
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 31, 2025

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met April 26

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met April 26

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Action: 1.1 Roll Call

Board Members Barry, Bryant, Calderon, Phipps, Rediger, Strahle, and Saunders were present.


Action: 2.1 Adjournment from Regular Session to Closed Session

Board Secretary called for a motion to move into closed session.

Calderon moved to go into closed session. Upon said motion being seconded by Bryant, the Board Secretary called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Discussion: 2.2 Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)]

Discussion: 2.3 Contract Negotiations [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]

Discussion: 2.4 Purchase or Lease of Real Property [5 ILCS 120/2(C)(5)]

Discussion: 2.6 Litigation [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)]

Discussion: 2.7 Closed Session Minutes [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)]

Action: 2.8 Adjournment from Closed Session to Regular Session

Board Secretary Rediger called for a motion to move into regular session.

Strahle moved to go into regular session at 6:28 p.m. Upon said motion being seconded by Saunders, the Board Secretary called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."


Action: 3.1 Approval of Agenda

Board President Saunders called for a motion to approve the evening's agenda.

Rediger moved to approve the agenda for the Board of Education's regular meeting of April 26, 2023. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 3.2 Action Items from Closed Session

Board President Saunders called for a motion to approve the closed session minutes from February 22, 2023.

Bryant moved to approve the closed session minutes of February 22, 2023. Upon said motion being seconded by Strahle, the Board President Called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."


Recognition: 4.1 2023 GMS Wrestling State Medalists

Mr. Kendall Gibson, GMS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, recognized Glenwood Middle/Intermediate School wrestlers for their performance at the IESA 2A State Wrestling Meet. He shared that Eli Smith (8th grade) placed 2nd overall in the 155-pound weight class. Alfonzo Burrow (8th grade) also placed 2nd overall in the 185-pound weight class. In addition to Eli and Alfonzo making the podium at State, Ryan Pelzek (6th grade-65 lbs) and Julian Rammelkamp (8th grade-145 lbs) were state qualifiers. 

Recognition: 4.2 2023 GMS Volleyball State Champions

Mr. Kendall Gibson recognized the GMS 8th Grade 4A State Champion Volleyball team.  He shared that under the leadership of 8th Grade Coach Angie Riggle, our volleyball team completed an undefeated season, culminating in a 25-17, 25-18 state championship match victory over Homer Glen Homer.  Volleyball finished the season with a perfect record of 30-0. This class ended their middle school careers with an undefeated record in their 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade seasons while earning two state championships. Members of the State Champion roster recognized at the meeting are Memphis Barth, Ava Bobb, Blythe Burk, Sophia Feld, Sydney Feld, Hope Gilmore, Eva Johnson, Reagan Littrell, Alexis Neumann, Norah Raben, Kip Reincke, Jadyn Scott, Lauren Whitten, Moran Wiezorek, Kinsley Zellers and Coach Angie Riggle. 

Presentation, Information: 4.3 Food Service Annual Report

Mr. Chad Martel, Director of Food Service, presented his annual report. He addressed his concerns regarding increasing operational costs, staffing shortages, aging equipment and facilities, and reimbursable meal prices. Mr. Martel provided a top 10 list that includes updates in the LaSalle Purchasing Cooperative, budget status, low staff turnover, angel fund, student work experience and vocational partnerships, try it on Tuesdays, breakfast participation, increasing student choices, public health gold awards for all buildings, and the amazing staff. His presentation can be viewed in its entirety here.

Information: 4.4 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic

None were noted.


Action: 5.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

Board President Saunders asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Consent for further discussion. None were noted. Board President Saunders called for a motion on "Consent Agenda Items" as presented. 

