Village of Chatham Village Board met March 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A. Call to Order
Village President Dave Kimsey called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Village President Kimsey started the meeting by addressing the family of Village Trustee Matthew Mau. Trustee Mau was killed in an automobile accident on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Village President Kimsey conveyed his deepest sympathies, and the sympathies of the entire Village to the Mau family and to Trustee Mau’s friends in the audience and throughout Illinois. Trustee Mau served for many years as a Village Trustee and he loved the Chatham community dearly.
1. Moment of Silence
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
Present: Trustee Brett Gerger; Trustee Dewey Detmers; Trustee Kristen Chiaro; Trustee John Fletcher; Trustee Meredith Ferguson; Village President Dave Kimsey
Absent: No one
Others Present: Village Manager Pat McCarthy; Village Attorney Greg Moredock; Village Chief of Police Vern Foli; Village Clerk Dan Holden
4. Public Announcements
Les Morgan, with the Chatham American Legion, announced that the Legion started their Annual Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 4, 2022. The Fish Fry’s will continue through April 15, 2022.
President Kimsey informed the audience that the agenda would be changed to reflect the desire to move the Resolution designating East Mulberry Street as Matthew Mau Memorial Street to a time before Public Comments on Agenda Topics. This was to respect the time of the family and friends of Trustee Matthew Mau. Once that business was completed, the floor would be open for any Public Comments on Agenda Topics.
C. New Business
1. A Resolution Designating East Mulberry Street as Memorial Matthew Mau Street in Honor of Trustee Matthew Mau
A motion was made by Trustee Chiaro to place Resolution 10-22 on the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Ferguson.
By an affirmative voice vote of the members present, the motion passed.
Returning to the Agenda – Call to Order
5. Public Comments on Agenda Topics
Each of the following individuals provided comments regarding Village’s proposed Net Billing Policy (New Business - Agenda Item #2 – Ordinance Approving the Village’s Net Billing Policy). Those individuals were: Nathan Pitcher; Michelle Knox, Nate Dodson, Jason Dozier; Rick Reiman; Scott Allen; Marty Monical; Robert Croteau; Philip Ross and Alan Davis.
B. Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
C. New Business – Returning to New Business after addressing Issue #1 previously
2. Ordinance Approving the Village’s Net Billing Policy
A motion was made by Trustee Detmers to bring the Ordinance to the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Ferguson.
Discussion ensued regarding the changes that were incorporated into the updated, proposed Ordinance. These changes were done with extensive research and discussion amongst the Trustees and the citizens of Chatham. Trustee Detmers provided two Excel Spreadsheets with information showing what a current resident is paying with the current policy and what that resident would pay in the future under the rates in the newly updated Net Billing Policy proposal.
The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. The vote was as follows: Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Detmers – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Ferguson – yes.
3. Public Comments on Village Business
There were no comments on Village Business
D. Consent Agenda
1. Warrants Resolution 11-22
2. Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Regular Board Minutes
A motion was made by Trustee Chiaro to place the Consent Agenda on the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Fletcher. By a vote of the Trustees present, the motion passed 5-0. The vote was as follows: Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Detmers – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Ferguson – yes.
E. Schedule of Meetings
1. Village Board - 6:00 pm Municipal Hall – March 22, 2022
2. Committee of the Whole - 6:15 pm Municipal Hall – April 12, 2022
3. Public Properties & Recreation Commission Meeting – 6:00 pm Municipal Hall – March 14, 2022
4. Planning Commission - 6:00 pm Municipal Hall – March 17, 2022
5. Village Board – 6:00 pm Municipal Hall – April 12, 2022
F. Closed Session
1. Personnel under 2(c)(1)
2. Collective Negotiating Matter 2(c)(2)
3. Litigation under 2(c)(11)
4. Setting the Price for Sale of Public Property 2(c)(6)
5. Review of Closed Session Minutes 2(c)(21)
6. The executive session will be pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) “The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.”
There was no Closed Session after the Regular Board meeting.
G. Closing
Trustee Chiaro made a motion to adjourn the Regular Village Board meeting. This motion was seconded by Trustee Ferguson. By an affirmative voice vote of the members present, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 pm.