Village of New Berlin Board of Trustees met April 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Consideration of the Consent Agenda
- Special Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – March 27, 2020
- Treasurer’s Report – March 31, 2020
- Bills
- Building Permit Report
IV. Clerk
- Correspondence
V. Police
- Golf Cart Fees
VI. Audience
VII. Tax Increment Finance District
- TIF Application – S & S Enterprise Ventures Corp.
- TIF Application – Joseph Michael Clayton
VIII. Committee Reports
- Utilities
- Superintendent’s Report
- Adoption of an ordinance approving a Loan Agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and authorizing and providing for the issue of Sewage Revenue Bonds of the Village of New Berlin, Sangamon County, Illinois for the purpose of defraying the cost of improving the sewerage system of said Village
- Approval of Notice of Award to Kinney Contractors for Wastewater System Improvements
- Wastewater Treatment System Update
- Water System Update – E. Birch St. Waterline Extension
- Potential Grant Opportunities
- Other
- Zoning
- Other
- Streets and Parks
- Superintendent’s Report
- 2020 MFT Discussion/Approval
- Other
- Finance
- Budget Requests Due
- In May Ordinance Authorizing Expenditures pending adoption of Appropriation Ordinance
- Other
- Health and Safety
- Other
- Personnel
- Hire Summer Help
- Other
IX. New Business
X. Old Business
XI. Liquor Control Commissioner
- Liquor License Applications have been sent
XII. Executive Session
XIII. Adjourn