City of Springfield City Council met April 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Pre-Council Session:
City Clerk Frank Lesko called the Pre Council Session of the Springfield City Council to Order at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday April 3, 2018 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center West.
Clerk Lesko read the ordinances on First Reading and assigned to the Committee of the Whole.
2018-143 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Uw18-02-88 – Residential Water Service Materials With Core & Main LP, Illinois Meter Inc., And Midwest Meter Inc., In The Total Amount Not To Exceed $416,413.60 For The Water Division For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-144 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing Contract Ue18-02-87 – Purchase Of Unit 4 Steam Coils With Aerofin Division Of Air And Liquid Systems Corporation In An Amount Not To Exceed $58,714.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-145 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-02-90 – Trouble Truck For T&D With Landmark Ford Inc. In The Amount Of $80,065.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-146 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing Contract Ue18-02-93 – Substation Department Bucket Truck With Landmark Ford Inc. In An Amount Not To Exceed $98,665.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-147 An Ordinance Authorizing Architectural Services From Rel Design Inc. Architects And Engineers In An Amount Not To Exceed $62,000.00 For Phases Ii And Iii Of An Architectural Evaluation For Two Facilities For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $111,800.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-148 An Ordinance Authorizing An Agreement With General Electric International Inc. For Repair Of Unit 33 North LP Crossover Assembly In An Amount Not To Exceed $82,489.60, For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-149 An Ordinance Authorizing Additional Funding In An Amount Not To Exceed $85,000.00 For Elevator Maintenance And Repair For The Dallman Plant Stack Elevators With Usa Hoist Company Inc. For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $157,000.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities
2018-150 An Ordinance Authorizing An Agreement With GP Strategies Corporation In An Amount Not To Exceed $183,500.00 For Phases 3 And 4 Of An Implementation Of Operator Training And Qualification Program At The Dallman Power Station For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $208,000.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities
Public Safety:
2018-151 An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase Of Ballistic Body Armor And Carrier Systems In The Amount Of $95,238.61 For The Emergency Response Team For The Springfield Police Department’s Crime Scene Services Unit
2018-152 An Ordinance Authorizing A Payment To Verizon Wireless For Monthly Data Services For MDC And Video Units In An Amount Not To Exceed $144,612.00 Under State Master Contract Cms#793372p, For The Office Of Homeland Security Bureau Of Emergency Communications
2018-153 An Ordinance Authorizing A Payment To Motorola Solutions Inc. For Monthly Starcom Radio Services Used By The Springfield Police Department And Homeland Security In An Amount Not To Exceed $108,120.00 Under State Master Contract Csm#3618850, For The Office Of Homeland Security Bureau Of Emergency Communications
2018-154 An Ordinance Authorizing Acceptance And Execution Of Grant #Dd-18-0481 From The Illinois Department Of Transportation In The Amount Of $6,975.60 For The Distracted Driving Mini Grant And Authorizing A Supplemental Appropriation In The Amount Of $6,975.60 For The Springfield Police Department
Public Works:
2018-155 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Amended Agreement With The State Of Illinois, Department Of Transportation, For Construction Of Underpasses On Ash And Laurel Streets From 6th To 11th Streets And Associated Rail Work, MFT Section #14-00477-00-Br, For The Office Of Public Works
2018-156 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of A Master Services Agreement With Geographic Information Services Inc. For Various Support Services And Deliverables For The Geographic Information Systems And Computerized Maintenance Management Systems For The Offices Of Public Works And Public Utilities, For An Amount Not To Exceed $300,000.00 For A Two-Year Period
2018-157 An Ordinance Authorizing Payment Of $250,000.00 For The Second And Final Year Of Contract Number Pw 17-24, Under RFP 17-24, With Habitat For Humanity Of Sangamon County For Collection, Recycling And Disposal Of Bulky Items For An Amount Not To Exceed $250,000.00 For The Office Of Public Works
2018-158 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Bradley M. Zeiger And Sheila Zeiger For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 300 E. Iles Avenue In The Amount Of $196,500.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $48,620.00 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $245,120.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works
2018-159 A Supplemental Resolution Notifying The State Of Illinois Department Of Transportation That Motor Fuel Tax Funds In The Amount Of $245,120.00 May Be Used For Land Acquisition For Springfield Rail Improvement Projects, MFT Section # 18-00478-00-Br, For The Office Of Public Works
2018-160 An Ordinance Accepting The Lowest Responsible Bid And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Number Pw 18-02-92 With Truman L. Flatt & Sons Co. Inc. For The Fy2019 Alley Overlay Program In An Amount Not To Exceed $374,719.00 For The Office Of Public Works
2018-161 An Ordinance Approving The Location And Sketch Map Of Mill Creek Estates – Phase Ii Subdivision For The Office Of Public Works
