Marc Ayers (D) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 12 | Sangamon County
Marc Ayers (D) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 12 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Building & Grounds Committee met May 6
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Pam Deppe - Chair, Jeff Thomas - Vice Chair, Sam Cahnman, Brad Miller, Vera Small, and Paul Truax
OTHERS: Kim Jackson, Brian McFadden, Josh Langfelder, Byron Deaner, Sara Jimenez, Jeff Wilhite, and Mary Carter (secretary)
A quorum was present. Chair Deppe called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.
Small made a motion to approve the minutes from April 1st and Miller seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
New Business
Information Systems, Kim Jackson
1. Purchase Order-Finalcover LLC for FY24 ISD Case Guard for STA and PUD in the amount of $7,900.
2. Purchase Order-Magnet Forensics USA for FY24 ISD SHR Magnet Forensics Investigation Software in the amount of $7,900.
3. Purchase Order-Magnet Forensics USA for FY24 ISD SHR Magnet Forensics Investigation Software Licensing in the amount of $11,900.
4. Purchase Order-Sidwell Company for FY24 ISD GIS Parcel Builder and Farms GIS Software in the amount of $17,941.71.
5. Purchase Order-Dell Marketing for FY24 ISD GIS Storage Drives in the amount of $16,100.
6. Purchase Order-Levi, Ray & Shoup for FY24 ISD GIS VMWARE VSPHERE in the amount of $14,500.
7. Purchase Order-Cellebrite, Inc for FY24 ISD SHR Investigation Software in the amount of $7,000. Thomas made a motion to approve #1-7 and Small seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
Recorder, Josh Langfelder/Michelle Landess
1. Pre Travel Approval for Chief Deputy Recorder Michelle Landess to attend the Fidlar Symposium from 5/20-5/22/24 in Milan, IL in the amount of $401.65. Miller made a motion to approve and Thomas seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
Sara Jimenez/Brian McFadden
1. Atrium Display
Acceptance of Purchase Reports-Truax made a motion to approve and Miller seconded. Motion carried (6-0)
Old Business
• Procurement/Grant Notifications (Report Only)-Tyler Technologies Inc for booking software in the amount of $25,440.
• Emergency Change Orders (Report Only)
Building & Grounds, Byron Deaner
There was no public comment.
Cahnman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Truax. The motion carried (6-0) and the meeting was adjourned at 6:04pm.