Joel Tjelmeland, Jr. (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 14 | Sangamon County
Joel Tjelmeland, Jr. (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 14 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Finance Committee met Feb. 25
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Chair Call Meeting to Order
Sign In
Approval of Minutes from February 11th
New Business
Regional Planning, Shannan Karrick
1. Purchase Order-Clifton Larson Allen LLP for FY24 audit in the amount of $8,650.
Sheriff, Paula Crouch:
1. Resolution to approve the application and forward to County Board for acceptance of the FY25 ILETSB-Officer Recruitment and Retention Grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board in the amount of $165,200. No matching funds required.
2. Resolution to approve the application and forward to County Board for acceptance of the BJA FY2024 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant from the US Department of Justice in the amount of $42,487. No matching funds required.
3. Approval to replace a Corrections Lieutenant at an annual salary range of $52,223-87,431 effective 3/3/25; the previous employee was promoted on 2/3/25 and left the position at an annual salary of $87,431.
Human Resources, Charlie Stratton
1. Approval for temporary assignment pay for Shannan Karrick effective 1/2/25-$8,784.80(or) $337.88 per pay for Acting RPC Director duties.
Auditor, Andy Goleman
1. Purchase Order-MWM Consulting Group, Inc for OPEB (other post employment benefits) for County, ETSD, LLC, RPC for FY24 audit in the amount of $6,200.
County Board Administration. Brian McFadden & Joel Benoit
1. Purchase Order-Friendly Chevrolet for leasing 2 Electric Vehicles for Court Services in the amount of $24,000.
2. Purchase Order-Vendor TBD for 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Employee Parking Lot South in the amount of $15,000.
3. Approve sale of Sangamon County's ownership interest in farmland obtained pursuant to the Illinois Escheats Act.
Acceptance of Purchase Reports
Old Business
1. -Procurement/Grant Notifications (Report Only) (TABLED 12/10/24) Resolution to approve the application and forward to the County Board for the acceptance of the Reimagine Public Safety Act Violence Prevention grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services in the amount of $639,500. No matching funds required.
2. (TABLED 2/11/25)Resolution and Consulting Agreement with Digitesse for the Massey Commission with an amount not to exceed $76,800 for an eight-month period.
Public Comment
Next Finance Meeting
March 11, 2025@ 4:30pm
March 25, 2025@ 5:00pm
Next County Board Meeting
March 11, 2025@6:00pm (TONIGHT)
April 7, 2025@6:00pm (MONDAY)