The Pratt House | Village of La Grange
The Pratt House | Village of La Grange
Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Feb. 24
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. President's Report
The Village President provides a report on matters of community interest.
A. A Proclamation Honoring the 100th Anniversary of the La Grange Theatre
President Kuchler will read the proclamation honoring the 100th Anniversary of the La Grange Theatre.
B. Oath of Office for Firefighter Timothy Trocke
Clerk Saladino will administer the Oath of Office for the appointment of Timothy Trocke to the position of Firefighter/Paramedic.
3. Manager's Report
The Village Manager provides a report on matters related to Village operations.
A. Proposed FY 2025-26 Capital Projects Fund Budget
Review and consideration of the proposed FY2025-26 Capital Projects Fund Budget.
4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Members of the public have the opportunity to comment on matters on the agenda.
5. Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda have been considered previously or have been determined to be routine. Any member of the Board of Trustees may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to be considered under Current Business.
A. A Resolution Approving an Extension of a Master Service Agreement with Sikich LLP for Audit Services
Exhibit A - Sikich LLP Service Proposal for Auditing Services
Staff recommends approval of the proposed resolution approving an extension of a master service agreement with Sikich LLP for audit services.
B. February 24, 2025 - Consolidated Voucher
C. Minutes of the Village Board of La Grange of Trustees Meeting January 27, 2025
6. Current Business
Items under Current Business are presented for action by the Board of Trustees.
A. A Resolution Approving a Task Change Order for Task Number 270 with Baxter & Woodman Inc. for Professional Engineering Services -Referred to Trustee McGee
Exhibit A - Task Change Order for Task Number 270 with Baxter & Woodman Inc for Professional Engineering Services Staff recommends approval of the proposed resolution approving a Task Change Order for Task Number 270 with Baxter & Woodman Inc. for professional engineering services.
B. An Ordinance Approving a Variation from the Requirements for Fences in Corner Side Yards at 1426 Mason Drive -
Referred to Trustee Peterson
Exhibit A - Plat of Survey
Exhibit B - Approved Design
Consider approval of the proposed ordinance granting a zoning variation regarding fence height in a corner side yard at 1426 Mason Drive.
7. Public Comments Regarding Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public have the opportunity to comment on matters that do not appear on the agenda.
8. Trustees' Report
Village Trustees have the opportunity to comment on matters of community interest
9. Closed Session
Items to be discussed confidentially under the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act will be considered in closed session.
10. Adjournment