
Sangamon Sun

Friday, December 27, 2024

City of Auburn City Council met June 1


City of Auburn City Council met June 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Berola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk Barnhill took roll call. Due to 20-7 Executive Order issued by the Governor of Illinois  waves the “in person” to participating via remote because of the COVID19 Pandemic.

Present in Council Chambers: Tom Berola, Julie Barnhill, Chris Warwick and Lori Basiewicz

Present via ZOOM Teleconferencing: Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Bill Karhliker, Joe Powell, Ben Royer and Tracy Sheppard.  

Absent: None

Department Heads Present via ZOOM Teleconferencing: Attorney Greg Moredock, Chief  Dave Campbell, Superintendent Mike McCarthy, Assistant TJ Henson and City Office Manager  Kristy Ponsler.

Department Heads Absent: None

I. Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Berola welcomed everyone to the zoom videoconference.

A. Special City Council Meeting – May 28, 2020

1) Discussion of Emergency Passage of Alterations to Existing City Ordinances in Order for Businesses to Reopen Under the Governor’s Phase   Mayor Berola discussed the purpose of the Special Meeting on May 27, 2020 which was for the Council to approve an emergency ordinance to allow   business to open that serve alcohol outdoors and will be able to do so legally.  

2) Executive Session – PEPL Rate Case update (5 ILCS120(c)(11) Mayor Berola indicated that he needs an Executive Session regarding   Litigation -- 5 ILCS 120(c)(11) at the end of the regular meeting.

Mayor Berola also informed the Council that the next Council meeting, June 15, 2020, will be held in Chambers. If Council members still want to participate via Zoom, they are welcome to do so.  

II. Visitors/Public Comments

III. Zoning

A. Zoning Board Meeting June 10, 2020

Alderman Sheppard informed the Council that the next Zoning Board meeting is  scheduled for Wednesday, June 10, 2020 via ZOOM.

IV. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill

A. May 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Clerk Barnhill presented the Council the May 18, 2020 meeting minutes for their  review and approval.  

Motion by Sheppard second by Powell to approve the May 18, 2020 minutes. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. May 28, 2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes

Clerk Barnhill presented the Council the May 28, 2020 special council meeting  minutes for their review and approval. Alderman Basiewicz pointed out that the  minutes reflected Devonshire and it should say Auvenshine under Other  Discussion.  

Motion by Sheppard second by Basiewicz to approve amended minutes from May 28, 2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



V. City Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

A. Bills List May 19, 2020 to June 1, 2020

Warwick presented the Bill List May 19, 2020 to June 1, 2020 for the Council’s review and approval.  

Motion by Powell second Karhliker to approve the Bill’s List from May 19, 2020 to  June 1, 2020. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



VI. Attorney – Moredock

A. Second Reading: Resolution 84-20 A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on Hens

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the Second Reading: Resolution 84-20 A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on Hens for their review and approval.  

Motion by Royer and second by Basiewicz to approve Resolution 84-20 A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on Hens. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. Second Reading: Resolution 85-20, A Resolution Authorizing A Non Binding Referendum on Operating Cannabis Businesses within the City 

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the Second Reading: Resolution 85-20 A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on Operating Cannabis Businesses within the City for their review and approval.  

A motion made by Sheppard second by Royer to approve Resolution 85-20, A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on Operating Cannabis Business within the City. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and  Sheppard.



C. Second Reading: Resolution 86-20, A Resolution Authorizing A Non Binding Referendum on the Sale of Recreational Cannabis within the City 

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the First Reading: Resolution 86-20 a Resolution Authorizing a Non-Binding Referendum on the Sale of Recreational Cannabis with the City for their review and approval.

Motion by Royer second by Garrett to approve Resolution 86-20 A Resolution Authorizing A Non-Binding Referendum on the Sale of Recreational Cannabis with the City. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.



Moredock indicated that since these Resolutions were approved, the next step will  be for the resolutions to go to the County Clerk for certification.  

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



D. First Reading Ordinance 1481-20 Requiring Registration of Vacant and  Foreclosed Property

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council for their review Ordinance 1481-20 Requiring Registration of Vacant and Foreclosed Property. Moredock indicated that the vacant or foreclosed property address would have to be registered with the City. City Manager Ponsler asked how feasible it would be to track the owner down that is responsible for the property. Attorney Moredock indicated that they  would be tracked down by tax bill and will be held responsible. Moredock also  indicated that this ordinance, once approved, would apply here on out but not  retroactive.  

E. Ordinance 1479-20 Reopen the City of Auburn During Phase III of Restore  Illinois Plan

Mayor Berola shared the information regarding the Special Meeting that the Council held on May 28, 2020 where Ordinance 1479-20 Reopen the City of Auburn During Phase III of Restore Illinois Plan was approved.  

