
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Jan. 9

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Jan. 9 

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Deputy Village Clerk Charity Jones. On roll call, as read by Deputy Clerk Jones, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson, with President Kuchler presiding.

ABSENT: Village Clerk Saladino

OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Benjamin Schuster

Community Development Director Charity Jones

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. The video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler asked Deputy Village Clerk Charity Jones to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


President Kuchler stated that it was a sad day for the Village. Jerry Colula, known as JC, a member of our Public Works staff passed away. JC touched all the residents and business owners in many ways, but most of all the Village staff. JC could be counted on to make the repairs and keep everything running. He was fantastic at his job because of his skill and because of his personality. President Kuchler requested a moment of silence in remembrance of JC.

President Kuchler noted that JC worked for the Department of Public Works for 15 years and was beloved by many. JC served with distinction and was among the very best, performing all manner of duties. He established himself as a highly skilied tradesperson and the "go-to" person throughout the Village. Over the last 10 years, JC was an integral part of our Street Light and Municipal Buildings Division where he would routinely come in to work in the very early morning hours to check for outages and stay late into the evening to take care of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems at all of our municipal buildings.

JC was also integral in the Village's transition to a modernized pump station {or drinking water, establishing himself as an expert in the operations of a highly complicated system, and took on responsibility for ensuring safe drinking water for Village water customers. JC was the keeper of the Village Fountain, and we will always look upon it and reflect fondly on his commitment, work ethic, positive attitude and fun-loving nature.

JC's character and values will be sorely missed, yet they will live on in the legacy he leaves behind. We share our sincerest condolences to his wife Maria, their children, the rest of his family and friends. We thank JC for his outstanding service and commitment to the Village of La Grange, and may we all seek to embody his upbeat and good-hearted nature. Rest in peace JC.

President Kuchler reported that closing arguments in the Village's litigation with Hanson Ouarry concluded on January 9, 2023. On behalf of the Village Board, President Kuchler thanked Dan Stanner for the great job litigating on behalf of the resident's interest. He noted that the closing arguments went on longer than expected. President Kuchler stated that the judge allowed two weeks for both parties to submit any final briefs, indicating that the judge would be ruling in writing prior to March 9, 2023. He noted that the Village is anxious for the ruling and appreciate the time the judge took as it was apparent that he looked at the evidence and studied the law, asking very probing questions from both sides. President Kuchler stated that the Village presented a great case and expressed hope that the judge would agree.

President Kuchler stated that the trial is just one o{ several efforts that are ongoing where the Village is working with elected leaders and partner agencies like the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Cook County, to implement regional storm sewers to address the concerns raised by residents.

President Kuchler stated that recently the Village asked Congressman Sean Casten and Congressman Chuy Garcia to write letters in support of grant funding that the Village is attempting to obtain and their offices expressed an absolute willingness to help in any way they can.

President Kuchler announced that Congressman Casten will be hosting his first district town hall in 2023 at the La Grange Village Hall on Saturday, January 21 , 2023. President Kuchler stated that all are welcome to attend and ask Congressman Casten what he is doing for the Village of La Grange. President Kuchler noted that in early 2023, the Village will be meeting with engineers to decide the best course of action when planning the 50th Street.storm se,ier. He noted that for area north of 47th Street, engineers will be retained to complete the first phase of the study, which includes mapping the depressional areas. This will provide a preliminary idea of the best way to address the most houses in the various depressional areas. Results of the studies will be evaluated by experts and provided to the Board.

President Kuchler stated that Monday, January 16,2023 will be Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Village, the Race Diversity Group and other local groups who promote cultural diversity, awareness, equity, and inclusiveness will have events planned for the weekend. The first event will be on Sunday, January 15, at 3:00 P.M. at Nazareth to discuss the film "Montgomery to Memphis". This is a film that documents the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent campaign for racial equity and social justice. President Kuchler noted that Trustee McCee and her husband Maurice McGee are active in this event.

President Kuchler noted that La Grange is having the community celebration at the First Baptist Church of La Grange, 20 N Ashland where Trustee McGee is Reverend, along with her husband Reverend Maurice McGee. This event honors the life and legacy of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and starts at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, January 16,2023 with Reverend Dr. E.L. Branch as the keynote speaker.

Trustee McGee stated that this the first time in four years that sister Becky, part of the commemorative committee in La Grange, will speak to bring awareness to the community about the things that Dr. King stood for as well as trying to engage our youth in activities done across the nation to recognize Dr. King and the things he stood for. This year's theme is "lt starts with me." With this theme, we are trying to teach people to develop the mindset in the community for injustices and things that can be done to start to make a change in the community. The kickoff will be the movie at Nazareth Academy in the auditorium, doors open at 2:30 P.M. The next morning, the event at the church will start at 10:00 A.M. with a community breakfast and prayers by the different clergy in our community as well all surrounding areas, followed by the keynote speaker.

