Village of New Berlin Board of Trustees met May 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Ordinance 20-07 Authorizing Expenditures Pending Adoption of Appropriation Ordinance
IV. Consideration of the Consent Agenda
- Treasurer’s Report – April 30, 2020 – Subject to Audit
- Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2020
- Bills
- Building Permit Report
V. Clerk
- Correspondence
VI. Police
VII. Audience
VIII. Tax Increment Finance District
- Projected Increment Generated - $319,839.26
- Ordinance 20-08 Redevelopment Agreement with S & S Enterprise Ventures Corp.
- Ordinance 20-09 Intergovernmental Agreement with New Berlin Township
XII. Committee Reports
- Utilities
- Superintendent’s Report
- Approval of IEPA Reimbursement Request #1
- Update on WWTP Facility
- Update on Birch St. Water Main Extension
- Summer Sewer Rates
- Resolution 05-2020 Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Easement Agreement with South Sangamon Water Commission
- Other
- Streets & Parks
- Superintendent’s Report
- Other
- Zoning
- Other
- Finance
- Present FY-2021 Budget for Approval
- Auditors – June 8
- Other
- Health & Safety
- Other
- Personnel
- Hire Summer Help
- Other
XIII. New Business
- Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector
- Ordinance 2020-10 Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
XIV. Old Business
XV. Liquor Control Commissioner
XVI. Executive Session
XVII. Adjourn