
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sherman Library Board renews annual contract with SHARE 3M Cloud Library


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Contributed photo

At a recent meeting, the Sherman Public Library Board approved a measure to renew the library's annual contract with SHARE 3M Cloud Library for $421.48.

The board's trustees work toward the library's mission to provide a free public library for Sherman residents. They set policies for library operations and serve as library advocates in the community. They also are involved in volunteer tasks, including library membership drives and various fundraisers. Board members are appointed for two-year terms and usually do not serve more than three consecutive terms.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Sherman Public Library Board

Regular Meeting

Board of Trustees

April 20, 2016

The regular monthly meeting of the Sherman Public Library Board convened at 5:03 p.m. Present were

Library Director Anita Walters and Board members Julie Horton, Dave Grimm, Bob Shurig, Mary Contri,

Melissa Allen, and Elizabeth Heubner

Items for Consideration Not on the Agenda: There were no items for consideration not on the agenda.

Secretary’s Report: Julie Horton made a motion to accept the minutes from the March 16, 2016 regular

meeting. Bob Shurig seconded the motion and a unanimous vote was taken in favor of the motion.

Treasurers/Financial Report: Treasurer Bob Shurig presented the Financial Report. A motion was

made by Mary Contri to approve the Financial Report and pay the bills. Gale Kilbury seconded the

motion and the motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Julia Horton made a motion to pay our mortgage payment from the Special Reserve account in the

amount of $4111.47. Melissa Allen seconded the motion and an individual voice vote was taken. All

were in favor.

Librarian’s Report: Circulation for the month of March 2016 was 1393 items circulated 1875 times. For

reciprocal borrowing, 35 patrons borrowed 256 items. There were 23 e-books and 1 e-audiobook

checked out through 3M Cloud. The Sherman Public Library has borrowed 2388 items and loaned 5279

items through the Interlibrary Loan (SHARE) program for the fiscal year to date. Also in this fiscal year,

the Library has borrowed 12 items and loaned 19 items through the On-Line Computer Library Center


The staff recently celebrated a successful National Library Week. The Sherman United Methodist

Church Pre-K also visited this month for a field trip. The Toddler Lap Sit/Story Hour is gaining popularity

as well. Some staff members will be attending a workshop at the Illinois State Library on April 22 to

learn about helping patrons diagnosed with autism. The brick garden has been completed.

New Business: Our annual contract with the SHARE 3M Cloud Library is up for renewal. The renewal

cost is $421.48. Julie Horton made a motion to renew our contract with SHARE 3M Cloud Library. Dave

Grimm seconded the motion and a unanimous vote was taken.

In addition, the Friends of the Library group has offered to purchase a patio table and chairs for the new

concrete patio at the rear of the building.

Anita continues to work on and complete the steps necessary for a property tax exemption for the new

addition to our building. She is also working on a Peek-a-Book grant application.

The Board would like Anita to request bids on the possibility of a new sign for the Library. Anita will

contact some sign companies for bids.

Old Business: The Board reviewed the changes made to the Personnel Policy by our lawyer, Phil

Lenzini. The Board also revised and edited the Test Proctoring Policy. Julie Horton made a motion to

accept the Test Proctoring Policy. Gale seconded the motion and the motion carried with a unanimous

vote. Melissa Allen then made a motion to accept the Notary Public Policy. Gale Kilbury seconded the

motion and a vote was taken, with no one in opposition.

The Board discussed using the Edge Assessment for future planning. The Edge Assessment is a tool to

define services needed and desired by our community.

Julie Horton made a motion for the Board to enter Executive Session to further discuss the candidates

for the Director position. Dave Grimm seconded the motion and all were in favor. The closed session

was adjourned at 6:44 p.m. and the regular Board meeting resumed.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Julie Horton at 6:55 p.m.