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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Dec. 18

Webp 14

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Dec. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members present

Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM


Procedural: 2.01 Vice President Calderon called the meeting to order at 6:30PM

Procedural: 2.02 Pledge of Allegiance- all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: 2.03 Roll Call- board clerk called the roll. Members present were Bryant, Calderon, Murphy, Phipps, Rediger, Strahle. Absent was Saunders. Also in attendance were Dr. Lamon and Jen Farnsworth.


Action: 3.01 Approval of Agenda

Vice President Calderon asked for a motion to approve the agenda for the meeting of December 18, 2024.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 3.02 Action Items from Closed Session - there were no action items from closed session

Action: 3.03 Item from Closed Session the Termination of Employee

Vice President Calderon asked for a motion to approve the termination of employee discussed in Closed Meeting.

Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle


Recognition: 4.01 Girls Cross Country Team

Coach Mike Garber addressed the board regarding the IHSA Girls 2A Cross Country Team third place finish at State. Coach indicated that the girls had lots of illness and not injuries, and that was a challenge. Student athletes are studying today. Coach has plans to build for next year. Proud of third place finish at state.

The Board recognize the team with congratulations and provided Coach Garber with certificates from the Board to present to the team.

Recognition: 4.02 CACC Students of the Month

Acknowledge CACC students of the month. Rediger read the names of the students that were October CACC Students of the Month. The Board recognized the two students that were present and came forward.  

Recognition: 4.03 IL State Scholars

Calderon read the names of the student, those students present came forward. The Board recognized and congratulated the 47 Glenwood HS students that were named 2025 IL State Scholar recognition by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The IL State Scholar program is awarded to high school seniors based on SCT/SAT test scores, the sixth semester unweighted class rank, and GPA. These IL State Scholars rank in the top 10 percent of the state's high school seniors.

Presentation: 4.04 GHS Honest Game

Brad Kyes and Ryan Green presented GHS Honest Game program. The program was implemented in the 2022-23 school year. Student athletes are getting courses to the level to reach academic standards for NCAA acceptance. Kyes also explained the care plan that walks the student/parent through the course expectations and how the student is progressing for the eligibility for NCAA athletics. Even student athletes not playing for IHSA but also outside athletic sports not offered at GHS. Students walk through the material and information with counselors to play at the NCAA level. Guiding the conversation with the students, the parents are also included in the development of these plans. 84 GHS Students have committed to play collegiate sports since the program began. A care plan example was provided to the Board members to understand what student and parent will see. Murphy inquired about how the GHS courses taught to GMS students impact the process as well as early graduation and meeting the NCAA requirements.

Information: 4.05 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic- there were no requests from the audience to speak to the board concerning an agenda topic.


Action: 5.01 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

Vice President Calderon called for the Ball-Chatham School Board to adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.02 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting November 20, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.03 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, December 11, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.04 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, November 19, 2024

Action (Consent): 5.05 Treasurer/Financial Report

Action (Consent): 5.06 School District Accounts Payable

Action (Consent): 5.07 School Activity Account Reports

Action (Consent): 5.08 FOIA Requests


Action: 6.01 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items

Vice President Calderon called for the Ball-Chatham School Board to adopt the personnel consent agenda (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action (Consent): 6.02 Resignations

Action (Consent): 6.03 New Hires

Action (Consent): 6.04 Retirements

Action (Consent): 6.05 Transfers

Action (Consent): 6.06 Leaves of Absences


Action: 7.01 Open Truth in Taxation Hearing

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to open the Truth in Taxation Hearing.

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 7.02 Close Truth in Taxation Hearing

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to close the Truth in Taxation Hearing. 

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 7.03 Adopt 2024 Tax Levy

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to adopt the 2024 Tax Levy as presented.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle


Action: 8.01 GHS Giving Fund Grant 

Dr. Lamon explained that the donation from JP Morgan requested sensory garden at GHS and since over $500 would like board to approve the donation.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to accept a check from J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund program for $3,000.00 for a sensory garden at GHS.

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action, Presentation: 8.02 2026-2027 School Calendar adoption 

Dr. Lamon shared the 2026-2027 school calendar to the Board to approve. The calendar changes were for the dates to align with the current calendar needs and schedule. Phipps asked if the number of days were the same as in the current calendar. Jen Farnsworth explained that the state code dictates how many school attendance days are require and that this is a duplicate inthe number of days, but varies based on the actual year calendar. One additional non attendance day that is recognized by ISBE is the bi-annual elections that cause the schools to be closed. In that case, the dates still add up, there is just an adjustment to the start and end date based on that school closure for elections. Next year, the local election cycle will not cause a school closure.  

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to accept the 2026-2027 School Year Student Attendance Calendar as presented.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 8.03 Bond Resolution

It is the recommendation of the Administration to issue a general education obligation limited tax school bond not to exceed $1,850,000 for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Flow of the District, to provide for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and to authorize the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof. Dr. Lamon explained that this is protocol in school funding and will not increase taxes. 

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to issue a general education obligation limited tax school bond not to exceed $1,850,000.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Andrea Rediger.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 8.04 GIS Course Handbook Changes

Dr. Lamon explained that the primary GIS Course Handbook changes were minor music language changes and more context in speech and drama.

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the 2025-2026 GIS Course Handbook as presented.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to approve the 2025-2026 GIS Course Handbook. 

