Steven Isoye State Board of Education Chairperson |
Steven Isoye State Board of Education Chairperson |
This is a 1.9% decrease from the previous school year.
Rochester High School had the largest enrollment in the district with 694 students.
Rochester Community Unit School District 3A roughly covers schools within Sangamon County and has a main office in Rochester.
In 2022, Illinois had 1,925,415 students enrolled in a total of 3,977 schools. There were 130,467 teachers in the public schools, or roughly one teacher for every 15 students, compared to the national average of 1:16.
K-12 enrollment has been declining in Illinois for many years, reflecting demographic changes. Combined public and private K-12 enrollment dropped three percent between the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school year (60,900 students), far more than the typical 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent annual enrollment declines in Illinois over the last 5 years.
School | Enrollment | Change from Previous Year (%) |
Rochester High School | 694 | -7.5% |
Rochester Intermediate School | 424 | 0% |
Rochester Elementary 2-3 | 255 | -0.8% |
Rochester Junior High School | 339 | -2.3% |
Rochester Elementary Ec-1 School | 351 | 8.3% |