Samuel Parham City Council Mayor | City of Petersburg
Samuel Parham City Council Mayor | City of Petersburg
City of Petersburg City Council met Feb. 18
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Preliminary Matters
A. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Adoption of Agenda
III. City Clerk
A. Warrant List
B. Accounts Payable
C. Regular Meeting Minutes 2.4.25
IV. Hearing of Citizens
V. Department Reports
A. Water
1. Water Collector’s Monthly Report
2. Water Superintendent’s Monthly Report, oral and written
B. Street Department
1. Street Superintendent's Monthly Report, oral and written
2. Personnel Recommendation for New Street Hire
VI. Officer’s Report
A. Mayor
1. Discussion for a City Wide Clean-up
2. 1.29.25 - 7th & Jackson Street Meeting Minutes
3. 7th & Jackson Street Building Demolition Recommendation
B. Treasurer
1. Treasurer’s Report
VII. Standing Council Committees
VIII. Special Committees
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment