
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sangamon Technical Committee discusses Eighth Street Project

Webp meeting 11

At a recent meeting, the Sangamon County SATS Technical Committee discussed the Eighth Street Beautification Project.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.

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Minutes of Meeting


May 5, 2016


Technical Committee Voting Members

Tim Zahrn, Chair Sangamon County

Patrick McCarthy, Vice Chair* Village of Chatham

Nathan Bottom City of Springfield

Shoun Reese** Springfield Mass Transit District

Norm Sims Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission

Jeff Myers*** Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT): Region 4, District 6




Represented by Jim Michael

Represented by Erin Appenzeller

Represented by Wes Clark

Technical Committee Advisors – Non-Voting Members

Tom Kelso IDOT: Urban Program Planning

JD Stevenson Federal Highway Administration: Illinois Division Office

Sue Graham* IDOT: District 6: Local Roads & Streets

Mike Stead Illinois Commerce Commission

Mark Hanna Springfield Airport Authority

Francesco Bedini-Jacobini IDOT: Office of Intermodal Project Implementation

* Represented by Chris Isbell


Jim Moll – Hanson Engineers

Bill Davison – Knight Engineering

Dale Lael – Village of Jerome

Elliott McKinley – Springfield Park District

Bill Donels – Springfield Bicycle Advisory Council

Holly Ostdick – IDOT: Bureau of Planning

Chris Schmidt – IDOT: Bureau of Planning

Brian Davis – Sangamon County Highway Dept.

Brian Wright – Sangamon County Highway Dept.

Joe Zeibert – Regional Planning Commission

Linda Wheeland – Regional Planning Commission

Neha Soni – Regional Planning Commission

Brian Sheehan – Regional Planning Commission

Jason Sass – Regional Planning Commission


Chair Tim Zahrn called the meeting of the SATS Technical Committee to order at 8:30 AM.


Chairman Zahrn asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the April 7, 2016Technical Committee meeting.

Norm Sims made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Nathan Bottom seconded themotion. The vote to approve was unanimous.

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III. 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

A. Amendment 4 – IDOT- Flashing Beacons/Signing

Wes Clark introduced Amendment #4:



WHEREAS, the Springfield Area Transportation Study (SATS), in cooperationwith the Illinois Department of Transportation, has a comprehensive, cooperative, andcontinuing (3C) planning process for transportation planning in compliance withFederal regulations for the urbanized area; and

WHEREAS, the SATS Long Range Transportation Plan takes a long-term (25-year) look at transportation needs in the Springfield Metropolitan Planning Area;

envisions an efficient, interconnected, multi-modal travel network; and identifiesprojects to make this vision a reality; and

WHEREAS, the Long Range Transportation Plan is updated every five yearsand was most recently updated on March 12, 2015 as the SATS 2040 Long RangeTransportation Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Region 4 District 6 isundertaking a district-wide safety project to improve the visibility of State route andcounty highway minor leg stop control intersections at various locations; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Region 4 District 6requests that the following project be added to the “Committed Projects” list in the SATS2040 LRTP; andMAP PROJECT DESCRIPTION TYPE OF

# (listed alphabetically) IMPROVEMENT



IL 124 @ IL 124/Andrew Rd., Old US

36 & CH 15 (Farmingdale Rd.), &

Recreation Drive just West of

MacArthur Blvd

Installation of flashing beacons and

signage IDOT - District 6 25,000

Wes Clark also noted the District was requesting that this project also be added to the TIPthrough Amendment #12.

Norm Sims made a motion to consolidate the vote on Amendment #4 of the 2040 LongRange Transportation Plan with Amendment #12 to the 2016-2019 TransportationImprovement Program. Nathan Bottom seconded the motion. The vote to approve wasunanimous.

Norm Sims made a motion to recommend approval of Amendment #4 to the 2040 LongRange Transportation Plan and Amendment #12 to the 2016-2019 TransportationImprovement Program to the SATS Policy Committee. Nathan Bottom seconded themotion. The vote to recommend approval was unanimous.

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B. Overpasses and Underpasses on Bike & Ped Routes

Ms. Wheeland told the Committee that SSCRPC is waiting for data from the State ofIllinois and the Village of Chatham before the inventory of overpasses and underpasseson bike and pedestrian routes could be completed. It will be presented to the TechnicalCommittee when it is finished.

