
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Dec. 2

Webp 4

Illiopolis Sign | Village of Illiopolis | Facebook

Illiopolis Sign | Village of Illiopolis | Facebook

Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Dec. 2

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Reed called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A roll call was taken, all members were present except Bryon Honea. 


The agenda was adopted as presented.  


D Koonce made a motion to approve the November 18, 2024 meeting minutes seconded by S McIntyre All Ayes Motion carried 5-0-0 


Hunter Martin was present to give an update on the progress at the Fishing Pond. Hunter went over his expenses and said that he was done purchasing items for reimbursement from the Village.  He is feeding and checking on the fish daily. Hunter and the Board discussed the signage to be used at the site before opening the Fish Pond to the public.  

Open Forum

Treasurer’s Report

Economic Development Report

Engineering Report

P Weber from Kuhn & Trello gave a report on Pavement Resurfacing Project for the Village. Two options were presented and discussed. Oil and chip looks like the best option and use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Two big areas, Matilda Street and Dye Road could be done with possible grants, USDA loans or bonds. The focus at this time will be the Village streets. A report was also submitted by MG Engineers and will be reviewed by the Board. P Weber also gave an update on the Hydrant Grant and possible work to replace some leaking hydrants in the spring.  

Old Business

New Business

J DeVore made amotion to approve Resolution 2024-07 authorizing the execution of a Certified Water Operator Contract with Jonathon Closs for 2025. D Koonce seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried  5-0-0

S McIntyre  made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-08 authorizing the execution of a Certified Waste Water Operator Contract with Jonathon Closs for 2025 J DeVore seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried  5-0-0    

Discussion was held on the purchase of influent fencing at the Water Treatment Facility by General Fence. D Koonce made a motion to approve purchase of fencing from General Fence with a not to exceed amount of $1,893  with S McIntyre seconding Roll Call All Ayes  Motion Carried 5-0-0

Discussion was held on a pole barn building permit for Rodger Reed. D Koonce mad a motion to approve the building permit for Rodger Reed. S McIntyre seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0

Dilapidated Property

Update was given on the property at 631 W Matilda with the trailer and assorted trash. Resident requested a little more time to get area cleaned. Mayor Reed will check back on cleanup.

D Koonce asked about vehicles licensed but not being moved. Attorney Segatto said that as long as they run and are licensed, they do not need to move.  The rope on the flag at Illio Park will be replaced by the Village after it broke over Thanksgiving.


S McIntyre and Mayor Reed showed the Board three options for playground equipment for Westside Park. There are various options the Village can choose and would affect the cost. The current layout being considered is approximately $88,487.

Mayor Reed mentioned to the Board that the Board of Elections notified the Village that there are only three 4 year terms open and one 2 year term open for election in April. The 4th person with the most votes will be appointed to the 2 year term. If they do not want to accept the appointment then it will be offered to the next candidate.  

The bench for Sam Rogers is ready to be placed in the park and his family will be notified and a date will be arranged.

All Village employees will need to complete Sexual Harassment Training before December 31st. The clerk will send out a link to where training can be done.

The Mayor informed the Board of an inquiry into moving the water meter for a potential business on the west end of town. Discussion followed and the Mayor will let the business owner know of their discussion. The mayor also told the board he was actively working on getting the past due water accounts up to date and possible changes to the Ordinance.  

S McIntyre made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p,m, with D Koonce seconding  All Ayes Motion Carried 5-0-0
