Divernon Township Library Board met Sept. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
President Linda Baer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. She then asked for the roll to be called:
Linda Baer, Susie Darling, Kathi Katcher, Cory Goleman, Jake Rettberg, and Jane Emerson were present.
Mary Lou Derhake was absent.
Visitor was Tim Downen from Hurst-Rosche Architectural Firm in Hillsboro. He answered numerous questions pertaining to the addition to the library including sitework, utilities, design services, bidding services, etc. He will be available for any further questions the trustees may have.
The secretary’s report was read and approved. Motion was made by Kathi Katcher and seconded by Susie Darling to accept the minutes. Motion carried.
The President then asked for the treasurer’s report. The report was reviewed afterwhich a motion was made by Cory Goleman to approve this report. It was seconded by Jake Rettberg. Motion carried.
The addition to the library as well as various grants such as Live and Learn Construction Grant program and Lowe’s Community Partners grant were discussed by the board.
The library by-laws which were updated by Cory Goleman were discussed. A motion was made by Susie Darling and seconded by Jane Emerson that the new bylaws be accepted with corrections. Motion carried.
A short discussion on township verses district libraries was held.
After discussion, a motion was made by Jake Rettberg, seconded by Susie Darling to open the outdoor restrooms for the Party in the Park which will be held on September 16 with the Party in the Park committee furnishing the supplies and clean-up afterwards. Motion carried.
No executive session.
Librarian’s Report:
A. Memorial Plaques were ordered for Dorla Reavis for her many years as librarian and Alan Bell for his years of service as a trustee.
B. Bill Knecht will be updating the library’s website.
C. September 9 will be electronic waste day at the village hall.
D. Story Hour will begin on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. for age 3 to 8th graders. Movie night will be one day a month beginning on September 21 from 4-5:30 p.m., showing the movie “Wall-E”.
A motion was made by Cory Goleman, seconded by Susie Darling, to adjourn. Motion carried. The next meeting will be October 3, 2017.