IV. 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program

A. ST-U Projects Update

I. Stanford Avenue (TIP # 02-2010-09)

i. 11th to Fox Bridge

Nathan Bottom told the Committee the City is moving forward with the

project’s design and has begun land acquisition offers.

ii. Fox Bridge to Taylor

Bottom told the Committee that the project was on the April, 2016 lettingand the recommendation to award a contract will go forward after IDOTreview.

II. Archer Elevator Road/Iles Avenue (TIP # 02-2013-03)

Bottom announced that the City of Springfield received land acquisition certificationthe week of April 24 and looked toward a June, 2016 letting.

III. Bradfordton Road (TIP # 03-2009-01)

Tim Zahrn reported that the Project Development Report (PDR) had been approvedby IDOT and all issues have been resolved. The County looked to move into the landacquisition phase.

IV. Woodside Road (TIP # 03-2009-05)

Mr. Zahrn told the Committee that the County began right-of-way acquisition andlooked toward a July, 2016 letting for the project.

B. Amendment 12 – IDOT- Flashing Beacons/Signing

Amendment #12 is addressed under IIIA.

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C. Modification 8 – Eight Street Beautification Project

Neha Soni introduced Modification #8:

Administrative Modification 8 to the

FY 2016 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program

April 11, 2016

Eighth Street Beautification Project

This project is moved from the FY 2017 Annual Element of the FY 2016-2019Transportation Improvement Program to the FY 2016 Annual Element of the FY2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program due to programmingconsideration.

Termini: ITEP 395,230

Springfield 98,808

City of Springfield Contract#

Minor Arterial TIP# 02-2011-09

12 Perform beautificationenhancements includingSidewalk, curb ramp,curb and gutter removaland replacement,planting trees, benches& streetscaping



Eighth Street


8th St. from Edwards to Cook

& Edwards from 7th to 9th

D. Modification 9 – SMTD Illustrative Projects

Neha Soni introduced Modification #9:

Administrative Modification 9 to the

FY 2016 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program

April 14, 2016

SMTD Illustrative Projects

The following projects are added to the Other Illustrative Projects List in the FY2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program as requested by Springfield Mass

Transit District.




Description Action/Comments Total Cost Anticipated



FTA 5307,

5339 10,100,000


Urban Transit TIP#


FTA 5307,

5339 550,000


Urban Transit TIP# 06-2017-02


FTA 5307,

5339 2,000,000


Urban Transit TIP# 06-2016-09

37 Canopy and

Maintenance workstation

Descrip. Purchase Canopy and work stationfor the CNG station

CNG station is an open airfueling station and installationof the canopy and work stationwill provide for greaterprotection for equipment andstaff.


35 35-ft Alternative

Fueled Transit


Descrip. Purchase 20 Alternatively Fueledreplacement buses20 buses have surpassed theiruseful life$10,100,000

36 Bus Simulators Descrip. Purchase two (2) Bus Driver Training


The Bus Driver Training

Simulators will be used toenhance the training of driversand will allow for training tooccur in a safe environment.$550,000

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E. Modification 10 – I-72 West to I-55 to AC

Neha Soni introduced Modification #10:

Administrative Modification 10 to the

FY 2016 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program

April 15, 2016

I-72 West to I-55 to AC

Status of this project has changed to “Advance Construction” because the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation considers specific apportionment or state contractceiling insufficient to meet project specifications; and the FY 2016 Annual Element

of the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program has been modified toadd AC to the federal funding source as shown below.

Project/Jurisdiction/Class Location Action/Comments Map # Funding Source Total Cost

Termini: HSIP (AC) 270,000

NHPP (AC) 90,000

State Contract# 72J03 State 40,000

Interstate TIP# 04-2016-03

3 I-72 I-72 (WB) to I-55 BUS (NB)

Ramp in the NE Quadrant ofthe Sixth Street Interchange

Resurfacing, Patching,

High Friction Surface

Treatment, Radar Speed

Sign, Signing, Striping



And the Advance Construction Projects table in the FY 2016-2019

Transportation Improvement Program has been modified to indicate the changeto this project as shown below.



Date Off AC


Date On AC

List Funding Source Total Cost Map

# Location Action/

Comments AD MOD # Project/Jurisdiction/Class

Termini: HSIP (AC) 270,000

NHPP (AC) 90,000

Contract# 72J03 State 40,000

TIP# 04-2016-03

AM 10

(FY 2016-

2019 TIP)


I-72 I-72 (WB) to I-55 BUS

(NB) Ramp in the NE

Quadrant of the Sixth

Street InterchangeResurfacing,Patching, HighFriction SurfaceTreatment, RadarSpeed Sign, Signing,Striping

15 4/15/2016


Interstate $400,000


A. Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT): Central Bureau of Urban Program Planning

Tom Kelso reported that the ITEP application process is open and applications were beingaccepted until June 17, 2016. Mr. Kelso introduced Holly Ostdick as the new IDOT MetropolitanPlanning Section Chief. Holly came to IDOT from CMAP, and she looked forward to workingwith SATS in the future.

