
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Mechanicsburg Village Board met May 2

Village of Mechanicsburg Village Board met May 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Pledge of Allegiance

Calling of the Roll

Mayor VanPelt Present

Trustee Hamlin Present

Trustee Boles Present

Trustee Fisburn Present

Trustee Mattox Present

Clerk Billbe Present

Trustee Conn Present

Treasurer Lewis Present

Trustee Hohimer Absent

Recognition of Visitors: No visitors

Engineering Report: Phil Weber- Phil has stated that he is still waiting to hear about the outcome of the RDMS grant.

Zoning Report: Dorothy Cole- There has been 1 garage permit issued.

Police Report: No report

Approval of Minutes: The board approved the April 4th Board Meeting Minutes.

1st Motion: Trustee Boles

2nd Motion: Trustee Mattox

Ayes (3)

Ayes (3)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Conn


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed

Treasurer’s Report: The board approved to pay the monthly bills.

1st Motion: Trustee Hamlin

2nd Motion: Trustee Boles

Ayes (3)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Conn


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed


Board Approval of Resolution 2022-VOM-003, a resolution for the appointment of Trustee Fishburn to replace Trustee Mosley.

1st Motion: Trustee Hamlin

2nd Motion :Trustee Boles

Ayes (4) 

Trustee Boles

Trustee Conn

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed

Board Approval of Ordinance 2022-VOM-004, ordinance for the Annual Budget and Appropriation. There is a tentative amendment to change to ARPA funds to $15,000 instead of $10,000.

1st Motion: Trustee Hamlin

2nd Motion: Trustee Mattox

Ayes (5)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Conn

Trustee Fishburn

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed

Board Approval of Resolution 2022-VOM-004, a resolution amending the Motor Fuel Tax Budget. The budget amount appropriated has been increased from $32,000 to $34,000.

1st Motion: Trustee Hamlin

2nd Motion :Trustee Mattox

Ayes (5)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Conn

Trustee Fishburn

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed

Board Approval of Resolution 2022-VOM-005, a resolution authorizing Mayor VanPelt to enter a contract with JM Excavating for the removal of the building located at 211 S. Fifth Cross St. in the amount of $7,500.

1st Motion: Trustee Conn

2nd Motion: Trustee Mattox

Ayes (5)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Conn

Trustee Fishburn

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed


*All town garage sale will be Saturday, May 21st

*Village clean-up day set for June 4th from 7 AM to noon at the Community Park

*July 4th celebration will be on Monday July 4th



1st Motion: Trustee Hamlin

2nd Motion: Trustee Boles

Ayes (5)

Trustee Boles

Trustee Conn

Trustee Fishburn

Trustee Hamlin

Trustee Mattox


Trustee Hohimer

Motion Passed
