The Chatham Village Board met Oct. 25 to develop a transit plan.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
The Chatham board includes the village president and clerk, and six trustees. The board meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
A. Call to Order
1. Moment of Silence
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Public Comments
B. Consent Agenda
1. Approve Minutes September 27 Regular Village Board Meeting
2. Resolution Approving Warrants Resolution 44-16 This item has files attached
C. Old Business
1. None
D. New Business
1. Agreement with Mobilitie, LLC Master License Agreement This item has files attached
2. Final Plat, Plat 1 Spartan Valley Subdivision This item has files attached
3. Maintenance Agreement with CWLP for Woodland Trail This item has files attached
4. Resolution Establishing an AD Hoc Committee to develop a transition Plan for Americans with Disabilities Act This item has files attached
5. Ordinance Amending the Village Code to Add a Subchapter re Cannabis This item has files attached
6. Approval of Engagement Letter with Holland & Knight This item has files attached
E. Closed Session
1. Collective Negotiating Matter (2)(c)(2)
F. Reconvene Open Session
1. November 08 Special Board / Committee of the Whole 6PM Municipal Hall
2. November 22 Regular Village Board 6PM Municipal Hall
3. Adjournment