Daniel T. Robbins, Circuit Clerk | Montgomery County Illinois Website
Daniel T. Robbins, Circuit Clerk | Montgomery County Illinois Website
Montgomery County Board Coordinating Committee met Dec. 26
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Roll Call- Members Present: Doug Donaldson, Mark Hughes, Andy Ritchie, Chad Ruppert, and Dr. Patty Whitworth
Members Absent: Ethan Murzynski
Others Present: County Board Administrator Mike Plunkett, Supervisor of Assessments Kendra Niehaus, Circuit Clerk Daniel Robbins, County Clerk Sandy Leitheiser, Hillsboro Community Planner Sarah McConnell, EMA/EPA Director Dan Hough, Sheriff Tyson Holshouser, Treasurer Nikki Lohman, County Board member Chris Daniels
Public Comments: None
Coordinating Committee: Doug Donaldson, Board Chairman
1. Information Systems Report Update/Approval: Curt Watkins was not present.
2. EMA Report Update/Approval: Dan Hough reported one volunteer has spent 78 hours working in the EMA office, and another has spent 46 hours. Hough said he will be at a conference Jan. 5-8.
3. West Central Development Council/Job Center Board/CEO Board Update/Approval: Committee member Ritchie described an Open House he attended on Dec. 18.
4. Ad Hoc Committee to Address SB3455 Wooded Acreage Assessments Update/Approval: Chairman Donaldson said the committee will act in an advisory capacity to give input into the process described by SB3455, and will not have any personnel input. He said an initial meeting date is still pending. Donaldson said he intends to appoint County Board members Chad Ruppert, Christine Daniels, Andy Ritchie, and Russell Beason to the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, along with public members John Lentz, Jesse Boehler, and Ron Deedrick.
5. Property Insurance on New Construction Update/Approval: Treasurer Lohman suggested committees check with the property insurance agent during the new construction and bidding process to make sure ongoing insurance costs are known.
Chairman Donaldson asked the item to be placed on the Buildings & Grounds and Roads & Bridges committee agendas.
6. ARPA Treasure's Office Carpet Bids Update/Approval: Chairman Donaldson opened carpet bids fi'om Quality Flooring of Litchfield for $5,710.11 and from Petroski Door, Window & Flooring of Donnellson for $6,620.20 to replace carpet in the Treasurer's Office, and one bid from Greg Chambers for carpet installation for $4,930. Remaining ARPA funds will be used for the project. Motion by Hughes and second by Ritchie to award bids of $5,710.11 to Quality Flooring of Litchfield and $4,930 to Greg Chambers for carpet replacement in the Montgomery County Treasurer's Office and Break Room. All in favor, motion carried.
7. Litchfield TIF 4 Update/Approval: Committee member Ritchie reported he voted in favor of a new Litchfield TIF district as he represented the County Board at a Taxing District meeting on Dec. 18 in Litchfield for a new residential TIF district that seeks to provide new single-family and multi-family developments near St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.
8. National Law Enforcement Day (Jan. 9) Proclamation Update/Approval: Chairman Donaldson will present a resolution at the January County Board meeting.
9. Nextlink Update/Approval: County Clerk Leitheiser reported Mike Johnson of Nextlink visited and she introduced him to County Board Administrator Plunkett. Johnson asked the project manager to update the county, and his report was provided to committee members, and reported that due to staffing difficulties there are no Montgomery County customers yet.
10. Other Business: County Clerk Leitheiser said she has reviewed Mental Health Board member terms and found several reappointments are necessary.
Development & Personnel Committee: Chad Ruppert Chairman
1. Small Biz G .. ant Application Update/Approval: The committee will meet with several more new applicants.
2. County Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Update/Approval: The committee will continue to review.
3. Animal Control Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss.
4. Plains Solar Update/Approval: The committee will review revisions made after the Dec. 16 public hearing, and discuss a recommendation to the County Board.
5. DCEO Energy Transition Gran! Update/Approval: County Board Administrator Plunkett said all monthly reports to date have been approved and a reimbursement check of nearly $1.2 million is anticipated.
6. City-Wide Clean-Up Grant Update/Approval: Committee Chair Ruppert asked Treasurer Lolnnan to suggest policy and procedure for re-implementation.
7. TIF District Update/Approval: Public hearings have been scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, for the proposed new Litchfield TIF, and for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27, for the proposed new Nokomis TIF.
8. Post-Employment Final Payment Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss.
9. Rivers & Routes Tourism Resolution Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss.
10. Other Business: None
Buildings and Grounds: MarIe Hughes. Chairman
1. Courthouse Chiller Bid Opening Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss bids.
2. Maintenance and Cleaning Issues and RepOt'! Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss the report.
3. Courthouse Annex Table Request Update/Approval: Regional Superintendent Julie Wollerman would like to replace tables in the Annex and has submitted photos. The committee will review and discuss the request.
4. County Board Room AV Work Feb. 3-7 Update/Approval: Court AV upgrades in the County Board Room are scheduled for Committee Week in February. Meetings will likely be switched to the Courthouse Annex.
5. Green Diamond Bike Trail Update/Approval: A Quit Claim deed remains pending.
6. Other Business: None
Roads and Bridges Committee:
1. UKA Virden Wind Road Use Agreement Update/Approval: In the absence of Committee Chair Murzynski, Chairman Donaldson said the County Engineer continues to review the submitted Traffic Impact Analysis.
2. Resolution Appropriating Funds fOt' Engineer Salary Update/Approval: At last word, paperwork from the State of Illinois was still pending.
3. Other Business: None
Finance and Budget Committee: Andy Ritchie, Chairman
1. SOA Report Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss.
2. Capital Improvement & Coal Fund Reports Update/Approval: The committee will review and discuss.
3. MCSO Vehicle Bid Award Update/Approval: The committee will open and review bids.
4. Unified Child Advocacy Network (YCAN) Update/Approval: Sheriff Holshouser said UCAN has asked to address the committee.
5. IRS Mileage Rate Effective Jan. 1 Update/Approval: Plunkett reported the IRS mileage rate will increase to 70 cents a mile on Jan. 1.
6. Other Business: Treasurer Lohman asked for a county credit card policy to be placed on the agenda, and Chairman Donaldson asked for education incentives for township assessors to be placed on the agenda.
Appointments: None
Motion to adjourn by Ruppert and second by Hughes. All in favor, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:42 a.m. The summaries of minutes were respectfully submitted by acting secretary Mike Plunkett, as deputized by Montgomery County Clerk/Recorder Sandy Leitheiser.