President Kuchler noted that all are invited to attend and that complimentary breakfast will be provided.

President Kuchler stated that the retirement of Chief Terry Vavra was recognized at the last meeting, as his last day was Friday, December 30,2022. President Kuchler stated that lnterim Chief John Buckley started on Monday, January 2, 2023, and would be sworn in during the meeting. President Kuchler recognized the firefighters in attendance and thanked lnterim Chief Buckley for coming to La Grange and providing his talents. He noted that the firefighter / paramedic testing that is the first step in the hiring process recently took place, and was successful. President Kuchler noted that the Fire Department is looking good, working hard and protecting all the residents and businesses, which is much appreciated.

President Kuchler noted that Chief Robert Wardlaw, has recommended Sergeant Ken Uher to be the Deputy Chief. The recommendation will go before the Board of Fire and Police Commission for approval.

President Kuchler stated that the administrative staff is in the process of recruiting a Human Resources (HR) Manager and noted that some excellent resumes have already been received.

President Kuchler stated that as a father of four, he understands teenagers, poor judgment and mistakes, but there have been more frequent instances of kids knocking over garbage cans in the Village. He noted that this is problematic and difficult for residents to be woken up in the early morning to trash cans being kicked over. Trustee O'Brien was one of the residents to wake up early to clean up the blocks affected. He also noted that video of the incident was captured on Ring Doorbells.

President Kuchler also noted that on the morning of January 9,2023, there was graffiti out in front of the Verizon store. President Kuchler noted that this will not be tolerated as it takes staff away from other duties. He noted that there are cameras in the downtown area and it is not only not a very smart thing to do, but destructive. President Kuchler asked that parents talk to their children and stated that sooner or later people are going to get caught and there will be consequences.


Village Manager Jack Knight announced that the Cossitt School public parking pilot program has concluded as of the end of December. He noted that School District 102 allowed public parking on the Cossitt School blacktop from Friday to Sunday evening during the month of December. Under the program, public parking signs were placed near the Madison and Ashland entrances. A sign was also placed at Madison and Cossitt intersections to direct motorists to the additional parking. As part of the program, Police Department staff routinely observed parking conditions over the course of the pilot program. Use of the lot will be further analyzed, however, we are happy to report that there were no issues of illegal overnight parking. Information gathered during the pilot program will be considered as the Village continues to evaluate future parking management strategies. The program was a collaborative effort by staff in several Village departments, and he thanked all those involved for their efforts.

Village Manager Knight announced the following upcoming meetings. The Fire Pension Board will meet on January 1Oth at 8:00 a.m. at the Fire Station located at 300 W. Burlington Avenue. The Plan Commission will meet on January 1Oth at 7:30 p.m. at 53 S. La Grange Rd. The Design Review Commission will meet on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:30 p.m. at 53 S. La Grange Rd.

Village Manager Knight reminded residents that the week of January 9 is the last week that residents can have their holiday tree picked up curbside. All ornaments, tinsel and lights should be removed prior to placing the tree out for collection. No stickers are required. He also noted that holiday lights may be recycled in the seven receptacles located in La Grange and La Grange Park.

President Kuchler asked Rick Colby, Director of Public Works if the Christmas trees are collected by the Public Works Department.

Director Rick Colby, stated that the Christmas tree pick up is done by Flood Brothers.

A. Appointment - Zoning Board of Appeals Commission

President Kuchler read into the record the recommended appointment of Matthew Thomas Dattilo to the Zoning Board of Appeals Commission.

Trustee Kotynek made a motion to approve the appointment seconded by Trustee Gale. Motion carried on a voice vote.

B. Oath of Office - lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler introduced the item stating that with the retirement of Chief Vavra, the Village Board considered candidates to serve in an lnterim Fire Chief capacity. The lnterim Fire Chief will work closely with all members of the Fire Department to execute assigned Fire Department priorities while a search is conducted for a candidate to serve as permanent Fire Chief.

John Buckley, formerly of Pleasanwiew Fire Protection District was identified as the candidate who would best meet the Village's needs at this time. He possesses excellent qualifications, and understands and has demonstrated management leadership over the course of his career. Mr. Buckley has over 33 years of experience in the fire service, working his way through the ranks including Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Chief / Chief Administrator for the Pleasantview Fire Protection District. Since last year, Mr. Buckley now provides interim Chief services for organizations in transition. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Service Administration and a Master's Degree in Public Safety Administration.