2018-162 An Ordinance Regarding The Variance Request Of Section 153.158(B)(2) Pertaining Lot Arrangement At Mill Creek Estates – Phase Ii Subdivision For The Office Of Public Works
2018-163 An Ordinance Regarding The Variance Request Of Section 153.157(J) Pertaining Stub Streets At Mill Creek Estates – Phase Ii Subdivision For The Office Of Public Works
2018-164 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Agreement With Linda Hall-Lewis For Annexation Of Property Located At 1915 Chelsea Drive
2018-165 An Ordinance Annexing Certain Described Real Property Located At 1915 Chelsea Drive To The City Of Springfield
2018-166 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract No. Pw 18-02-91 For An Amount Not To Exceed $957,556.75 With P.H. Broughton & Sons Inc., Truman L. Flatt & Sons Co. Inc., Beelman Logistics, LLC, Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC And Osburn Associates For 2019 Maintenance Materials
2018-167 An Ordinance Accepting RFP Pw18-23 With Petersburg Plumbing And Excavation, LLC And Perry Broughton Trucking & Excavating Inc. For Cave-In Repairs For An Amount Not To Exceed $1,260,000.00 For The Office Of Public Works
2018-168 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of A Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement With The International Association Of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, District No. 9, From October 1, 2017, Through September 30, 2020
2018-169 An Ordinance Authorizing Extension Of A Contract With Triune Health Group, Ltd., To Provide Workers’ Compensation Comprehensive Case Management Services For The City Of Springfield For An Additional Amount Not To Exceed $160,020.00 From February 1, 2018, Through January 31, 2019, For The Office Of Budget And Management
2018-170 An Ordinance Authorizing Extension Of Contract Cs17-05- 28 Through May 31, 2019, With Republic Services Inc. D/B/A Republic Services Of Sangamon County And Authorizing An Additional $131,364.00 For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $262,728.00 For Waste Hauling Services Using Single Stream Recycling For The Office Of Budget And Management
2018-171 An Ordinance Authorizing The Execution Of A Professional Services Agreement With, And Payment In An Amount Not To Exceed $22,000.00 To, Peckham, Guyton, Albers & Viets Inc. (PGAV) To Provide For A Feasibility Study Regarding A Tax Increment Finance District For An Area Generally Bounded Along The North Side Of Lumber Lane Between Golf Road On The East, East Sangamon Avenue (Il Route 29) And Camp Butler Road (Il Route 36) On The North, And I-55 On The West And Generally Known As Lumber Lane
2018-172 An Ordinance Authorizing Extension Of An Agreement With Midwest Risk Assessments Inc. To Perform Lead Based Paint Risk Assessments And Clearance Inspection Services From July 16, 2016, Through July 17, 2020, For An Amount Not To Exceed $50,000.00 For The Office Of Planning And Economic Development
2018-173 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution A Sponsorship Payment In The Amount Of $15,000.00 To Illinois Route 66 Events Inc. For The International Route 66 Mother Road Festival To Be Held In Downtown Springfield September 21-23, 2018, For The Springfield Convention And Visitors Bureau
2018-174 An Ordinance Authorizing A Five-Year Memorandum Of Understanding With The State Of Illinois Department Of Natural Resources For Space Located At 1 Old State Capitol Plaza, Known As The Lincoln-Herndon Law Office, To Be Used For A Tourist Visitors Center For An Amount Not To Exceed $20,000.00 Annually
General City Business:
2018-175 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Allen Reyne As Fire Chief Of The Springfield Fire Department
2018-176 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Susy Woods To The Springfield Disabilities Commission
The following ordinances are on tonight’s consent agenda. 2018-119; 2018-120; 2018-121; 2018-122; 2018-123; 2018-124; 2018-125; 2018-126; 2018-127; 2018-128; 2018-129; 2018-131; 2018-132; 2018-133; 2018-134; 2018-135; 2018-136; 2018-137; 2018-138 and 2018-142
The Pre-Council session concluded at 5:12 pm.
City Council Regular Agenda:
Mayor Langfelder called the April 3, 2018 meeting of the Springfield City Council to order at 5:30 PM. He invited everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clerk Lesko took the roll call of members.
Present: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Turner , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin , Alderman Donelan , Alderman Hanauer and Mayor Langfelder
Absent: Alderman Theilen
Clerk Lesko announced there was a quorum for a meeting.
Next, Michael Wilson with IPS Group Inc gave the Council a presentation on smart parking meters. With an upgrade in the meters the city could see an increase of 30 percent in fees collected. With the update to the meters, they will be able to take credit cards, but people will be able to use coins as well. The system will tell where there are open spots when using the app. There are no fees charged to a credit card.
Alderman Hanauer wanted to know what the cost would be to the city to update their meters. Mr. Wilson said that the pay back from the users will be greater. Director Mahoney said that IPS Group is what fits the RFP that went out late last summer. Over a three year period, the cost would be $700,000 to replace 800 of the 1500 meters.
Alderman Donelan wanted to know how much money is generated from the parking meters and tickets written and also what the cost is to integrate this new system. Mayor Langfelder mentions that there is a loan program available.
Sam Wilkerson with Public Works said that there has not been a raise in parking rates in 20 years. The meters the city has are old, outdated and are in need of being replaced. This system would fit inside the housing of the current meters.
Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the March 20, 2018 City Council meeting and approve the minutes. Alderman Donelan made the motion and Alderman Hanauer seconded. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9-0.
Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to incorporate the Pre-Council first reading of ordinances into the record of the Council meeting. Alderman Donelan made the motion with Alderman Hanauer seconding. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9-0.
Next, Mayor Langfelder asked to incorporate the pre-council reading of the consent agenda into the record. Alderman McMenamin made the motion. Aldermen Proctor and Hanauer seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9-0.
Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to place the consent agenda on final passage. Alderman Hanauer made the motion to place the consent agenda on final passage. Alderman Proctor seconded the motion.
The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 voting yes: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Turner , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer
Next, agenda item 2018-130 an ordinance authorizing payment of $30,000.00 to Lincoln Land Charity Championship for regional and local marketing and promotion of the PGA Tour gold in Springfield, June 25 through July 1, 2018 and authorizing a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $30,000.00 from unappropriated fund balance. Alderman Hanauer made a motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman Senor seconded the motion.
Kate Peters with Lincoln Land Charity Championship said that the tournament generates 1900 room nights. Last year there were over 6100 spectators that came to the event and spent money in town. The city support is important and there is an impact on the community. Alderman Hanauer said that the money approved tonight will be used for advertising to attract people to Springfield that would want to come back and spend more time.
Pat Corcoran with SCVB said that the money that is being requested would be coming from a fund that can be used if the state were to cut off grant funding. Miss Peters said that the tournament is looking for a title sponsor so that they don’t have to keep coming back for money. She also said that she will come back after the tournament and give a report on the 2018 tournament.
Alderman McMenamin understood that 2 years ago this was to be seed money to create something good in Springfield and was to be faded out over time. He would be a yes vote if the dollar amount would come down to $20,000.00 Alderman DiCenso said that she is a no vote because that is the feedback she is getting from constituents asking the Council to stop spending money and she will be a no vote. Miss Peters said that she is trying to get a title sponsor that way she doesn’t have to come back to ask for advertizing money.
Alderman Senor asked for the information for non profits to apply so they can sell tickets and get a percentage of the gate money. Miss Peters said that if there is a not for profit group they can call the tournament office at 670-2910 and they will verify that they are 501C3 group and will need a copy of their letter. The more ticket sales they make the more money they get to keep. The motion passed on a vote of 6-3 voting yes: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer voting no: Alderman Turner , Alderman DiCenso , and Alderman McMenamin
Next, agenda item 2018-139 an ordinance authorizing payment in the amount of $4,590,917.00 to the Energy Authority Inc. and Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc. for transmission schedule fees for fiscal year 2019 for the electric division for the Office of Public Utilities. Alderman Redpath made motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 voting yes: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Turner , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer
Next, agenda item 2018-140 an ordinance amending chapter 50, Sections 50.30 of the 1988 City of Springfield Code of Ordinances, as amended, regarding Electric Utility, for the Office of Public Utilities. Alderman Donelan made a motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. Alderman Redpath asked for some clarification on the ordinance. Doug Brown with CWLP said that is this for the “hi low” factor rate, so if the rate goes lower this will protect CWLP. This is also an incentive to attract businesses because of their large usage of power. Alderman Donelan said that the city is at a disadvantage because the city doesn’t have one yet. Mr. Brown said yes, data centers are looking to get the best rate possible for power and this would help Springfield negotiate a good power rate. The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 voting yes: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Turner , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer
Next, Mayor Langfelder entertained a motion to suspend the rules and place on first reading agenda item 2018-177 an ordinance authorizing the execution of contract number PW 18-20 with T.R.B. Inc. for branch pickup and disposal services from May through June 2018 for an amount not to exceed $160,000.00 for the Office of Public Works. Alderman McMenamin made a motion to suspend the rules and place the agenda item on first reading. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9-0.
Next, Alderman DiCenso said that there are major issues with animal control. Director McCarty said that Animal Control only works normal business hours and comes out only for emergencies that involve dog bites.
Next, Alderman Proctor said that he received a few calls about the protocol about the found body in an alley. Deputy Chief Stokes said that there should have been better communication, and they meed to make sure they don’t leave the scene without getting all the statements.
Next, Alderman Turner wanted to know if there was any updated information on a hit and run on West Lake Shore Drive between Devonshire and Queensway. Several people have contacted her, but there has been no update. Chief Stokes said he would check into it and give her an update.
Next, Mayor Langfelder mention that April is prevent kid abuse month and you can go to the website to see how you can spread awareness.
Next, Mario Ingoglia of 127 South Grand Ave West spoke about the need to have a greater police presence near his business because of increase foot traffic he believes is drug dealers. Also there is loud music being played from vehicles.
Next, Alice Remy 1313 South Livingston spoke about using the Neighborhood Police officer and the great work they are doing.
Next, Mayor Langfelder entertained a motion for adjournment. The motion was made by Alderman Donelan and seconded by Alderman Dicenso. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9- 0. The April 3, 2018 Council Meeting adjourned at 7:18 pm