
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Springfield Committee of the Whole met April 24.

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City of Springfield Committee of the Whole met April 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Alderman Proctor called the Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 5:30 pm. He invited everyone to join in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clerk Lesko took the roll call of members.

Present: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Turner , Alderman Fulgenzi, Alderman Proctor Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin , Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer

Clerk Lesko announced that the committee had a quorum.

Next, Alderman Proctor asked for a motion to approve the committee meeting minutes for April 10, 2018. Alderman Donelan made the motion with Alderman Hanauer seconding the motion to dispense with the reading and approve the minutes. The motion passed with a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, Alderman Proctor asked that the Homeless Outreach Team give their presentation to the Aldermen. Sergeant Gerry Castles with the Springfield Police Department said that they have teamed up with Doctor Tracy Smith and they began a focus group that turned into the Homeless Outreach Team. They help the local homeless people get in contact with the correct organizations to get them the help they need.

Sgt. Castles said that there are three types of homelessness: situational, crisis and chronic. In 2016 there were 261 homeless people in Springfield. At the Helping Hands Shelter there were 101 sheltered there of which 56 people were from outside of Springfield.

Next, Alderman Proctor asked if anyone would like to remove any agenda items remaining in committee.

Alderman DiCenso said that she would like to keep 2017-489 in committee.

Next, agenda item 2018-179 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing Contract Ue18-01-73- Rental Of Heavy Equipment With Jmarkk Equipment Inc., DBA Bobcat Of Springfield; Cummings, Mcgowan & West Inc.; Herc Rentals Inc.; Machine Maintenance Inc., D/B/A Luby Equipment Services; Martin Equipment Of Illinois Inc.; Roland Machinery Company And Vermeer Sales And Services Of Central Illinois Inc. In An Amount Not To Exceed $198,000.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Turner seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-180 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-01-75- General Maintenance And Repair At The Generating Facility With Henson Robinson Company From April 17, 2018 To February 28, 2021, In An Amount Not To Exceed $2,400,000.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Turner and Theilen seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10- 0.

Next, agenda item 2018-181 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing Contract Ue18-02-94 –Two (2) Digger Derrick Trucks With Truck Centers Inc. In An Amount Not To Exceed $390,432.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-182 An Ordinance Authorizing Additional Funding In An Amount Not To Exceed $19,169.29 For The One-Month Trial For Mercury Oxidation, Capture And Removal At Dallman Units 31 And Unit 32 With Redox Technology Group LLC D/B/A Redox Solutions For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $98,676.89, For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Thelien seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-183 An Ordinance Authorizing An Agreement With Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation For Turbine Valve Cartridge Overhaul Of Unit 4 In An Amount Not To Exceed $50,750.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Turner and Theilen seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-184 An Ordinance Authorizing Payment Of Bank Service Fees In An Amount Not To Exceed $70,000.00 To Illinois National Bank For Banking Services Through July 31, 2019, For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Hanauer made a motion to amend the agenda item to change the cost from $70,000.00 to not exceed $55,000.00. Alderman Theilen seconded the motion. The motion to amend passed on a voice vote of 10-0. Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Fulgenzi seconds the motion. Alderman McMenamin wanted to know if Illinois Nation Bank is aware of the amendment. Alderman Hanauer said that the Utility hasn’t spent more than $35,000.00 in a year on fees. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-185 An Ordinance Approving And Authorizing The Execution Of A Proposal With Ibiden Ceram Environmental Inc. For A Five-Year Term In The Amount Not To Exceed $671,000.00 For Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System Catalyst Management Services For The City Of Springfield For The Electric Division For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Turner and Theilen seconded the motion. Alderman Redpath wanted to know if the dollar amount was for the whole six years. Doug Brown with CWLP said yes. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-186 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 50, Section 50.30 Of The 1988 City Of Springfield Code Of Ordinances, As Amended, Regarding Electric Utility Rate Schedules In Renumbering Subsections In 50.30(m) And 50.30(n) For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman McMenamin made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Dicenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-205 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of A Water Agreement With Lincoln Land Energy Center, LLC. Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Turner and Theilen seconded the motion. Alderman Redpath asked Doug Brown to come up and explain this deal a little bit better. Mr. Brown said this is for the power plant that will be located in Pawnee. They wanted to change the deal because they will be using less water than originally thought. CWLP changed the fees because of the lower usage in water.

