm. President noted No action was taken in executive session.
President Clatfelter noted there was no further matters to come before the Board and entertained a motion to adjourn the public meeting. Motion by Trustee Rockford, seconded by Trustee Long. Voice Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed. Public Meeting was adjourned at 7:01 pm.