
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Williamsville Village Board met January 27

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Village of Williamsville Village Board met Jan. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Town Hall/board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Yokley. Clerk: Karen Winger.

Trustees: Dave Carter, Heather Hofferkamp, Patrick Gettleman, Matt Bunger, John Brennan. Absent: Trustee Tierney

GUESTS: See attached.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Yokley asked the board’s permission to move Ordinance # 2020-01, #2020-04, and Resolution # 2020-01 to the top of the agenda. No objections to the adjustment.

Trustee Carter made a motion to approve Resolution # 2020-01, a Resolution regarding that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Williamsville wish to show support for the WCUSD #15 zero tax rate change facility plan that would be used exclusively for WCUSD # 15 school buildings, facilities, and educational opportunities. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Mike Southworth stated he was contacted by President Yokley regarding obtaining a General Obligation bond for the upcoming sewer project. President Yokley stated he would like it sold to a local bank if possible. He also asked him to look at the library/museum bond that was obtained a few years ago. A $1.1 million bond would be needed for the sewer improvement project. Mike Southworth contacted UCB regarding interest rate on current bond and said there would be a refund on that bond. He stated UCB dropped the interest rate on the current library bond. He stated the lower rates are incorporated in the bond ordinance that is up for passing. There will be an approximate $89,000 savings on the library bond. The library bond is still payable in the same time frame. The closing on the bond will be held on February 4th for $1.1 million. There will not be a penalty for any additional payments on the principal. He stated this bond is pre-payable anytime without penalty.

Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve Ordinance # 2020-01, an ordinance providing for and authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020A of the Village of Williamsville, Sangamon County, Illinois, in the aggregate principal amount of $1,100,000 for the purpose of financing construction of improvements to the Village’s sewer system and General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2020B of the Village in the aggregate principal amount of $1,619,000 for the purpose of refunding the Village’s General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. Roll was taken. Trustee Tierney was absent. Trustee Gettleman voted “present”. Ayes: Trustee Brennan, Carter, Hofferkmap, Bunger.

A short recess was taken at 6:40 p.m. to allow time for President Yokley, Karen Winger, and Heidi Darow to sign the bond documents.

The board meeting resumed at 6:57 p.m.

Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on January 13, 2020. Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Gettleman made a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Session held on January 13, 2020. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.


FINANCE: Trustee Hofferkamp made a motion to pay bills as presented. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Carter made a motion to approve a $100 sponsorship to the Williamsville FFA Prime Rib Dinner. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Carter made a motion to approve Ordinance # 2020-03, an ordinance making appropriations of sums of money necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the Village of Williamsville, Sangamon County, Illinois, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2020. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY (John Brennan): Trustee Brennan had nothing to report.

WATER & SEWER, (Matt Bunger): Trustee Bunger made a motion to pass Ordinance #2020-02, an ordinance amending Chapter 155, Fees 155-10, sewers, paragraph D., user rate: gallons of sewage treated of the Code of the Village of Williamsville. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried. (This ordinance is to increase Williamsville sewer rates by 20%). This ordinance will take effect on the March billing.

Trustee Bunger stated even with the sewer increase, customers still pay a reasonable fee for the water and sewer services that are provided.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp had nothing to report.

President Yokley stated he has contacted Ted Contri regarding the proposal with different options for the Community Center renovation project. Ted will have those to President Yokley within the next week to ten days.

President Yokley and Trustee Hofferkamp thanked Speedway for the sandwiches and cookies they offered during the board meeting.

PARKS & RECREATION (Dave Carter): Trustee Carter reminded the board members of the Quarter Auction scheduled for February 11th. This Quarter Auction is to raise money for the park project.

Trustee Carter thanked the Williamsville Foundation for planning a picnic in the park on May 17th to help raise funds for the park project.

President Yokley showed the board members the leaf blower that will be at the Quarter Auction. He stated the winner of the leaf blower will also receive a $100 car wash card. He stated you can buy a square for $5.00 for a chance to win the leaf blower/car wash card. The proceeds will go to the park project. President Yokley stated these items have a $250 value.

STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS & STORM SEWERS (Patrick Gettleman): Trustee Gettleman had nothing to report.

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: President Yokley discussed Richardson Subdivision. He asked Kent Thompson to contact Allen White regarding this project. He stated since we have received all the permits from IDOT for this project, he would like to move forward with this project. He would like to finish the water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer on the property behind the library. He states this will cost approximately $30,000 for the material and labor. Kent Thompson believes this project will be less than $30,000.

Trustee Gettleman asked President Yokley if we have budgeted for this project in 2020. President Yokley stated it was not budgeted but the Village has some funds available for this project that we didn’t use last year. Trustee Gettleman asked the board their thoughts regarding this project. Trustee Bunger discussed his thoughts/concerns on the project. Trustee Brennan also discussed his thoughts/concerns on the project. Trustee Carter also discussed the project. Discussion was made regarding the road that would be needed for this project. The road could possibly be left as rock until funds are available. President Yokley stated we can’t sell anything until we finish the infrastructure. He stated once we sell some of the lots, we can use those funds to offset the cost of the road, etc. The installation of the road will cost approximately $210,000.00. President Yokley stated time is of the essence regarding the drainage. Kent Thompson stated that Allen White won’t be able to start until March/April.

Trustee Gettleman stated he would like to wait a meeting or two to discuss this project. He would like to meet with the realtors and get some updated figures on the lots. He would also like to get updated figures for the road, materials, etc.

President Yokley reminded the board members that this project would be spread within three funds – water, sewer, and general. He stated the property is costing the Village money by not having any homes on it. He stated it is costing the Village tax revenue.

Discussion will need to be made regarding the process of how to sell the six lots. President Yokley states he feels there were several misunderstandings the last time we did the auction regarding the infrastructure.

Trustee Brennan agreed that the subject needs tabled for a meeting or two, allowing time for current estimates.

Trustee Gettleman stated he will contact Kevin Kuhn for an updated cost for the project. The consensus of the board was to wait a meeting or two. President Yokley asked that the board wait no later than the last meeting in February.

Trustee Carter made a motion to pass Ordinance # 2020-04, an ordinance defining meeting and adopting procedures for electronic attendance at meeting. Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Gettleman made a motion to approve All Town Garage Sale and Town Cleanup for May 2nd from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The All Town Cleanup will only be a one-day event this year. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

President Yokley stated we schedule a shred event during the All Town Cleanup every other year. This is an off year, therefore; no shred event will be scheduled. BLH will be contacted to participate in our All Town Clean up this year. Donations will be accepted at the All Town Cleanup to help offset the expense of the event.

The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