Alderman McMenamin wanted to know the distance from the water plant to Pawnee. Mr. Brown said that he did not know off the top of his head. There is a water main near the Ball Chatham school area that will be used; it’s roughly three and half miles. Lincoln Land Energy is required to pay for the water main hook up. Alderman McMenamin wanted to know if there were any bulk users of that distance. Mr. Ted Meckes, Water Manger for CWLP, said that Williamsville is the largest bulk user. CC Zerkle said that the amounts were lower because of newer equipment requiring less water.

The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, 2018-209 An Ordinance Approving And Authorizing A Settlement Agreement With General Electric International Inc. ("GE") And National Union Fire Insurance Company Of Pittsburgh, Pa. ("Nation Union") For The Dallman Unit 33 Turbine Mechanical Failure Totaling $4,520,751.30 And Authorizing A Refund Payment To National Union In An Amount Not To Exceed $1,500,000.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman Hanauer made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Donelan seconded the motion. Alderman Turner wanted to know if this was the dollar amount that the Utility was expecting. Doug Brown said yes it is. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-187 An Ordinance Declaring 10 Unclaimed Bicycles Being Held In The Springfield Police Department’s Evidence Room To Be Surplus Property And Authorizing The Springfield Police Department To Donate Said Bicycles To Contact Ministries And American Legion Post 809 Not-For-Profit Organizations Alderman McMenamin made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Theilen seconded the motion. Alderman DiCenso said that there are people that are leaving bikes behind and wanted to know if anything can be done about it. Chief Winslow said that there is not a lot they can do but take a serial number and maybe see if the bike is stolen. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-188 An Ordinance Accepting The Lowest Bid And Authorizing Execution Of Contract Number Pw 18-02-83 With Was Construction Company For The 2019 Sidewalk Program In An Amount Not To Exceed $1,713,356.00 For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Donelan made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Senor and Turner seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-189 An Ordinance Accepting RFP Pw18-21 With Clean Harbors Inc. And Heritage Environmental Services For 2018 Spring And Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collections For An Amount Not To Exceed $160,000.00 For The Office Of Public Works Alderman McMenamin made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-190 An Ordinance Accepting The Low Bid And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Number Pw 19-03-09 With Lincolnland Concrete Inc., To Purchase Ready Mix Concrete And Related Material For An Amount Not To Exceed $400,000.00 For The Office Of Public Works And The Office Of Public Utilities Alderman McMenamin made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-191 An Ordinance Accepting The Proposal Submitted By Knight E/A Inc. For Design Engineering Comprised Of Plans, Specifications And Estimates To Modernize Traffic Signals And Switch From One-Way To Two-Way Streets On 4th, 7th And E. Adams, For An Amount Not To Exceed $219,060.00, For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Hanauer made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. Alderman Hanauer wanted to know if this was budgeted this year. Director Mahoney said that it was in line 95 of the budget. The motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-192 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Adam Maletich For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2403 S. 5th Street In The Amount Of $82,000.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $32,412.60 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $114,412.60 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works Alderman DiCenso made motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Redpath seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0