F. First Reading, 1480-20 – An Ordinance Amending the City’s Sexual Harassment Policy

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the First Reading, 1480-20 An Ordinance Amending the City’s Sexual Harassment Policy for their review.

VII. Department Heads

A. Police Department – Campbell

Chief Campbell informed the Council that the City of Auburn Police Department is currently back up for the Springfield Police Department during these trying times. Campbell also updated the Council on Troy Kissell. Kissell is due to take his state test on Thursday and video graduate on Friday.  

B. Public Works – McCarthy

Superintendent Mike McCarthy indicated that Alderman Karhliker would cover most of his information in his report. Alderman Royer asked a few questions: 

1) Will the City garage guys cut the necessary concrete so the building can be grounded? Superintendent McCarthy indicated that yes, they would be willing to do that. The necessary repair is due to lightning striking the Royell tower located at the northwest corner of City hall.  

2) Was hoping for an update on the power in the city square. McCarthy indicated that two weeks ago it was going through design. Superintendent McCarthy will call tomorrow for an update and will share with Alderman Royer.

C. City Office – Ponsler

City Office Manager Kristy Ponsler indicated that she is working on the insurance  claim to replace the sidewalk by Casey’s that was damaged during accident.  Paperwork has been submitted and then it will go to the Township of Auburn. Ponsler also shared with the Council that she would like to purchase a module so  utility bills can be paid for by phone. Ponsler shared that is would cost $1650 ($440 and $1200) start up and then $900 per year. Alderman Garrett doesn’t  agree that we should not do this. Garrett doesn’t see a value in this service when  you can already do it by their phone. Alderman Garrett doesn’t understand how  we would recoup $1600 per year for this service. Alderman Hemmerle indicated  that he did not feel that the City should be paying an extra $900 per year for this  service when we offer it online already. Alderman Royer asked if this service  would be available 24 hours per day and how many people have asked for this  service to be provided. City Office Manager Ponsler indicated that yes it would  be available 24 hours a day and she wasn’t sure off the top of her head how many  people have asked for this service. Ponsler indicated that she feels it would be  another avenue to pay bill. Hemmerle indicated that we stopped mailing bills to  save money and he feels that we shouldn’t have citizens to pay $900 per year to  have this service. Alderman Karhliker asked if we could trial it to see how many  people used it. Ponsler indicated that yes, we could do a trial, it would be a 30  day notice to remove the module. Alderman Royer asked if there is a way with  the current module that the office could help that person log in to pay their bill.  The answer to that question is yes it can be done.

A motion by Garrett second by Basiewicz to approve $1650 for the pay by

phone  module. (1-7-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz

NAYES: Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard 


Treasurer Warwick indicated that we need to remove the phone tree because it costs the Citizens of Auburn money and we don’t make any money on that program. Alderman Powell informed the Council that the County offers “free of charge” the same phone system that we currently use. Powell indicated that he had informed the Council of this before. Warwick indicated that we are in a contract with our current provider. Powell asked when the contract was up and Ponsler indicated that she would have to check into the length of the contract.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

Committee Meeting – May 27, 2020

A. Gas Hedge Agreement

Alderman Johnson informed the Council that Mr. Ron Ragan with Utility Gas Management (UGM) who serves as the city’s gas consultant was present at the Administration meeting on May 27, 2020. Ragan provided the committee documents and information regarding Natural Gas, Oil-Gas Rig Count and Price Contango. After some discussion, Mr. Ragan emphasized: a fixed price hedge locks in a given price to protect against further increases in gas prices; the PEFA discount would still apply to all PEFA fixed price purchases and it would be for index purchases; the PEFA volumes represent approximately 60- 70% of your monthly purchase volumes; and there is NO requirement o hedge  at any point, it is simply an option and the hedging agreement provides that  optionality via the PEFA Program

Alderman Garrett asked how the hedge agreement would affect our discount purchasing agreement with the Goldman Sachs group. Mr. Ragan stated that the PEFA program and the Goldman Sachs purchasing group are one-in-the

same and that the hedge agreement does not affect the purchasing of gas under  the PEFA program.

B. Final Draft of the FY21 Budget

Alderman Johnson indicated that Kristy did a good job with budget numbers for the FY21 budget. Johnson provided a FY20-21 Budget Comparison.  

A motion by Johnson second by Powell to approve the FY21 Budget as presented. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. Public Works – Karhliker

Sidewalks and Trees

Alderman Karhliker informed the Council that the Pubic Works Committee meet on May 27, 2020. Topic of discussion was sidewalks and trees.  


