New Holland Middletown Elementary School District 88 Board met February 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The regular February 2018 meeting of the NH-M Board of Education was held February 21, 2018 at 7:04p.m. Board President Coers called the meeting to order with roll call:
Coers –Present Boward–Absent
Merriman – Present Dobey –Present
Janssen – Present K. Davison –Present
M. Davison-Present Mr. Dugan -Present
Mrs. Schmitz –Present
Mrs. Schmitz –Present
Board of Education Emails: The Board received an invitation to the IASB Abe Lincoln Division Spring Dinner Meeting set for March, 6th 2018 and hosted by Clinton CUSD#15 at Clinton High School. Public Comments/Correspondence: None.
2-21-18-01 Approve Minutes, Bills, And Financial Reports
Merriman made motion, seconded by M. Davison to approve the Minutes, Bills and Financial Reports given to us on this day. Roll call vote: Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey, K. Davison, Coers; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-02 Approve Reports; Imprest, Activity, Attendance, & Meal Reimbursement
Merriman made motion, seconded by M. Davison to approve the Imprest, Activity Attendance and Meal Reimbursement Reports given to us on this day. Roll call vote: M. Davison, Dobey, K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen; aye. Motion carried.
5. Discussion Items
(5a) FOIA Request-Nathan Mihelich, IRTS: Request was for Retiring Teachers Names and Email. Request was denied due to not having any current certified employees retiring from NH-M at this time
(5b) FOIA Request#2-Prairie Stat Wire: Request was sent including all staff/faculty 1st Names, Middle Initial, Last Name, Department which each person works, Salaries, and Union Name. An Excel spreadsheet was created with all of this information and sent to Requester.
(5c) 2018-2019 Calendar Draft LCHS 404 & K-8 Feeders (1st Reading): Easter is later in April, 2019 so Spring Break is scheduled for a later date.
(5d) Sports Cooperative Agreement-Community Data: A survey which included the entire school district contacts who have email addresses was conducted regarding the Sports Co-Op Agreement with CCS & Zion. Superintendent Dugan received 19 Total Responses equaling a 155% response rate. The Board would to include the entire tax paying community’s input on the Co-Op Agreement. The Board President, Vice President, and Superintendent Dugan will be attending a meeting with CCS/Zion regarding agreement during the week of 3/26/18.
6. Action Items:
6a.) 2-21-18-03 Amend Agenda To Include (Action Item) 36d In The Action Items
K. Davison made motion, seconded by M. Davison to Amend the February 2018 Board Agenda to include Action Item #6D given to us on this day Roll call vote: K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-04 (6a) Designate Superintendent To Begin Fy2019budget
Merriman made motion, seconded by K. Davison to Designate Superintendent to begin FY2019 Budget given to us on this day. Roll Call vote: Dobey, K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-05 (6b) Award Contract To Fetz Fire Equipment Company
Merriman made motion, seconded by Janssen, to Award Contract for the Installation of Kitchen Fire Suppression System (this will be paid with a grant received and wil not cost anything to the school) given to us on this day. Roll call vote: K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-06 (6c) Establish Special Board Meeting & Working Retreat
Merriman made motion, seconded by Janssen, to “Table” this Action Item given to us on this day. Roll call vote: K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-07 (6d) Approve Nhm-Cse Fundraiser
K. Davison made motion, seconded by Coers, to Approve the NHM-CSE Fundraiser Request for a Spaghetti Dinner on March 1st, 2018 to be held during the school districts’ “Family Reading Night” given to us on this day. Roll call vote: Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey, K. Davison,; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-08 Adjournment To Executive Session
Janssen made motion, seconded by M. Davisonn, to Adjourn to Executive Session for Discussion of Personnel- 5ILC 120/2 (c) 1 at 8:02PM given to this day. Roll call vote; K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-09 Reconvene To Regular Session At 8:57pm
2-21-18-10 Action Items As A Result Of Executive Session Discussion
Coers made motion, seconded by K. Davison, to Accept the Letter of Resignation from Superintendent Todd Dugan effective June 30, 2018 given to us on this day. Roll call vote; Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey, K. Davison; aye. Motion carried.
2-21-18-11 Action Items As A Result Of Executive Session Discussion
M. Davison made motion, seconded by Janssen, to Approve the Search for a New Superintendent through The IASB given to us on this day. Roll call vote; Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey, K. Davison; aye. Motion carried.
Superintendent’s Report:
a.) ISBE Financial Score-2017: Every year in February, the Board is notified of the School District’s Financial Score. This year, as in previous years, the District scored a 4.0.
b.) AASA Leadership Academy Updates: Superintendent Dugan went to Nashville, TN for this 3 day Superintendent Conference. The only cost was the reimbursement of lodging expenses which has been worked into the Title II Grant.
c.) Other Items: NH-M 4th Teacher, Mrs. Darcy O’Connor, has been named the “2018 Illinois Computing Educator of the Year”! This is such an Honor for Darcy and for NH-M. There will be an article in the newspaper next week and the Board would like to have a reception with the students to celebrate her achievement!
2-21-18-12 Adjournment Of The February 2018 Regular Meeting
K. Davison made motion, seconded by M. Davison to adjourn the February 2018 Board of Education Meeting at 9:03pm. Roll call vote: K. Davison, Coers, Merriman, Janssen, M. Davison, Dobey; aye. Motion carried