City of Leland Grove City Council met June 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
In these difficult times, the City of Leland Grove, met remotely to limit the possible spread of the virus. This was allowed by the Executive Order issued by Governor Pritzker on March 16th as extended by further Orders”.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER – Mayor Bangert called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.
THE ROLL CALL was taken by Clerk Hetherington with those present (P), excused (E) or absent (A) as indicated: Mary Jo Bangert, Mayor (P) Steve Klokkenga, Alderman Ward 1 (P) Nancy Weichert, Alderman Ward 1 (E) Jim Moll, Alderman, Ward 2 (P) Josh Sharp, Alderman Ward 2 (P) late arrival Don LoBue, Alderman Ward 3 (P) Sally Tamizuddin, Alderman Ward 3 (P)
Also Present: Brian Miller, Treasurer, Diana Hetherington, City Clerk. Saul Morse, City Attorney, Dan Ryan, Police Chief, Tyler Lanier, City Administrator
A quorum was present.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was recited by those present.
MOMENT OF SILENCE: Mayor Bangert began the meeting with a moment of silence to acknowledge the COVID-19 families, racial disparity and in unrest our country and to provide support to law enforcement during these difficult times.
MINUTES APPROVAL: Alderman Klokkenga moved, seconded by Alderman Tamizuddin, to approve the May 26, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of the February 25, 2020, Executive Meeting Minutes was deferred to the July Meeting because council members have not seen them.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer Miller reported he reviewed the current financial statements and expenses which seem to be in order. The current financial statements show $836,135.69 for the Total Fund Balance as of May 31, 2020. He presented the following expenses for approval:
• Alderman Moll moved, seconded by Alderman Tamizuddin, to approve P-06-542, Unpaid Warrants General Fund, in the amount of $18,023.03. Motion carried unanimously.
• Alderman Moll moved, seconded by Alderman Klokkenga, to approve P-06-543, Unpaid Warrants MFT, in the amount of $430.39. Motion carried unanimously.
• Alderman Tamizuddin moved, seconded by Alderman LoBue, to approve P-06-644, Paid Warrants General Fund, in the amount of $30,711.03. Motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney Morse reported on two new matters. The first was his completion of the Certificate of Non-Taxable Property which includes 19 very small strips of land which the City purchased from the Dorothy Sager Estate in 2004 or 2005. The second item involved a residence hookup to storm sewers. The hookup was discovered by City Street crews while repairing a sinkhole. City Attorney Morse noted the agenda again included an item for renewal of the Declaration of Emergency. The recently passed State of Emergency Ordinance requires renewals of the Declaration of Emergency to be passed each month should the City Council desire to extend the State of Emergency. (See Old Business)
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Mayor Bangert reported that she has been working with City Administrator Lanier to have the July meeting at the Instructional Resource Center. City Administrator Lanier has worked out a layout that will accommodate the Governor’s requirements, including spacing individuals 6 feet apart. All council members should plan on wearing masks to the next meeting.
The first property tax payments from the County will be received in June. The City will project this year’s receipts by comparing current receipts to prior years’ receipts.
Mayor Bangert encouraged City Council members to check out the neighborhood garden that has been created at the Noble Island South of Laurel. Some teenagers initiated the project with help from the City (City Administrator Lanier and Clerk Hetherington) and neighbors who supplied materials and support for the project.
Discharge from Sump Pumps - There are several sump pumps discharging onto sidewalks, this creates a slimy mess. This issue should be incorporated into the Drainage Committee.
Public Ways and Property: Alderman Moll reported on the following items:
• Chatham Road: Mayor Bangert thanked Alderman Moll for writing three grant applications for funding the Chatham Road project. We hope to receive approval of these grants before the project starts. Alderman Moll reported paving is still scheduled to begin late summer with completion by the end of the calendar year.
• Drainage Committee: Alderman Moll reported that the draining committee is ready for the next stage of dealing with drainage issues. He asked City Administrator Lanier to find a location where the committee can meet allowing members to be seated 6 feet apart.
Human Resources: Alderman LoBue reported he had discussions with Police Chief Ryan and our insurance agent as discussed at the May meeting when the employee insurance coverage was approved. (See New Business)
Health and Sanitation: No report.
Building Permits and Zoning: Alderman Klokkenga reported he received three applications in June. There were no issues with any of the three. These will go in the mail within the week. His report shows 30 permits with Total Project Costs for the calendar year 2020 are $627,600.28. Total Permit Fees for this same period are $2,175.
Police Department: Chief Ryan reported on the extensive training (racial sensitivity and diversity) his officers have received. Leland Grove has been at the forefront with addressing some of the issues that are currently in the mass media. Chief Ryan was actively involved in identifying the ten shared principals which are currently used by most law enforcement agencies in the state. Value all life is a core theme. The police department has received outside financial assistance for all the equipment needed for the safety of our officers and residents.
Mayor Bangert complimented Chief Ryan and his officers for assisting the City of Springfield with recent events. Alderman Moll also complimented the police department for their presence.
Finance and Revenue: Alderman Sharp complimented the City Administrator and Police Chief for not spending money needlessly. The focus has been safety and public health.
There was a discussion about including fewer line items for the appropriations ordinance which must be passed by the August meeting. City Attorney Morse reported the Illinois Municipal Code mandates line items for the appropriations ordinance which limits our flexibility. Alderman Sharp said he is talking with working with the Illinois Municipal League to identify ways to allow more flexibility with our spending.
Alderman Sharp also reported he is still looking into changes to the Leland Grove Fire Ordinance to mirror the City of Springfield Fire Ordinance.
Communications: No report.
Leland Grove 70th Birthday – Mayor Bangert reported the City still plans to provide names of previous mayors and other city council members on its Website.
Past Mayors Recognition – Same as preceding item.
Declaration of Emergency – Mayor Bangert reported the Governor’s Declaration of the State of Emergency Ordinance will expire unless the Governor issues a new one. The declaration may be needed should Leland Grove apply for federal funds. As long as there is potential to qualify for grants, it would be in the City’s best interest to continue extensions of the emergency ordinance. She asked the City Council to extend the current Declaration of Emergency for another 30 days or until the next regular meeting. If the Governor does not issue another Emergency Ordinance, Leland Grove’s emergency ordinance would automatically expire.
Alderman LoBue moved, seconded by Alderman Tamizuddin, to extend the Declaration of Emergency for another 30 days or until the next regular meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ratify the Vote for the Insurance and Waive the Three Readings:
The decision on health insurances needed to be made before the end of the fiscal year in order to allow the insurance carrier to complete the necessary steps to ensure no lapse was incurred in coverage. The decision on health insurances needed to be made before the end of the fiscal year in order to allow the insurance carrier to complete the necessary steps to ensure no lapse was incurred in coverage. Alderman LoBue made a motion that the three readings requirement for approval be waived for approving employee health insurance and that City Council ratify the insurance carrier selection approved at the May meeting. Alderman Tamizzudin seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request for Council Approval of Resident Paid Resurface of Former Part of Laurel Now Considered a Private Drive at 1701 Illini Rd:
City Council discussed the materials present by residents who wanted to resurface a drive that used to be part of Laurel before the reconfiguration of the Laurel/Illini intersection. City Council traditionally has approved any work on City Right of Way. Alderman Klokkenga moved, seconded by Alderman Moll to approve the residents’ request to resurface their drive at 1701 Illini Road.
Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Tamizuddin moved, seconded by Alderman Sharp, to adjourn the regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 PM.