City of Athens City Council met May 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Welcome to Visitors/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Vote on accepting following reports:
-Water/Sewer, Streets/Alleys, Police, Treasury, Cemetery, and Office Manager's Reports
Vote on the following topics:
-April 2018 meeting minutes
-Payment of Bills
-Purchase of Sewer Equipment-Controllers, Cables, Probes, Junction Boxes- from Pedrotti Co. for $9393
-Purchase of Water Equipment-Mixer Parts-from Hagedorn & Gannon for $2380
-Opening up another Class A Liquor License
-Issuance of Liquor License to American Legion (Won't be voted on if another Class A License not approved)
-Donation of $2500 to American Legion for Salute to America Event (Gaming fund)
-Enter contract with Central States Fireworks for Salute to America fireworks show for $10,000 (Gaming fund)
-Donation of $1200 to Athens Youth Council for startup fees/expenses (Gaming fund)
-Acceptance of Library Budget
-Declaring City property @ 412 S Mill St as surplus property and accepting sealed bids for property
-Extend Greg Sellinger's contract as Water Operator until May 2019
-Donation of $250 to Athens Public Library for summer reading program(Gaming fund)
Public Comments- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker when addressing council via utilization of podium