City of Athens City Council will meet May 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Welcome to Visitors/Roll Call
-Police Report - Tim Becker
-Treasurer Report - Ryan Seifert
-Streets and Alley Report - Don Squires
-Water Report - Ryne Crowe
-Sewer Report - Robbie Bluett
-Cemetery Report - Ron Canterbury
-Office Manager Report- Karissa Carls
Discussions on the following topics:
1) American Legion Activities-Liquor License/Poppy's on Corner/Salute to America
2) Fireworks Contract for June 30th Salute to America
3) Athens Youth Council donation for operating/startup expenses
4) Boars Nest entrance
5) Letter from IEPA-2013 Loan closure and refund
6) Library Budget
7) Security Cameras (Library and City Hall)
8) Library summer reading program donation
9) Legion painting pavilion posts
-Old Business
1) Update on problem properties
2) Cleanup day
-New Business
Open for Public Comments
Executive Session: Personnel (5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (2, 3)
*Public comments will be limited to three minutes per individual when addressing the City Council via utilization of podium.