1. State Long Range Plan Presentation

Chris Schmidt, IDOT Bureau of Planning, gave a short presentation that outlined theState of Illinois’ Long Range Transportation Plan. He anticipated that the plan would beadopted in late 2017.

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Mr. Sims thanked Mr. Schmidt for coming to the meeting and giving the presentation.

He told Mr. Schmidt that any information IDOT needed from SATS should be relayed assoon as possible. He also suggested that the Long Range Transportation Plan includecontext related to the relationship between State agencies, such as IDOT and localMetropolitan Planning Organizations, such as SATS. Mr. Schmidt acknowledged thisand said that he wanted to improve planning relationships between the State and localorganizations as part of the long-range planning process.

B. Federal Highway Administration: IL Division Office

No report was given.

C. IDOT District 6: Local Roads and Streets (LRS)

Mr. Chris Isbell reminded the Committee that HSIP applications were due June 15, 2016. Halso noted that FHWA deadlines for right-of-way were becoming more stringent and that SATSconstituents should be getting their ROWs certified as soon as possible, as there isn’t a grace


Mr. Sims expressed his wish to set up a meeting with IDOT District 6 regarding problems andinconsistencies related to the permitting required for access to State highways. There have beennumerous developer complaints regarding this issue. He expressed frustration when projectsthat came through local planning committees are treated differently by IDOT. It gives theimpression of inconsistent treatment to developers. He wanted to meet with IDOT to work outa more consistent permitting process.

D. Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)

No report was given.

E. Springfield Airport Authority

Mr. Hannah told the Committee that the Airport Authority was having problems gettingdesigned projects to completion due to funding difficulties. He was afraid that funding delayswould mean that the upcoming construction season would be lost. He told the Committee thatthe Airport Authority was closest to completion on an airport perimeter road that would be asafety project expected to cost between $3 and $4 Million dollars.

F. IDOT: Division of Intermodal Project Implementation

No report was given.

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A. Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission (SSCRPC)

Mr. Sims said that SSCRPC staff was pleased to hear that an agreement had been reached andagreed upon by the City of Springfield and IDOT regarding the Third Street rail improvements

and Tenth Street rail consolidation. He said that it was an important project to move forwardand that it was a large part of the City of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan, which was startingdevelopment. He also told the Committee that the Commission was finishing the

Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Dawson. He said that while Dawson was outside theMetropolitan Planning Area, one of the major goals of the plan was to connect Dawson to thelarger MPA through the bicycle and pedestrian networks. The plan was to go before the Village

Board shortly.

Mr. Joe Zeibert showed the Committee a new mapping application available in the SSCRPCeMaps room. It was a mapping application to show parking locations at the Abraham LincolnCapital Airport. Mr. Hannah added that the Airport Authority was in the process of redesigningthe parking lots to improve traffic flow around the terminal and provide more parking spaces toairport customers. The Authority was planning to go through the Illinois TransportationEnhancement Program (ITEP) application process to procure funding for the project.

B. Springfield Mass Transit District

No report was given.

C. City of Springfield

Nathan Bottom announced updates to the following projects:

Carpenter Street Underpass (TIP # 02-2014-09):

The project continued as the road base was installed and sidewalks and pavement were laidby the pump station. He anticipated that the project would be finished by late summer2016.

8th Street Beautification (TIP # 02-2011-09):

The project is anticipated for a June, 2016 letting.

Downtown Streetscape (TIP # 02-2013-09):

Work had begun to replace sidewalks on Fourth Street between Capitol and Adams.Road and Street Maintenance Program (TIP # 02-2016-02):

Concrete work for overlays began for projects at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lake Pointe subdivision,and Chatham Road between Westchester and Wabash Avenue. Preparation had begun forconcrete overlay at West Koke Mill subdivision, Lincolnshire subdivision, and Oak Parksubdivision.

Brick Street Road Repairs:

Brick road repair had begun on State Street between Monroe and Jefferson.SATS-Technical 05/05/2016/pg. 8

D. Sangamon County

Tim Zahrn updated the following projects:

East Lake Shore Drive:

The project to reconstruct the section of road between the Henson Robinson Zoo and Old Route66 had begun.