As it is a temporary appointment, the services of lnterim Fire Chief were proposed to be provided through an independent contractor agreement. As an independent contractor, the position will receive a weekly rate, prorated for partial weeks of service due to vacation or illness. The position will not be eligible for benefits such as health insurance, paid leave of absences or pension payments. The agreement will expire on June 30,2023, or earlier or later as provided in the terms of the agreement.

President Kuchler asked Deputy Clerk Jones to administer the Oath of Office to John Buckley.

President Kuchler thanked the Fire Department for their professional service and willingness to protect the residents of La Grange.




A. Agreement - Engineering Services - 2022-23 Sewer System Rehabilitation Project

B. Award of Contract - 2023 & 2024 Tree Maintenance Program

C. Resolution - Designating a Representative to the lntergovernmentaI Risk Management Agency (IRMA)

D. Resolution - Designating Village Manager as Authorized Representative for Mission Square Retirement Plan

E. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, December 12,2022

F. Consolidated Voucier 221226

G. Consolidated Voucher 230109

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Trustee Augustine stated that in consideration of her relationship with the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson Nays: None

Absent: None




Becky Lorenzen, 103 E Cossitt stated that the Community Diversity Group has been working on a project with Greenstar to put a mosaic mural at the Community Center, 200 Washington. The Diversity Group has been working with the Park District to gift this project to the community with a fundraiser to be announced in the near future.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Lorenzen and wished the group much success.

Laura West, 140 Sunset stated that much has been learned about storm water and the timeline of projects and intensity of what needs to be done to address these issues. One thing that everyone can agree with is that the trial has taken time and the time frame has been slower than anticipated. She noted that Maple Avenue Relief Sewer (MARS) 2029 is a long time away, but the intensity, severity, and impact of the storms and the subsequent water issues have gotten stronger and more severe. She noted that the corner of Sunset and Elm has been deeply impacted and is encouraged to hear the commitment to a study in the first quarter of 2023 to provide more detail and address these issues. She hopes that there are more immediate short-term plans to provide some relief. She noted that the residents are counting on the Village staff and Board and appreciate all their work.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. West.

Brian Murray, 124 S Waiola Avenue, noted that when they purchased the home they were aware that the garage was placed in an awkward location on the lot resulting in a large driveway and a lot that exceeds coverage standards. He asked the Board to consider amending the code to allow for variances in this circumstance.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Murray and stated that the Board has been made aware of the issue. He noted that options have been provided by staff to try to remedy the situation. Staff will continue to work with the homeowner.

Dan Stanner, Village Attorney, stated that the Village team was happy with the evidence presented at the trial and noted that there is a strong case to show that not only does the Village has and had an easement, but that the quarry knew about tie easement before they cut the Village's pipe. Mr. Stanner stated that the quarry intentionally interfered with the easement. The quarry's argument to.the courtionsisted ofihe position that they wanted to mine the land underneath the pipe and get the revenue and profits that came with it. Mr. Stanner stated that closing arguments ended on Monday, January 9, 2023.

Mr. Stanner noted that the Judge Cohen was very receptive, but seemed skeptical of the quarry's central argument that in 1992 the Village agreed to never put more water into the quarry. The quarry argued that when the Village started development of the 50th Street storm sewer project, that it was a violation of the alleged agreement. Mr. Stanner noted that the judge was skeptical of the argument that the Village would tie its hands in such a way in the future. Mr. Stanner noted that the judge requested the participants to return on March 9, 2O23, where a written ruling is expected.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Stanner for providing an update on the litigation. He noted that the trial was streamed, giving the Board, department heads, and residents, the opportunity to watch the closing arguments. President Kuchler noted how difficult it was to hear the attorneys for the quarry talk about how unfair and upsetting it was that the quarry might have to take in some water, knowing that our residents have put up with ruined and flooded basements, lost possessions and nightmares for years due to the flooding. President Kuchler noted how these comments seemed 'tone deaf' by opposing counsel. He noted how residents that had to put up with the flooding would have been sickened by those comments. President Kuchler expressed hope that the judge will rule in the Village's favor and the Village can move towards resolution.




President Kuchler stated that it was the Village Board's intention to enter into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; Section 2(cX1 1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation; and under Section 2(cX21) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed. He also stated that the Village Board will not reconvene to open session as no formal action will occur.

At 8:19 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Augustine to adjourn into Closed Session under Sections 2(cX1), 2(cX1 1), and 2(cX21 ) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; to pending, probable or imminent litigation, and to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed, seconded by Trustee McGee. 

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson Nays: None

Absent: None


At 9:30 p.m. Trustee Augustine made a motion to Gale. Approved by a roll call vote.




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