Arthur Community Unit School District #305 Board of Education met Aug. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The special meeting of the Arthur Board of Education was called to order by President Beth Wiley at 6:00 pm, in the Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School Cafeteria with the following members in attendance: Brock Casteel, Monica Green, Kristie Mechling, Ryan Nettles. Justin Wierman and Beth Wiley. Suzi Berkich joined meeting via phone. Mr. Shannon Cheek was also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A public hearing for a potential tuition waiver was held.
A motion was made by Kristie Mechling, seconded by Monica Green to approve a three (3) year tuition wavier. Upon roll, all present voted yea. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Justin Wierman, seconded by Brock Casteel to adjourn at 6:07 pm. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried.