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Illiopolis Sign | Village of Illiopolis | Facebook
Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Nov. 4
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Reed called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present. M Pevler was present by phone
The agenda was adopted as amended. J DeVore and seconded by S McIntyre All ayes
J DeVore made a motion to approve the October 21, 2024 meeting minutes seconded by S Perry All ayes Motion carried 5-0-0
Trustin Harrison was present to talk about permitting and working with Sangamon Country Zoning for permits with the Board. The Village would still do permitting for fences and decks and zoning inspections. The Board will need to pass an Intergovernmental Agreement at the next meeting.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
Economic Development Report
Mayor Reed gave an update on the progress of solar at the Brownfield site.
Engineering Report
Engineers from Milano Grunloh and Kuhn and Trello have been helping the Village with obtaining and administering grants. The Village currently has 4 grants in progress.
Old Business
After a discussion on placement of the deck for Angela Whitehead D Koonce made a motion to approve the building permit for the deck amending it to 8 feet instead of the original 10 feet. S McIntyre seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0
Discussion was held on possible signage for the burn pile. D Koonce made a motion to approve purchase and installation of signs at the burn pile with S Perry seconding Roll Call Al Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0 Mayor Reed also informed the Board that a partial clean up of the burn pile was done on Friday.
New Business
Discussion was held on the 2024 tax levy rate. This levy is used to pay for the Village police protection. D Koonce made a motion to extend a tax levy in the amount of $29,625 for 2024 with S McIntyre seconding Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0
Discussion was held on changing the water supply testing program. The Village is currently using PACE Analytical for water testing. Samples can be taken into Springfield for testing through the IEPA testing program. The Board decided to switch from PACE to IEPA starting January 2025.
Dilapidated Property
D Koonce contacted Terminix about the racoon issue in townTerminix said it would cost approximately $1,000 per racoon to take away and releaseD Koonce will check into other options.
S McIntyre updated the Board on the bench for Sam Rogers. The bench will be need to be bolted into place. The placement of the bench will be on the pad by the tree dedicated to Sam Rogers by the Community Club.
M Pevler gave an update on chicken permits. Permits need to be filled out and inspected every year. Reminder notices have been sent out. M Pevler asked if the clerk could put a permit in the reminder notices.
B Honea asked about the procedure on stickers for Golf Carts and street legal 4x4. An article was put in the paper notifying the residents of the Ordinance changing the date to calendar year for renewal. D Koonce asked what should be done if we see someone who does not have a permit for golf cart or street legal 4x4. M Pevler informed him to tell them that a permit is required and they can get them at the Village Hall.
Mayor Reed mentioned to the Board about a Rural Development Grant that we are applying for. More information is still needed for the application. Mayor Reed asked the attorney if we could put liens on the property of residents whose meters have been pulled due to non-payment of water bill. Attorney Segatto agreed that liens should be placed on those properties and balances should be kept on the accounts. The mayor told the Board that the new Illiopolis sign should be in next few weeks.
D Koonce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p,m, with S McIntyre seconding All Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0