
Sangamon Sun

Friday, March 28, 2025

Village of Greenview Village Board met Feb. 17

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Village of Greenview Village Board met Feb. 17

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Greenview Village Board met for a regularly scheduled board meeting on Monday, February 17, 2025. President Kevin Curry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all present participated in the pledge of allegiance. The roll call indicated that Trustees James Booth, Patrick Feagans, Trey Castles, and Pamela Rouse were present. Other village personnel present were John Holt and Village Clerk Rachel Henderson.

Public Participation


John Holt gave the treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Trustee Castles and seconded by Trustee Booth to approve the report as presented. All present in favor voted aye. Report filed into record. 

John Holt gave the zoning report. A motion was made by Trustee Castles and seconded by Trustee Feagans to approve the report as presented. All present in favor voted aye. Report filed into record. 

The minutes from February 3, 2025, board meeting was reviewed by each board member. A motion was made by Trustee Castles and seconded by Trustee Feagans to approve the minutes. Minutes approved and filed into record. 

Income/Expense/Bill Report 

Each board member reviewed the bills. A motion was made by Trustee Feagans and seconded by Trustee Castles to approve the payment of all bills. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.

Executive Session


Old Business

A motion was made by Trustee Castles and seconded by Trustee Rouse to approve ordinance #574 regarding the continuation of grocery tax. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed. 

An update was given on a new Internet provider for the Village of Greenview with construction to begin within the week and March to be the projected month of completion. 

New Business 

Discussion was had on the purchase of a high service pump for the filter plant, estimated cost not to exceed $5200.00. Purchase to be voted on at the next meeting. 

Committee Reports:

Trustee Feagans: None. 

Trustee Soldwedel: Absent. 

Trustee Booth: None. 

Trustee Smith: Absent. 

Trustee Rouse: None. 

Trustee Castles: None. 

Treasurer: None. 

Zoning Officer: Solar installation companies have not been following zoning code as building permits have not been posted in a timely manner. 

Clerk: None. 

President: To hold a meeting with the Menard County Highway Department regarding upcoming road repairs. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.

At the conclusion of all business, the announcement of the next meeting was made. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 7:00 pm. 
