
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 31, 2025

Menard County Board of Commissioners met June 27


Menard County Board of Commissioners met June 27

Here are the minutes provided by the commissioners:

The Menard County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Menard County Courthouse, 102 S. Seventh Street, Petersburg, Illinois. Commissioners Bob Lott, Ed Whitcomb, Troy Cummings, Jeff Fore, and Rich Brauer were physically present. A quorum was present. County Clerk Martha “Marty” Gum, County Coordinator Dara Worthington, and Sheriff Mark Oller were also present. Treasurer Molly Bettis and State’s Attorney Gabe Grosboll were absent.

Chairperson Bob Lott called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Commissioner Brauer moved to approve the Regular Minutes and Executive Session Minutes from June 11, 2024, as well as the May 2024 Department Expense Reports. Commissioner Fore seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

John Ridley – Menard County Health Department Director

Director Ridley presented the Board with the 2023 Menard County Annual Report. He advised that there will be a community meeting held on July 18, 2024 to target the needs of county residents. He also discussed items such as the need for an RN from Menard County to staff the clinic and one support person; the desire to get involved with the school systems with regard to vaccinations and school physicals; violence prevention starting in Sangamon County and to move to Menard County if wanted; the van has arrived and is being wrapped the second week of July for use in both counties.

Joe Crowe – Menard County Zoning Officer

Zoning Officer Crowe was in attendance and presented the Board with an update on the department’s current projects. Crowe advised that so far in 2024 the County has issued 86 permits with 33 of those discovery through the Change Finder flyover. He advised that the Ordinance Committee will be holding a meeting in July to begin work on the new zoning ordinance. Chairman Lott inquired of the Board’s opinion as to the Zoning Office obtaining a retired vehicle from the Sheriff’s Office. The Board asked County Coordinator Worthington to check with the County’s insurance company before a decision was made.

Highway Department’s Report/Request for Board Action

County Highway Engineer Dowd was in attendance and presented the Board with an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the Road Districts. Commissioner Whitcomb moved to approve the Agreement. Commissioner Fore seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.  Engineer Dowd then presented the Board with an update on his department’s current projects.

Kolbe Huss – EMS/EMA Chief

EMS/EMA Chief Huss was in attendance and provided the Board with a draft letter to the City of Petersburg with regard to the stream gauge located on the State Highway 123 bridge and the withdrawal of himself and any County-sponsored funding for the project as the City of Petersburg is responsible for the floodplain management and mitigation for that project. Chief Huss advised that he is working on the audit for Medicare. He also advised that he is starting an in-house compliance program. Chief Huss also discussed the Business Association Agreement and the Medicare and Medicaid rate increases that are upcoming.

Sheriff’s Report/Requests for Board Action

Sheriff Mark Oller was in attendance and updated the Board on the current jail census at a total of 5 inmates; Menard County’s assistance with picking up Cass County inmates from Sangamon County and bringing them to hold in the Menard County jail; Johnson Control has been installing the new fob system for the new doors and the Sheriff’s office will be preparing the ID’s and a policy for such; the Porta school resource officer increase has been approved by the school and in planning for the 2024 Menard County Fair, the Illinois Secretary of State Police and Department of Natural Resources will send officers to help with the concert.

Treasurer’s Department Report/Requests for Board Action

County Coordinator Dara Worthington, in the absence of Treasurer Bettis, advised the Board that tax payments are starting to come in and the process is running smoothly.

County Clerk’s Report/Requests for Board Action

County Clerk Gum was in attendance and presented a firework application for Lake Petersburg Association for review and approval. Commissioner Brauer moved to approve the application. Commissioner Fore seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

State’s Attorney Report/Requests for Board Action

Assistant State’s Attorney Gwen Thomas, in the absence of State’s Attorney Grosboll, was in attendance and provided the Board with an update with regard to the Chautauqua Sanitary District issue.

County Coordinator’s Report/Requests for Board Action

Coordinator Worthington was in attendance and presented the Sangamon County Department of Public Health bill for July 2024 for payment approval. Commissioner Fore moved to approve the request. Commissioner Whitcomb seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Coordinator Worthington discussed items such as: conference call with auditors; Personnel Policy update; Sunny Acres Nursing Home Employee Handbook update; the need for appointment of a new member for Board of Review; wrapping of the Sunny Acres Nursing Home van; draft job description for the proposed Property Maintenance Specialist; Sunny Acres Nursing Home hydrant installations; progress with All Paid accessibility for County offices; boardroom remodel; Sunny Acres Nursing Home complaint; Lincoln Land Community College installation of new solar panels; UCCI Annual Conference in Galena; and Sunny Acres Nursing Home signage.

Individual Board Members – Report/Requests for Board Action

Commissioner Brauer advised that he spoke with Rosenthal regarding the Route 97 road repair through Petersburg. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Brauer is to write an article for the Board’s review to be published in the local paper. Brauer also advised of his concern of the increase in property taxes.

Commissioner Fore thanked the Board for covering for him while he was not present.

Commissioner Cummings advised the Board that there are four vacancies at Countryside Estates, advised that ten CNA’s were terminated creating the need to hire people to fill those openings and that there will be an Open House on July 13, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Countryside Estates. He also discussed the fire hydrants at Sunny Acres Nursing Home. He advised that Menard County Animal Protection is holding a golf outing on July 6, 2024.

Commissioner Lott discussed with the Board the overview of the construction projects and the possible financing of them. It was the consensus of the Board to move forward.

Executive Session

Commissioner Cummings moved to go into Executive Session, for the purpose of personnel at 10:59 a.m. Commissioner Fore seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


With no other business coming before the Board, Commissioner Fore moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:22 a.m. Commissioner Brauer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