Bryant moved to approve the consent items as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Barry, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, March 29, 2023

Minutes, Information: 5.3 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Meeting, April 5, 2023

Minutes: 5.4 Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting, April 12, 2023

Minutes, Information: 5.5 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, April 18, 2023

Action (Consent): 5.6 Treasurer/Financial Report

Action (Consent): 5.7 School District Accounts Payable

Action (Consent): 5.8 School Activity Account Reports

Information: 5.9 FOIA Requests

Action (Consent): 5.10 Renewal of IHSA and IESA Memberships for 2023/24

Action (Consent): 5.11 Show Choir Travel


Information: 6.1 Election Results from April 4, 2023 Election and Proclaim Winners

Board President Saunders noted the election results, as certified by Don Gray, Sangamon County Clerk:

Full Four-Year Term - Steven Bryant

Full Four-Year Term - Ryan Murphy

 This item was for information only.

Mr. Kyle Barry and Mr. Patrick Phipps shared their thanks to the administration, staff and community for the past four years. Members of the Board, along with Supt. Dr. Becca Lamon, acknowledged the years of service of Mr. Barry and Mr. Phipps, and thanked them for their dedication to the wellbeing of the District and the families it serves. 

Gift Presentation - Dr. Becca Lamon and sitting Board of Education presented Mr. Barry and Mr. Phipps with plaques thanking them for their service for the past four years. 

Action: 6.2 Adjourn Sine Die

As no further business for this board is noted, Board President Saunders called for a motion to adjourn sine die. 

Phipps moved to adjourn sine die. Upon said motion being seconded by Barry, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."


Action: 7.1 Oath of Office for Board Members

Attorney David Braun administered the Oath of Office to all board members: Steve Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Andrea Rediger, Tiffani Saunders, and Ann Strahle.

Action: 7.2 Selection of President Pro Tem

The Board Clerk called for a motion to approve Superintendent Dr. Becca Lamon as President Pro Tempore.

Calderon moved to select Dr. Lamon as President Pro Tempore. Upon said motion being seconded by Saunders, the Board Clerk called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 7.3 Roll Call-New Board

The Board Clerk then called the roll and noted all were present.

Action: 7.4 Election of Officers

President Pro Tem called for nominations for the office of Board President. Ms. Laura Calderon nominated Ms. Tiffani Saunders for Board President and Bryant seconded it. Ms. Saunders accepted the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, the President Pro Tem called for a vote on the matter by roll call. All board members voted "yes."

Board President Saunders called for nominations for the office of Board Vice President. Dr. Andrea Rediger nominated Ms. Laura Calderon for Board Vice President and Bryant seconded it. Ms. Calderon accepted the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, the Board President called for a vote on the matter by roll call. All board members voted "yes."

Board President Saunders called for nominations for the office of Secretary. Dr. Ann Strahle nominated Dr. Andrea Rediger for Board Secretary and Bryant seconded it. Dr. Rediger accepted the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, the Board President Called for a vote on the matter by roll call. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 7.5 Approve Board Policies and rules and regulations (Student Handbooks) of preceding Board of Education

The Board President noted that it is recommended that the new board take action to adopt all current board policies and rules and regulations in student handbooks until changed or modified by future board action. Board President Saunders called for a motion. 

Rediger moved to adopt all current board policies and rules and regulations in student handbooks and should be ratified in their current text until changed or modified by future board action. Upon said motion being seconded by Bryant, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."


Action: 8.1 Adoption of Personnel Consent Agenda Items

Board President Saunders asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Personnel Consent for further discussion. None were noted. Board President Saunders then called for a motion on "Personnel Consent Agenda Items" as presented. 

