
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sherman trustees approve new parking restrictions, stop signs


Courtesy of Morguefile

Courtesy of Morguefile

At a recent meeting, the Sherman Village Board approved new parking restrictions and stop signs.

The Village of Sherman is a home-rule community that uses a village president-trustee form of government in which six trustees and the president are elected by the public. The village employs a professional village administrator, economic development coordinator and department heads to oversee the village's day-to-day operations. The village clerk is appointed by the village president with the advice and consent of the trustees.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Village of Sherman

Regular Board Meeting of the Sherman Village Board of Trustees

Sherman Village Hall, 401 St. John Drive Sherman, IL

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

President Trevor J. Clatfelter called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the

assembly in The Pledge of Allegiance.

OPENING: Clerk Oller presented Roll Call with six members present: Trustee Hahn,

Trustee Long, Trustee Schultz, Trustee Sherrock, Trustee Timm, and Trustee Zibutis.

Also present: Jeremy Stuenkel, Byron Painter, Craig Bangert, Mike Moos, Angela

Fyans-Jimenez, Colleen Olson, John Miller, Sean Newton, Ryan Keith, Jim Stone, Chris

Fulscher, Ryan Howard, Pam Gray, Kevin Kuhn, and John Swinford.

President Clatfelter requested to set the Agenda. Trustee Zibutis made a motion to set the

Agenda. Motion was seconded by Trustee Long and was unanimously carried by the

board. Motion passed.

SPECIAL GUEST: Mr. Jim Stone, Director of Sangamon County Public Health

Department, briefed the village board on the Zika Virus. There have been 12 confirmed

cases in Illinois and 466 in the United States and all cases are linked to travel. The virus

has been around since 1947 and is only harmful to anyone who is pregnant. Symptoms

are usually very mild and someone may not even know they have the virus.

CLERK’S REPORT: Presentation of the Minutes and Approval were brought to the

board. Trustee Timm made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April

19, 2016. Motion seconded by Trustee Schultz and was unanimously carried by the

board. Motion passed.

Presentation of bills for approval was presented to the board. Trustee Schultz made a

motion to approve all bills to be paid. Treasurer Stuenkel stated that checks on list #887

not be approved as those checks were going to be voided and additional amounts added

to those. Motion seconded by Trustee Sherrock and was unanimously carried by the

board. Motion passed. All bills approved for disbursement.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Stuenkel presented the March 2016 Treasurer’s

Report. Trustee Schultz made a motion to approve the March 2016 Treasurer’s Report.

Motion seconded by Trustee Long and was unanimously carried by the board. Motion


ENGINEERING REPORT: No report presented.

LEGAL REPORT: No report presented.

ZONING OFFICER REPORT: Trustee Zibutis reported a total of $50 in building

permit fees. Trustee Zibutis also informed the board of a Planning Committee Meeting to

be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. on a petition from

Mr. Mark Beard who is requesting to divide his lot to build a single family home.


REPORT: No report presented.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: A Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways

from Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) was presented to the board. This is an annual Resolution

that is passed based on MFT projects. Trustee Zibutis made a motion to approve the

Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways from Motor Fuel Tax (MFT).

Motion seconded by Trustee Sherrock and unanimously carried by the board. Motion


A resolution designating no parking on designated streets was presented to the board.

Public Works Director Sean Newton informed the board that the village lawn mowers are

getting torn up from tire ruts along some of the streets in the Village. Trustee Long made

a motion to approve a resolution designating no parking on designated streets. Motion

seconded by Trustee Sherrock and was unanimously carried by the board. Motion


Installation of Stop Signs at intersection of 1st Street and Partridge Pass was presented to

the board. This has been discussed at prior meetings and a study was completed. Trustee

Hahn made a motion to approve the Ordinance Installation of Stop Signs at intersection

of 1st Street and Partridge Pass. Motion seconded by Trustee Timm and was

unanimously carried by the board and President Clatfelter.

COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Trustee Timm informed the board that

everything is lined up for the Village Clean – Up Day and he asked that the volunteers

arrive by 7:00 a.m.

SHERMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Chief Bangert informed the board

that Officer Fulscher investigated the car break ins in which led to an arrest. He also

reminded everyone that the Illinois Police Memorial will be held on Thursday in

Springfield and Sherman will have officers attending. The radar trailer is also back in use

after getting repaired and the police department is collecting data from the radar.


board that he attended a state wide exercise about simulated earthquakes. He also

attended a multi-use trail meeting and all exhibits are on the village website. There is

also information on the website regarding the Zika Virus. The Sherman Village Guide

has been updated. Mike also informed the board that he is participating in the MBA

fundraiser and has not achieved his goal yet and invited anyone interested to donate

money for the cause.



OLD BUSINESS: There is a change order for the gazebo at the new park. There is a

sand seam with water in it and it happens to be right where one of the footings is so it

needs repaired as soon as possible. The change order is not to exceed the amount of

$2,719. Trustee Zibutis made a motion to approve the change order for the repair of the

gazeebo. Motion seconded by Trustee Sherrock and was unanimously carried by the

board. Motion passed.




ADJOURNMENT: President Clatfelter called the Regular Village Board Meeting to

adjourn. Trustee Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by

Trustee Schultz and carried unanimously by the board. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.

By parliamentary procedures of Robert’s Rules and Illinois Statutes, minutes are not

required nor supposed to be a verbatim record of public meetings. They’re objective is to

report what was done, not what was said.