Greg Stumpf (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 16 | Sangamon County
Greg Stumpf (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 16 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Public Health Committee met May 8
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
PRESENT: James Schackmann Chair, Marc Ayers, Casey Constant, Abe Forsyth, Gina Lathan, and Tracy Sheppard
ABSENT: Pam Deppe, Tim Krell and Greg Stumpf
OTHERS: Jeff Wilhite, Toni Perry, John Ridley and Mary Carter (secretary)
A quorum was present. Chair Schackmann called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. Chair Schackmann asked for a motion to approve the April 10th minutes. Sheppard made a motion and Forsyth seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
New Business
Public Health - John Ridley/Toni Perry Public Health Update
1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports Lathan made a motion to approve and Constant seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
2. Approve a salary adjustment for Hilary Yarnell, Supervisor of Clinic Services with an increase in salary from $70,129.17 to $77,142.09 effective 5/20/24. This is an additional duties increase.
3. Approval to hire a replacement El Service Coordinator at an annual salary of up to $61,527 effective 5/15/24; the previous employee was promoted on 4/8/24 and left the position at an annual salary of $53,461.08.
4. Approval to hire a replacement RN/Case Manager-Menard County at an annual salary of up to $65,531 effective 5/26/24; the previous employee left the position on 4/12/24 at an annual salary of $60,450 and left the payroll on 4/26/24.
5. Approval to hire a replacement Animal Technician at an annual salary of $37,856.07 effective 5/26/24; the previous employee left the position on 4/7/24 at an annual salary of $37,856.07 and left the payroll on 4/26/24.
6. Approval to hire a replacement Clerk Typist II-Clinic at an annual salary of $41,095.80 effective 5/26/24; the previous employee left the position on 4/12/24 at an annual salary of $41,095.80 and left the payroll on 4/26/24.
7. Resolution to approve the application and forward to Finance for acceptance of the Respiratory Surveillance and Outbreak Response from the Illinois Department of Public Health in the amount of $740,000. This is a new grant. Matching funds not required.
8. Resolution to approve the application and forward to Finance for acceptance of the Early Intervention Grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services in the amount of $1,123,762. This is a renewal. Matching funds not required.
9. Resolution to approve the application and forward to Finance for acceptance of the State Opioid Response Grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services in the amount of $675,000. This is a renewal. Matching funds not required.
10. Resolution to approve the application and forward to Finance for acceptance of the Firearm Safe Storage Strategies Grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health in the amount of $60,000. This is a new grant. Matching funds not required. Sheppard made a motion to approve #2-10 and Constant seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
Old Business
• Procurement/Grant Notifications- (report only)
Public Comment - none
Constant made a motion to adjourn and Lathan seconded. Motion carried (6-0) and the meeting adjourned at 5:27pm.