City of Athens City Council met Nov. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Welcome given by Mayor Reichert. Roll call was taken by Clerk Rhonda Ethell. All Alderman were present. Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Reichert asked Alderman Lantz for the cemetery report. Still looking for people for the cemetery board. Mower is going to mulch, ask city to vacuum leaves along fence if possible. No meetings again until March.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to accept the Public Works, Police, Treasury, Cemetery, Library, Vehicles and Office Managers reports. Motion made by Alderman Lantz seconded by Alderman Chernowsky. Motion passed.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to accept the October 2022 Meeting minutes. Motion made by Alderman Thompson seconded by Alderman Puma. Motion passed.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion for payment of bills. Motioned made by Alderman Lantz second by Alderman Chernowsky. Motion passed.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to move forward with the solar proposal for the sewer plant with no cost to the city. Motioned made by Alderman Chernowsky seconded by Alderman Lantz. Motion passed.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to purchase a 4’ pump and a metal detector for the water department, not to exceed $2,500. Motion made by Alderman Hoffman seconded by Alderman Lantz. Motion passed.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to approve the Health Insurance Plan thru Troxell for 2023 with the rate increase. Motion made by Alderman Lantz seconded by Alderman Thompson. Motion passed.
Council has asked for a monthly list of progress from Mr. Rathbone on the property on Main Street.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Alderman Hoffman seconded by Alderman Chernowsky. Meeting adjourned at 7:14.