Woodside Road/Iron Bridge Road Underpass/Overpass (TIP # 03-2009-05):

The County submitted a TIGER grant application and a FASTLane grant application to obtainfunding for the project. The grant requests totaled approximately $13.8 million dollars. Theentire project is expected to cost $36.5 million.

E. Illinois Department of Transportation: Region 4, District 6

Wes Clark announced updates to the following projects:

IL-97 – East of IL-125 to East of Koke Mill Road (TIP # 04-2016-02):

The project was on the April, 2016 letting and was currently under post-letting review. Anaward had been recommended and was awaiting approval.

Flashing Beacons and Signage:

The project was added to the TIP as Amendment #12 and was planned for the July 29, 2016letting.

Dirksen: Clear Lake Avenue to Ridge (TIP # 04-2012-09):

The project was continuing, with curb and gutters being completed on the East side of the road.

Work had begun on the West side of the road.

Wabash: Koke Mill to Curran (TIP # 04-2011-07):

Widening continued in both directions for the project. Storm sewers were being installed onHollis and Cockrell Lane. There were still delays installing utilities.

Wabash Ave at Robbins Rd and Wabash Ave at West White Oaks Dr. (TIP #04-2015-06):Underground work was complete and work had begun on installing islands.

Interstate 55 over IL-29 (TIP # 04-2016-01):

Stage I work had begun for this project. Work had begun on the road decks and speedreduction signs were installed.

F. Village of Chatham

Mr. Michael told the Committee that public notice had been issued for the Walnut St. railroadcrossing project. The contractor would begin with minor work. Pre-grading activities began on

the Goldenrod St. crossing project. The Village received some maintenance agreements from

IDOT and the railroads. The Village also began its maintenance program, which entailedoverlays and crack sealing on selected streets.

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VII. Committee Updates

A. Communities Committee

Ms. Wheeland told the Committee that the Communities Committee had met on April 27, 2016.

Members of the Communities Committee submitted projects that could be included as

Illustrative projects on the 2017-2020 TIP. A copy of the project list was given to the Technical

Committee members and is included in the meeting minutes.

B. Multi-Use Trails Jurisdictions Committee

Mr. Elliott McKinley told the Committee that the Multi-Use Trails Jurisdictions Committee

(MUTJC) adopted a trail sponsorship policy and has passed it to the constituent boards andcommissions for adoption. The policy outlines sponsorship signage that it was hoped wouldgenerate revenue for trail maintenance. He told the committee that the MUTJC was creatingmock signage for mileage markers and emergency service. The MUTJC was creating maps andbrochures for the various sponsorship programs for the trail system.


There were no Public Comments


A. FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program

Ms. Soni told the Committee that SSCRPC received projects lists from the County for the 2017-

2020 TIP. SSCRPC was still waiting for lists from some jurisdictions.

B. Curb Your Car Commute Challenge

Mr. Jason Sass, SSCRPC, told the Committee that The Curb Your Car Commute Challenge will

be held May 14-21. He encouraged all constituent members of the Committee to register a

team for the challenge. Erin Appenzeller added that SMTD was offering free bus rides to allpassengers on May 17, 2016 as well as free bus fare for passengers with bicycles throughoutthe Curb Your Car Week. Ms. Wheeland noted that Mr. Bill Donels from the Springfield

Bicycle Advisory Council was once again leading a group bicycle commute from WashingtonPark to Downtown Springfield on May 18, 2016 and thanked him for having done this eachyear.

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A. FHWA Planning Review Progress Report

Ms. Wheeland told the Committee that early in 2015 FHWA conducted a planning review ofSATS. The result of the review gave twelve recommendations for SATS to improve. Theprogress report showed progress SATS has made in addressing those concerns. All concerns

had been addressed, whether completely or as part of an ongoing initiative. Mr. Sims notedthat one recommendation was pending, regarding SATS and IDOT finding efficient ways tocoordinate the TIP cycle with IDOT’s annual Multi-Year Plan (MYP). Mr. Kelso said that hisdepartment had discussed the issue at its office. He asked to meet with Mr. Sims and Ms.Wheeland regarding this issue.

B. Next Meeting Date – Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 at 8:30 AM


There being no further business, Chairman Zahrn asked for a motion to adjourn. Norm Sims made amotion to adjourn. Nathan Bottom seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jason Sass

Recording Secretary