Alderman Karhliker shared with the Council the sidewalks that will be repaired:

600 N 5th Street

701 W. Madison

930 W. Jefferson Street

1018 W. Jefferson Street

1007 W. Monroe Street

Motion by Karhliker second by Garrett to approve the repair of sidewalks at 600 N. 5th Street, 701 W. Madison Street, 930 W. Jefferson Street, 1018 W. Jefferson Street, and 1007 W. Monroe Street. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



Alderman Karhliker would also like to remove trees at 1007 W. Monroe and 701 W. Madison.  

Motion by Royer second by Garrett to approve the removal of trees at 1007 W. Monroe and 701 W. Madison pending bids that are due by June 15, 3 p.m. in the City office. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer, and Sheppard



Alderman Karhliker shared that Benton’s will have information to him before the next council meeting regarding new sidewalk 4th and 5th Street on Van Buren southside of road.  

Alderman Royer would like to see Lost Caboose open for weekend dumping of branches and leaves. The committee agree to leave the gates open on weekends  for this until the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Superintendent McCarthy will  have an on-call person check on Last Caboose when out conducting checks of the  WWTP on weekends.

Alderman Garrett indicated that the weekend dumping had a very good response  so far.

Superintendent McCarthy was also granted approval to hire two (2) summer help workers without Council approval. Rod Brandt was also hired for mowing.,

C. Public Utilities – Johnson

1) Purchase storm pump at sewer plant

Alderman Johnson addressed the Council of wanting to approve the purchase of a  storm pump at the sewer plant. The original cost is $39,088.79 without shipping  costs.

Motion by Johnson second by Karhliker to purchase a storm pump for the sewer  plant not to exceed $44,000 including shipping. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



2) Utility Payment and Penalties/Shutoff for June/July

Alderman Johnson shared with the Council that the committee is recommending that they waive April payment (which was due May 31st) penalties and shutoff but moving forward all fees and shut offs will apply.

Motion by Johnson second by Royer to waive April payment that were due May 31st of penalties and no shutoffs; but moving forward all fees and shutoff  will apply. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer  and Sheppard



D. Health & Safety – Sheppard

1) Committee Meeting – May 27, 2020.

A. Police Vehicles up for auction

Alderman Sheppard informed the Council that the Committee is recommending placing two (2) Chevrolet Impalas and one (1) Chevrolet Trailblazer up for auction. Electrical components will need to be removed from both impalas with a cost of $200 each and installing a console but not to exceed $1000.

Motion by Sheppard second by Royer to approve the electrical  

components of both impalas be removed with a cost of $200 each and installing a console but not to exceed $1000. Once complete, then place two (2) Chevrolet Impalas and one (1) Chevrolet Trailblazer up for auction. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. Burn Ban

Alderman Sheppard shared with the Council that citizens are inquiring when they can start burning again. After discussion regarding the burn ban, the Council would like to recommend extending the burn ban.

Motion by Garrett second by Royer to extend the suspension Section  13-88 Burn Ban based on current Restore Illinois until July 6, 2020. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell,  Royer, and Sheppard



E. Health & Housing – Sheppard

Alderman Sheppard indicated that she did not have a report at this time.

F. Parks – Hemmerle

Alderman Hemmerle indicated that he would be reaching out to the UofI regarding the results of the survey. Hemmerle also indicated that he has had an inquiry from Ben Ladage about the status of the Softball League. Attorney Moredock explained the status of where we are in the Restore Illinois and that is only allowing practices or practice games at this time.

Economic Development Committee – Basiewicz Auvenshine’s Tae Kwon Do

Alderman Basiewicz indicated that she had previously mentioned the  

Auvenshine’s Tae Kwon Do was looking for a way to be able to allow their patrons to practice. Basiewicz has talked with them about the usage of the parks  within the City of Auburn. Alderman Garrett recommended that Auvenshine’s  Tae Kwon Do provide proof of insurance, just like other events that are held at the  City of auburn parks.

Motion by Basiewicz second by Sheppard to approve pending acceptance of the  liability waiver to allow public parks to be used for Auvenshine’s Taw Kwon Do  practice during Phase III of the Restore Illinois phase. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



Meeting – June 4, 2020

Alderman Basiewicz informed the Council that the next Economic Development Committee will be meeting on June 4, 2020 at 7 p.m.

IX. Other Business

X. Adjournment

Motion by Garrett second by Royer to adjourn to executive session to discuss Litigation 5 ILCS 120(c)(11) at 8:59 p.m. Passed by voice vote.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard


Motion by Johnson second by Royer to adjourn from executive session to discuss Litigation 5 ILCS 120(c)(11) at 9:11 p.m. Passed by voice vote.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard


Motion by Hemmerle second by Sheppard to come back in to meeting at 9:12 p.m. Passed by voice vote.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard


Motion by Garrett second by Hemmerle to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. Passed by voice vote.




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