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Ryan Murphy.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 8.05 GMS Course Handbook Changes

GMS Principal Christine Lehnen indicated that the GMS handbook also had more language changes. One significant change was GHS transcripts for Algebra, Geometry and Spanish. Also there were topic timelines in History to help with the alignment of standards. There was the addition of two courses. STEAM and ART Together is a collaboration learning lab that will help bridge special education student with general education students and allow for them to work more closely together. This has been gaining excitement in the building. Additionally, Principal Lehnen added that the recent musical at GMS allowed for a student cast of 60 students. As that production time is an afterschool program, it was difficult to give the needed attention to all the parts that make up a cast of 60 students. The final change is to add class time to build music drama into the school course catalog called Middle School Musical Theatre.

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the changes to the GMS Course Handbook for 2025-2026.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to approve the 2025-2026 GMS Course Handbook. 

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 8.06 GHS Course Handbook Changes

GHS Principal Ryan Green indicated that the 2025-2026 Course Handbook for GHS also included some small changes. The Business course change is for which students can take the course Personal Finance and Investment. For 2025-2026 both 11-12 grade students will be offered this course. Starting the following year, it will only be available to seniors and Personal Finance will become an Illinois graduation requirement for 12th graders. The Student Ambassadors program was renamed as Titan Ambassador. There were a few additions to education classes. Intro to Teacher Education is a new dual credit course from LLCC and Early Childhood Education II was added. For Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing were split into two separate courses and Ceramics and Sculpture were separated into two courses which doubled these introductory offerings. Lab based Biology curriculum will be included in all levels of biology courses per the Illinois graduation requirements. 

Murphy inquired about the GMS course changes to add Algebra, Geometry and Spanish to the GHS transcript, how this would affect how the student progresses through GHS with course selection. Kyes and Caitlyn Moody were able to explain that although these courses are added to the GHS transcript they do not negate the graduation requirement for GHS. 

It is the recommendation by Administration that the Board approve the GHS Course Handbook Changes for 2025-2026 School Year.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to approve the 2025-2026 GHS Course Handbook.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ryan Murphy.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action: 8.07 Camera Bid

Randy Allen presented the bid process for the Cameras that were requested in a previous board meeting. Of the 5 bids that qualified for review, Senergy was selected. The District has worked with a contract with Senergy and they have performed to standard. Servers connectability/speed were important factors to this bid. Additional options Senergy proposed included in the bid. The project includes the camera installation at BES, CES, GES, GIS and GMS. The overall cost of the project is $112,791.98 which includes a 5% contingency and all Voluntary Alternative are approved. Any unused contingency fees will be returned to the district. The project is scheduled to begin upon board approval with a substantial completion date of Feb 10, 2025. There will be synchronicity with the equipment we already have and incorporate all that is already being used. Josh Mulvaney, IT Director, was included in the bid process with what is better for IT. There is $50,000 in grant money that will also be able to be used for this project. Bryant asked about the cameras we already have and Randy Allen explained which cameras were still in use and what have been banned from use in the US. 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the bid for the District Wide Camera Project from Senergy Electric Inc.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to approve the camera bid with Senergy. 

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ryan Murphy.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Action, Information: 8.08 Second Reading of PRESS Policies

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the Second Reading of the PRESS Policies.

Vice President Calderon called for a motion to approve the Second Reading of the PRESS Policies.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle


Information: 9.01 Future Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 SY Vice President Calderon read off the dates for the January future board and committee meetings. 

Presentation: 9.02 Superintendent Update

Dr. Lamon presented her update. There were accomplishments for the first semester 2024-2025 school year. The new District Office is complete. The GHS roof, playgrounds at CES and GIS were installed, and the GMS Press Box was rebuilt. Other goals included the expansion of the Student Ambassador Program and the initial meeting of the Parent Teacher Advisory Committee. Digital citizenship lessons continued for all students. Current focus and goals in progress include adding or improvement of the HR Recruitment Plan, Communication Plan and a Public-facing Facilities Plan. The student focuses will be improving attendance, making better school to school transitions, equitable grading practices, and work with the Student Ambassadors. Proud moment for the District includes Three (BES, GES, GHS) Exemplary and Three (CES, GIS, GMS) Commendable ratings for the Illinois School Report Card. Dr. Lamon also addressed some of the outcomes from the 5Essentials Data complied by the University of Chicago Impact. The primary areas of strength and opportunities for improvement were also shared by Dr. Lamon. The Title IX Update is there is no update. There is no indication that the US Office of Civil Rights has reviewed our plan.     

Phipps inquired about equitable grading

Training and ensuring grades are used across the district.

Phipps inquired about grading changes- working through the grading process to see where the focus will be.

Calderon who begins the work.

Summer plan will work on steps and timeline

Information: 9.03 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic

Stephanie Ensley from the Ball-Chatham Education Foundation addressed the Board with an update for the Foundation. STEAM focus - the main focus over the past year has been completed. The next focus for the Foundation will be to update the school libraries, a renovation for all libraries. She shared success of past fundraisers like Iron Chef in the spring and the Back Yard Bash in the fall. A new idea is for a new and larger fundraiser, changing the structure to more family friendly. The new fall Masterpieces and Melodies highlighting student art and music Thursday, Nov 6 at the ALPLM. Sponsorship opportunities in process.


Action: 10.01 Adjournment of Regular Meeting

Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting.

Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle

Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 PM




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