Next, agenda item 2018-193 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Peter Grebler Revocable Trust For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2441 S. 5th Street In The Amount Of $6,700.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Redpath made motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-194 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Jin Zhi Chen For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2407 S. 5th Street In The Amount Of $65,000.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $2,000.00 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $67,000.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda on the consent agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-195 A Supplemental Resolution Notifying The State Of Illinois Department Of Transportation That Motor Fuel Tax Funds In The Amount Of $188,112.60 May Be Used For Land Acquisition For Springfield Rail Improvement Projects, MFT Section # 18-00478-00-Br, For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Turner and DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-196 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of A Supplemental Agreement With Hanson Professional Services Inc., For Design Engineering And Land Acquisition Services For The Springfield Rail Improvements Project For The Office Of Public Works Alderman Senor made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-208 An Ordinance Accepting The Lowest Responsible Bid And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Number Pw 19-03-05 With P.H. Broughton & Sons Inc. For The Fy 2019 Seal Coat Overlay Program In An Amount Not To Exceed $517,803.00 For The Offices Of Public Works And Public Utilities Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-197 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of A Redevelopment Agreement With Lumberyard Suppliers Inc. As Ls Building Products For Assistance In Redeveloping The Property Located At 3441 Lumber Lane Utilizing Lumber Lane Tax Increment Financing Funds, If Available, And Sales Tax Rebate, In An Amount Not To Exceed $1,200,000.00 Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Alderman Theilen seconded the motion.

Troy Reed, President and Co Owner of LS Building Products, said they are based out of East Peoria, IL. They are a building products distributor with seven locations. They are moving their faculty out of Virden because the area is too small and they are growing.

The motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-198 An Ordinance Providing For And Authorizing The Issuance Of Taxable Special Service Area (Legacy Pointe) Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2018 Of The City Of Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, In An Amount Not To Exceed $16,000,000.00 For The Purpose Of Refunding The City’s Special Service Area (Legacy Pointe) Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2009 And Special Service Area (Legacy Pointe) Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2010 Alderman Donelan made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman McMenamin seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-199 An Ordinance Authorizing A Supplemental Appropriation In The Amount Of $16,000.00 From Unappropriated Fund Balance For The Flexible Benefits Plan Fund Alderman Thelien made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. Alderman Hanauer wanted to know what the money will do. Director McCarty said they didn’t put the funds in the budget for this, but it is needed. This will pay for the administrator of the Employee Benefit Flex. This will not affect the Corporate Fund. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-200 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of Sub- Recipient Agreement No. 14-Sr-0008 With, And Authorizing Payment To, Fifth Street Renaissance Sara Center, For Property Located At 1520 N. 7th Street, Utilizing Community Development Block Grant Funds In An Amount Not To Exceed $546,370.00 Through The Office Of Planning And Economic Development Alderman Turner made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Aldermen Fulgenzi and DiCenso seconded the motion. Alderman Proctor asked to be added as a cosponsor to the ordinance. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-206 An Ordinance Authorizing Settlement In The Amount Of $980,000.00 With Comcast Of Illinois / Indiana / Ohio, LLC ("Comcast") Regarding Franchise Fee Audit Alderman Theilen made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. Alderman Redpath asked for an explanation of the agenda item. CC Zerkle said that this is a settlement of the audit findings with Comcast dealing with unpaid franchise fees, interest and penalties. Alderman Redpath wanted to know where the money will end up. CC Zerkle said the auditors gets one third of the amount and the rest would go into the general fund. The motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-207 An Ordinance Authorizing A Sponsorship Payment Of $30,000.00 To Springfield Sliders And Authorizing A Sponsorship Payment For An Amount Not To Exceed $10,000.00 For The Juneteenth Event To Be Held Tuesday, June 19, 2018, Pursuant To Article Vii, Chapter 37, Section 37.62 Of The 1988 City Of Springfield Code Of Ordinances, As Amended, For The Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau Alderman Turner made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Aldermen Senor and DiCenso seconded the motion. Alderman Proctor made a motion to accept proposed amendment number one to the agenda item. Alderman Senor seconded the motion. Alderman Turner said that there is an amendment that will decrease the amounts. The Sliders amount would go from $30,000.00 to $20,000.00 and the Juneteenth would go from $10,000.00 to $8,000.00. Alderman McMenamin wanted to know how much money was sponsored to the Sliders last year. Alderman Proctor said it was $15,000.00 he thinks. CC Zerkle said that is correct. The motion to amend the agenda item passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Alderman Redpath made a motion to divide the question so that the Sliders and the Juneteenth event would be separate agenda items. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0. Alderman Theilen said that there is a state law mandating that hotel/motel tax be used on tourism and not supplemental things. He wants to make sure that the city is using the money correctly.

