
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Auburn Public Library District Board met November 19

Webp hall

Auburn Public Library District Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Auburn Public Library District Board of Trustees was held in Auburn, IL 62615, on November 19, 2019. The meeting convened at 7:00.

Vice President Shirley Deheve presiding, and Lacy Strader, secretary.

Roll Call to Establish Quorum:

Board Attendees:

Shirley Deheve                     Monica Garrett

Carrie Pillischafske              Jeffrey Stutsman

Lacy Strader

Absent: Ashley Foster, Jessica Lance

Staff: Kristi Lear, Nicole Szymski, Amanda Kendall

Visitors: Jason Garrett

I. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Carrie Pillischafske to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2019 meeting.

Shirley Deheve – yea               Carrie Pillischafske - yea

Lacy Strader – yea                  Jessica Lance - absent

Monica Garrett – yea              Jeffrey Stutsman - yea

Ashley Foster – absent

Motion Carried.

II. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Lacy Strader that the Consent Agenda be approved.

Shirley Deheve – yea                     Lacy Strader - yea

Carrie Pillischafske – yea              Jessica Lance - absent

Monica Garrett – yea                    Jeffrey Stutsman - yea

Ashley Foster – absent

Motion Carried.

III. Unfinished Business

1. Behavioral Policy update discussion/Standing Committee Discussion

The request was made that the personnel committee become the policy committee, the finance and budget committee be combined, and the creation of a building maintenance committee and district expansion committee – to be amended in January

2. 2020 Per Capita Requirements

• Discussed the possibility of making donations tax exempt.

• Library Advocacy – looking into upcoming dates to meet with current government officials at the ILA sponsored meet-ups.

• Could a Friends of the Library organization be restarted?

• PR policy needed.

IV. New Business

1. Reconsideration of patron ban

2. Treasurer Bond Renewal

Motion: Moved by Lacy Strader that the quote from Country Financial for $355 for 1 year (without telecommunication endorsement) be accepted.

Roll Call Vote:

Ashley Foster – absent                  Monica Garrett – yea

Shirley Deheve – yea                     Jessica Lance – absent

Carrie Pillischafske – yea              Jeffrey Stutsman – yea

Lacy Strader – yea

Motion carried.

V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Financial Reports

VI. Director’s Report

1. Facility

a. Roof Leak

i. The seal around the ventilation on the roof went bad, causing water to leak into the air duct. The water built up over the span of a few months, causing a hole to develop that leaked into the men’s room. Auburn Heating and Air has been out to look in the attic area. Bolash, the company that did minor repairs on the roof last fall, came out on November 8th and fixed the leak on the roof. Auburn Heating and Air came out on November 11th and replaced the wet section of insulation.

2. Staff

a. Amanda, Nicole, and I (with the help of Jeffery and Dave Hallerberg) moved the shelves in the picture book section. There is a small amount of spine labels that still need to be updated and we are still looking at a cost-effective way to display the alphabet on the shelves, but this huge project is coming very close to being complete! It has been a team effort, but Nicole, in particular, has put in a LOT of hard work updating every spine label and item record.

b. Staff Meeting Information

i. At the Staff Meeting on November 18 we discussed Chapter 3 of Serving Our Public 3.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Digital Public Library of America, and the Illinois Digital Archives to meet the 2020 Per Capital Grant requirements. We will all complete an online program prior to the January deadline.

3. Programming

a. Holiday Walk Sign-up

i. The Library will host Elsa and Olaf, offer activities for families while they wait for their photo opportunity, and provide the space for the AAC to host a holiday store that children can shop for gifts at.

b. Adult Winter Reading Program

i. This will be changing to monthly reading challenges in hopes of getting more participation.

c. Holiday Craft Night December 12th

i. Cost of event will cover supplies.

d. Patron vote-based movie showing

i. Patrons will have the opportunity to vote on which movie the library will show.

4. Fundraising

a. Nothing to discuss at this time.

5. Long Range Plan Progress Report

a. Kristi and Amanda attended the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference October 22-24.

6. Other

a. Holiday decorating sign-up reminders.

b. Discussion regarding a trustee/staff holiday party and potluck in December.

VII. Committee Report

a. Nothing to report at this time

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Closed Session


X. Announcements

1. Next meeting is January 21, 2020

XI. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:10
