City of Auburn City Council met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Mayor Berola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Tom Berola, Julie Barnhill, Chris Warwick, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos, Jr., Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams.
Junior Alderman: Carter Evans, Olivia Grider, and Samantha Wheeler
Absent: None
Department Heads: Sergeant Josh Sheppard, Kristy Ponsler, Mike McCarthy and City Attorney Raylene Grischow.
I. Mayor’s Comments
Mayor Berola introduced the new Junior Alderman that would be with the Council for the next 5 meetings. These members are Evan Carter, Olivia Grider and Samantha Wheeler. Clerk Barnhill swore in the new junior alderman.
Mayor Berola updated the search for a Chief of Police and recommended to the Council of the hiring of Dave Campbell as the Auburn Chief of Police. Berola indicated that they had received 8 very good qualified candidates. A motion was made by Williams to hire Dave Campbell as the Auburn Chief Police at $65,000 per year and his effective start date would be May 1, 2018, second by Basiewicz. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
II. Visitors/Public Comments
Brandy Brown presented information regarding the upcoming Carnival on May 10, 11 & 12, 2018 to the Council and answered any questions that they had. Brown indicated that she was looking for volunteers at this time to help with the carnival ticket sells.
Zoning Board Meeting – April 11, 2018
1) Parcel Division on West Divernon Road – Mark Killam (4781 W. Divernon Road)
Mark Killam approached the zoning board for approval of splitting lot into 4 lots. A motion was made by Johnson to approval the split of the property at 4781 W. Divernon Road into 4 separate lots, second by Sheppard. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
2) Request to Construct Front Porch to Align with Adjacent Properties – Rina/Russ Jones (203 W. Monroe Street)
Rina/Russ Jones approached the zoning board for approval of constructing of a front porch at 203 W. Monroe Street to align with adjacent properties. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the constructing of a front porch at 203 W. Monroe Street to align with adjacent properties, second by Williams. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
C. Shawn Hamilton – Arthur Gallagher and Associates
Shawn Hamilton, representative from Arthur Gallagher and Associates, presented insurance information to the City Council as requested by the City Office Manager. Hamilton discussed the municipality insurance business and provided additional information to the Council. If the Council is interested in pursuing insurance when the time comes, the Council is to contact Mr. Hamilton.
III. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill
A. April 2 Meeting Minutes
Clerk Julie Barnhill presented the meeting minutes from the meeting on April 2, 2018 for the Council’s review and approval. Alderman Garrett indicated that he had voted Present on the parks votes. Clerk Barnhill indicated that she would look it up and make the appropriate changes. A motion was made by Devos to approve the April 2, 2018 minutes as amended, second by Williams. Voice Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
IV. Treasurer’s Report – Warwick
A. Bills List April 2, 2018 to April 16, 2018
Warwick presented the Bills List from April 2, 2018 to April 16, 2018for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the Bills List from April 2, 2018 to April 16, 2018, second by Sheppard. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
Warwick then presented the March 2018 Cash Report for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the March 2018 Cash Report, second by Williams. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
V. Attorney’s Report –
A. First Reading, Ordinance 1452-18 – Mobile Food Truck Ordinance
Attorney Grischow presented the First Reading, Ordinance 1452-18 – Mobile Food Truck Ordinance. The Council discussed the proposed ordinance and made some changes. Changes were made to hours of operation, distance from a permanent business structure so that they would be allowed on the square in Auburn.
B. Executive Session – labor Negotiations
Attorney Grischow informed the Council that she will need an executive session regarding Labor Negotiations/Personnel and the end of the meeting.
VI. Department Heads
A. Sergeant Josh Sheppard
Sergeant Sheppard provided information regarding the bicycle run will be in Auburn on May 1, 2:55 -3:20 p.m. and then will head north to Chatham. He also indicated that he is working with DEA to get the prescription box emptied that is at the police station.
B. Mike McCarthy
New City Truck
Superintendent McCarthy informed the council that the new City Truck will have a price sticker on it as $32, 816 and will be a 2019 model, but is still the 2018 price. The truck will not be available until September 2018.
C. Ponsler
City Manager Kristy Ponsler provided to the Council information on the Software Purchase. A motion was made by Garrett to approve $4206.25 for the Software Purchase Contract and Addendum, second by Johnson. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
VII. Committee Reports
A. Administration – Johnson
Alderman Johnson informed the Council that there will be an Administration Committee meeting on Monday, April 23, 6:30 p.m. to discuss FY19 Budgets. An executive session will also be needed to discuss Personnel.
B. Public Works/Public Utilities – Johnson
No Report.
C. Health & Safety – Williams
New Squad Car Purchase-
Alderman Williams presented information regarding the purchase of a new squad car to the Council for their review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve a new squad car purchase not to exceed $29,705, second by Garrett. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
Replacing batteries on the speed trailer-
Alderman Williams informed the Council that the batteries on the speed trailer were replaced at an expense of $99 and is working fine.
Part Time Police Officer-
Alderman Williams informed the Council that they will be advertising for part time police officer through the usual means of advertisement.
D. Health & Housing – Sheppard
Alderman Sheppard ---- No Report
E. Parks – Hemmerle
Bike Racks-
Alderman Hemmerle informed the Council that the City of Girard is not willing to come down on their pricing for bike racks so they are not going to pursue any longer with them.
Alderman Hemmerle presented to the Council for their review and approval of amending the previous approval of purchasing cast iron grills to include shipping. A motion was made by Hemmerle to approve providing cast iron grills and shipping but not to exceed $550, second by Williams. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: Jason Garrett. Absent: None (7-0-1-0)
Electricity at Pohlod Park-
Alderman Hemmerle presented to the Council the amending of providing electricity to Pohlod Park Pavilion that was approved at the last meeting. A motion was made by Hemmerle to approve providing electricity to Pohlod Park Pavilion not exceeding $1750, second by Williams. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Evan Carter, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: Jason Garrett & Vic Devos Jr. Absent: None (7-0-2-0)
F. Sidewalks -- Garrett
Alderman Garrett – No Report
G. Economic Development Committee – Basiewicz
Alderman Basiewicz presented information that Mayor Berola has received word that Chair Wayde Rathgerber has resigned as the EDC Chair. Mayor Berola ask that EDC be placed on the agenda for the next meeting (May 7, 2018).
VIII. Other Business
IX. Adjournment
Motion to adjournment into executive session was made by Williams at 8:43 p.m.; second by Basiewicz. Voice Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)
Motion to come back in regular meeting from executive session was made by Johnson at 9:22 p.m.; second by Garrett. Voice Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: Tracy Sheppard (7-0-0-1)
Motion to adjournment was made by Johnson at 9:25 p.m.; second by Hemmerle. Vote Aye: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Evan Carter, Jason Garrett, Olivia Grider, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard, Samantha Wheeler, and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)