City of Atlanta City Council met Aug. 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday August 6, 2019 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor McVey at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Colaw, Thomas, Young, Dreyer, and Cheek were present.
Evans was absent.
Motion by Cheek second by Thomas to approve the minutes as presented.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries.
Motion by Dreyer second by Cheek to pay all bills as approved by their respected chairman or as far as money allows.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries.
Carl Johnson discussed an exchange student and said thank you to our Fire Department for taking the time to show the equipment to this child.
Chief Eimer informed the council on actions taken at school. Investigations were on going into burglaries.
Alderman Young pointed out a problem in connection with a trailer blocking vision at an intersection. This will be looked into.
Alderman Colaw asked if the planter could be rebuilt that was damaged uptown. The area will be cleaned up and the repair was scheduled.
The Council took up the revised plat, for the commercial subdivision. The Attorney explained the revisions to the plat. Maps were given to the council for review.
An ordinance needed to be passed approving the new plat. This will be recorded.
The attorney was asked several questions which were answered.
Motion by Colaw second by Cheek to accept the ordinance to approve the plat as approved by the Planning Commission.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-no Evans-A
Motion Carries.
Mayor McVey and the attorney explained minimum wage rules going forward.
Alderwoman Cheek reported that work was being planned to upgrade the Welcome sign. The sign will be rebuilt.
Alderman Young asked about the $10,000 misc. expenditure in the Golf course. It was for taxes, provided by the partners.
Also, the Union Building was not on the Historic Register.
Alderman Colaw asked if the City could install the new Hawes Elevator sign on the Jodlowski property.
He also asked if the no Skateboarding sign uptown could be replaced. It was decided to take the sign down. Some Tourism signs needed replaced as well.
The Mayor gave the Council an update on several project either finished or nearing completion.
Future meetings with American Water and the Farnsworth Group will be upcoming.
Motion by Cheek second by Thomas to adjourn the meeting.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm