Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock
The Illinois Historical Preservation Agency (IHPA) announced this week that it is looking for scholarly work to be presented during the 18th Annual Conference on Illinois History.
Submissions are welcome from historians, staff at libraries and museums, graduate students and historical society members. Topics of interest include the state’s culture, geography, archaeology, and politics, with a special interest placed on research that is related to the bicentennial of Illinois becoming a state, which will be in 2018.
Those wishing to submit a paper should include a one-page summary of the work that includes the topics explored and what sources were used in the development of the papers or other works. Submissions should also include information on all participants.
The IHPA is also accepting curriculums on the state’s history, politics, culture and other areas. Teachers are encouraged to share curriculum-related work at the conference as well.
The conference will be taking place on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 6 and 7 at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield. Proposals will need to be submitted to Samuel Wheeler via email ( ) or by mail: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 North Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62701. The deadline for proposals is May 1.