Bryant moved to approve the personnel consent items as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Rediger, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action (Consent): 8.2 Resignation of GHS Math Teacher - Tanner Nigh

Action (Consent): 8.3 Resignation of GHS Family and Consumer Science Teacher - Anna Recker

Action (Consent): 8.4 Resignation of GHS Attendance Secretary - Rita Riedesel

Action (Consent): 8.5 Resignation of GHS Custodian - Abigail Cunningham

Action (Consent): 8.6 Resignation of GHS Assistant Boys Tennis Coach - Caleb Klopfer

Action (Consent): 8.7 Resignation of GHS Assistant Girls Tennis Coach - Keaton Tilford

Action (Consent): 8.8 Resignation of GMS Special Education Administrator - Ashley Hinds

Action (Consent): 8.9 Resignation of GMS/GIS Speech Language Pathologist - Lauren Mahan

Action (Consent): 8.10 Resignation of GMS Paraprofessional - Jennifer Lucasey

Action (Consent): 8.11 Resignation of GIS 6th Grade ELA/Math Teacher - Kaitlyn Garcia

Action (Consent): 8.12 Resignation of CES Paraprofessional - Nicole Riddley

Action (Consent): 8.13 Resignation of GES SSO - Justin Masten

Action (Consent): 8.14 Retirement Letter - Pipeline 6% - Kelli Marchizza

Action (Consent): 8.15 Retirement Letter - Pipeline 6% - Jeff Reid

Action (Consent): 8.16 Retirement Revision of GHS Teacher - Patti Kaylor

Action (Consent): 8.17 Employment of Director of Transportation - Mark Daley

Action (Consent): 8.18 Employment of Full-Time Special Education Administrator - Aimee Puls

Action (Consent): 8.19 Employment of Full-Time GHS English Teacher - Alyssa Riley

Action (Consent): 8.20 Employment of Full-Time GHS Business Teacher - Jon Tribler

Action (Consent): 8.21 Employment of GHS Head Girls Basketball Coach - Alyssa Riley

Action (Consent): 8.22 Employment of GHS Head Girls Bowling Coach - Jeanine Schlecht

Action (Consent): 8.23 Employment of Full-Time GMS Study Hall Aide - Amanda Humphreys

Action (Consent): 8.24 Employment of Speech Language Pathologist - Ashley Hinds

Action (Consent): 8.25 Employment of Full-Time Paraprofessional - Derek Sincavage

Action (Consent): 8.26 Employment of Full-Time Technology Assistant - Justin Masten

Action (Consent): 8.27 Employment of Full-Time 9-Month Grounds Position - Frank Lowry

Action (Consent): 8.28 Certified Voluntary Transfers for 23/24 School Year

Alyson Dyer - GIS 5th Grade to GHS Physical Education/Health

Action (Consent): 8.29 Honorable Release of Temporary Bus Personnel

Action (Consent): 8.30 Leaves of Absence

Dr. Becca Lamon introduced the newly hired Director of Transportation, Mr. Mark Daley, to the board. 


Action: 9.1 RFP Tech 24-001 Copier/Printer Lease

Mr. Josh Mulvaney, Director of Technology, presented the bids the the copier and printer lease. He is recommending awarding Watts Copy Systems the District’s copier and printer lease for a duration of 36 months. The lease will cover the copiers, printers, maintenance, supplies, and copy allowance. The Board President called for a motion. 

RFP Tech 24-001 Bid Tabulation

Strahle moved to approve Watts Copy Systems as the vendor for the copier and printer lease for a duration of 36 months at a cost of $153,681.80. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 9.2 RFP Tech 24-002 Interactive LED Panels

Mr. Mulvaney presented the bids for the purchase of interactive LED panels. He is recommending the purchase of 50 interactive LED panels. The new panels would replace the existing interactive whiteboards at grades 1st-2nd  at all elementaries and one department at GHS. These boards are used on a daily basis and have become essential in teaching. Parts and supplies can no longer be purchased for the current boards. The Board President called for a motion. 

RFP Tech 24-001 Bid Tabulation

Bryant moved to approve the purchase of 50 NewLine 750Q 4K LED interactive panels from TwoTrees at a price of $1,799 and install of $205 a piece for a total of $2,004 per panel. Total cost of project will be $100,200.00. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 9.3 RFP Tech 24-003 Desktops

Mr. Mulvaney presented the bids for the purchase of Desktops. He is recommending the purchase of 105 desktops. These desktops would replace the current machines Glenwood High School Business Labs, District Office, Building Secretaries, and Building Nurses. This project would be following the current desktop rotation plan. The model chosen will match the model currently at GHS, GMS, GIS and the 3 elementaries allowing the district to stay consistent. The Board President called for a motion. 

