
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sangamon County Road and Bridge Committee met May 27

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Sangamon County Road and Bridge Committee met May 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:


Pursuant to COVID-19 Executive Order No. 5 (Executive Order 2020 - 07) issued by Governor Pritzker on March 16, 2020, County Board Members are not required to personally attend the standing committee meeting; instead, they may, and are encouraged to, participate by joining a telephone conference call.

Given the COVID-19 pandemic and rules/directives governing the number of persons who may gather in any space, members of the public and the press will not be allowed to attend the standing committee meeting in person. However, consistent with the aforementioned Executive Order, any person who desires to monitor the meeting telephonically should call (217) 753-4360 to receive the call in number and password for the same telephone conference call committee members will use to participate in the meeting.

Committee members and others calling into the meeting telephone conference must telephone the number provided promptly at 6:30 a.m. Once it is established that a quorum of the committee is present, whether telephonically or in person, the matters on the agenda will be addressed, regardless of whether all persons who were provided with the call in number and password have joined the conference call.


1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call of Committee Members 

3. Approval of the minutes of the April 29, 2020 Road & Bridge Committee Meeting.

4. Acceptance of FY2020 Expenditure Report. 

5. Approval of Resolutions & Ordinances.

a. Resolution approving Supplemental Engineering Agreement for Hanson Professional Services on the Woodside/Iron Bridge Grade Separations. 

b. Resolution approving Petition for Curran Township Drainage Project. 

6. Committee Approvals.

a. Approval of Loami Township Drainage Project Petition and Master Purchase Order. 

b. Approval of Lanesville Township MFT Aggregate Letting and Master Purchase Order. 

c. Approval of Clevenger Contractors Inc. guardrail repair quotes for CH 12 and CH 17. 

d. Approval to dispose of Vehicle #4 2001 GMC 3500 and Vehicle #123 1992 GMC Topkick via auction.

7. Old Business 

8. New Business

a. Update to committee on current Highway Department operations. 

9. Next County Board meeting date - June 9, 2020. 

10. Next Road & Bridge Committee meeting date - June 24, 2020. 

11. Adjournment.