John Boyles who has three hotels here in town, said he is concerned that the money being taken in by the hotel/motel tax is being used to bring in groups that will not fill hotel nights.

The motion to place agenda item 2018-207 on the debate agenda passed on a roll call vote of 7-3 voting yes: Alderman Turner, Alderman Fulgenzi, Alderman Proctor, Alderman McMenamin, Alderman Theilen, Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer voting no: Alderman Redpath, Alderman Senor and Alderman DiCenso.

The motion to place agenda item 2018-210 pertaining to the Juneteenth event be put on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-201 An Ordinance Approving The Transfer Of Property Located At 715 E. Cook Street, Springfield, Illinois, To Elijah Iles House Foundation For Redevelopment As A Carriage House Alderman Senor made a motion to place the agenda item on the consent agenda. Alderman Donelan seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0

Next, agenda item 2018-202 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Scot E. Dahl As The Director Of The Convention And Visitors Bureau Alderman Theilen made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion. Alderman Theilen wanted to know if he will be moving back into the city corporate limits within the time frame. Mr. Dahl said that is correct. The motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-203 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Neil Hervey To The Springfield Electrical Commission Alderman Donelan made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Alderman Theilen seconded the motion. The motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-204 An Ordinance Reappointing Roger W. Holmes As Inspector General For The City Of Springfield Alderman Redpath made a motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Aldermen Turner and DiCenso seconded the motion. Alderman Redpath wanted to know if Judge Mehlick needs to be reappointed too. CC Zerkle said that he would have to check and see if that is necessary. The motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda passed on a voice vote of 10-0.

Next, Alderman Hanauer said that he has asked CC Zerkle to draft an ordinance to recall the TIF money given to the Bright New Day project so that the money can go back into the downtown TIF fund. Mayor Langfelder said that they have spoken with the tax credit people and they are working on an alternative way of funding the project. CC Zerkle said that they see the project as viable, but are concerned about the developer.

Alderman Redpath gives credit to the Mayor and Corporation Counsel for trying to save the project, but people are tired of the project being stalled. Alderman McMenamin said that there are conditions put on the developer, and he has not met them. He doesn’t think the city is at risk because the money has not been paid.

Next, Alderman Proctor asked CC Zerkle to give a legal ruling on the definition of a private alley for the city; the location is Enterprise to Miller from Sixth Street to Seventh Street.

Next, Alderman Senor wanted to thank Director Juan Huerta for helping Miss Moore about her overdue CWLP bills.

Next, Alderman Hanauer wanted to know what is to become of the contract with Benedictine University, and are they fulfilling their part of the contract? Communication Director, Julia Frevert, said that the contract was for only a trial period and they fulfilled that.

Next, Alderman Turner said that there was a large shred event at Bunn this weekend and that it was a huge success and she would like to thank Public Works for putting that on.

Next, Alderman Theilen asked Chief Winslow to talk about the prescription drop off program going on this weekend. Chief Winslow said they will take back any prescriptions used or non used at HyVee from 10am to 2pm.

Next, Alderman Theilen said that 100 and 200 North Illinois Road people have been parking on the sidewalk and are being ticketed. He would like Public Works to make the street a no parking zone. Director Mahoney said that they are working with the residents.

Next, Alderman DiCenso asked that at the next Committee of the Whole meeting that Aldermen be given advance notice of any and all presentations.

Next, Alderman Senor wanted to congratulate Alderman Fulgenzi and his wife Sandy for being married 50 years. He would also like to say Happy Anniversary to his wife of 34 years.

Next, Alderman Proctor asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Senor made the motion. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0. The Committee of the Whole adjourned at 7:36 pm



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