RFP Tech 24-003 Bid Tabulation

Rediger moved to approve the purchase of 105 desktops from HPI at a cost of $775.84 per desktop for a total of $81,463. Upon said motion being seconded by Strahle, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 9.4 RFP Tech 24-004 Chromebooks

Mr. Mulvaney presented the bids for the purchase of Chromebooks. He is being proactive in seeking bids for purchasing a minimum of 375 Chromebooks and Chromebook OS Management Licenses. These Chromebooks are the 11” models used by students. These will be used to replace models currently being used by the elementaries that have reached their end of life updates from Google. The administration is also needing to begin replacing the 14” Chromebooks used by staff. The administration is looking to purchase 100 of these devices to begin that rotation. The Board President called for a motion. 

RFP Tech 24-004 Bid Tabulation

Bryant moved to award the purchase of a minimum of 375 11”Chromebooks from Virtucom at a price of $80,118.75 and an additional 100 14” Chromebooks from HPI Education at a price of $29,529. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, the Board President called for a vote. All board member voted "yes."

Information, Policies: 9.5 First Reading of PRESS Policies

Dr. Lamon shared that the policy committee has reviewed these changes that were due to change in Illinois State Law. This item was for information only.

Action (Consent): 9.6 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement - ROTCE

Dr. Becca Lamon shared that the agreement had language changes and minor changes to when meetings were to be held. It requires an action from both boards in order for the changes to take place. With no further questions, the Board President called for a motion.

Rediger moved to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with ROTCE. Upon said motion being seconded by Strahle, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."

Action: 9.7 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement - CACC

Dr. Lamon shared that CACC's agreement underwent some substantial changes to the structure of their two functioning boards, executive board and board of controls. She noted that previously there were seven board members for CACC and now every district that is served will have a board member at the table for equity in decision making. With no questions, the Board President called for a motion.

Bryant moved to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with CACC. Upon said motion being seconded by Rediger, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."   

Action: 9.8 Board Meeting Dates for 2023/24 School Year

Board President Saunders called for a motion to approve the board meeting dates for the 2023/24 school year. 

Bryant moved to approve the board meeting dates for 2023/24. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."


Information: 10.1 Future Board Meeting Dates / Dates for 2022/23SY

  • May 3, 2023 - Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting (4:00)
  • May 23, 2023 - Finance Committee Meeting (4:00)
  • May 31, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting (6:30)

It was also noted that there will be a special meeting held on May 15, 2023 that starts with the open session at 5:15 p.m.

Information: 10.2 2023 Board Appointment

Board President Saunders announced persons interested in filling a vacancy on the Ball-Chatham Community Unit School District #5 Board of Education should complete an online interest form located on the Ball- Chatham School District homepage or at bit.ly/2023BoardVacancy. Membership on the Ball-Chatham Board of Education is restricted to a maximum of three (3) members from any congressional township.  On this basis of existing board membership, Ball Township residents (T 14N Range 5W) are not eligible to fill the vacancy. The Board intends to hold special board meetings to interview and consider selected candidates. The anticipated date of the first special meeting is May 15, 2023. The new board member is anticipated to be installed on May 31, 2023. In order to serve on the Board of Education, a person must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, a resident in the Ball-Chatham School District for at least one year, and a registered voter. 

Information: 10.3 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic

None were noted.


Action: 11.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting

With there being no further business, the Board President called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Bryant moved to adjourn the regular session at 7:32 p.m. Upon said motion being seconded by Strahle, the Board President called for a vote. All board members voted "yes."
