Sangamon County Executive Committee Met April 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
Conduct of a public hearing by the Board of Sangamon County, Illinois with regard to the proposed issuance of not to exceed $46,000,000 in limited bonds or alternate bonds, or a combination of both.
VI. SIU School of Medicine Presentation
VII. Hanson Presentation
VIII. Farnsworth Group Presentation
IX. Coroner's Office Presentation
X. Sheriff's Office Presentation
XI. COVID-19 Report -Gail O'Neill - Director of Sangamon County Department of Public Health
XII. Proclamations
XIII. Minutes of March 9, 2021
XIV. Correspondence
XV. Resolutions
1. Resolution approving the purchase of a single-axle dump truck from Rush Truck Centers utilizing the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Contract.
2. 2021-010- Ralph and Kathy Winch, 3 Treece Court, Springfield-Granting a Rezoning. County Board Member - Tom Fraase, Jr., District #1.
3. 2021-011 - Charles E. Robbins, 10000-11000 Block of Waverly Road, Waverly – Granting a Variance. County Board Member – Craig Hall, District #7.
4. 2021-013 - Chelsea Grubb, 6720 Wesley Chapel Road, Chatham - Granting a Rezoning and a Variance. County Board Member – Craig Hall, District #7.
5. 2021-014 - Curt & Kimberly Fleck and Barclay Innovations, LLC, 7320 & 7392 Barclay Road, Sherman - Granting a Rezoning, Conditional Permitted Use, and Variances. County Board Member - Lori Williams, District #8.
6. 2021-015 – Giodom LLC Series 5, 11380 Darnell Road, Mechanicsburg - Granting a Conditional Permitted Use with Conditions and Variances. County Board Member – David Mendenhall, District #3.
7. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for ETSD from Hinshaw & Culbertson for the purpose of professional services in the amount of $60,000.
8. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for ETSD from AT & T for the purpose of a Telephone System Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $66,000.
9. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Sheriff's Office from Ray O'Herron for the purpose of providing the Sheriff's Office uniforms in the amount of $105,000.
10. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Sheriff's Office from Ray O’Herron for the purpose of body armor in the amount of $34,055.
11. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Sheriff's Office from Carpet Weavers of Springfield for the purpose of refurbishing 24 inmate showers in the amount of $333,600.
12. Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the Sheriff's Office and the United States Secret Service for support of the Financial and Cyber Crir
13. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Information Systems from Dell Marketing for the purpose of upgrading personal computers and other Endpoint equipment in the amount of $150,000.
14. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Information Systems from Dell Marketing for the purpose of replacing the GIS servers and storage in the amount of $200,000.
15. Resolution to postpone the delinquency date and waive the interest penalty on the first installment for property taxes in Sangamon County, Illinois.
16. Resolution approving and authorizing Sangamon County to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, on behalf of its School of Medicine, for professional services related to testing residents for infection with COVID-19.
17. Resolution approving and authorizing Sangamon County to amend the professional services agreement with the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, on behalf of its School of Medicine, for contact tracing services.
18. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Coroner's Office from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine for the purpose of a Forensic Pathologist in the amount of $220,000.
19. Resolution approving the plans for the proposed Springfield Sangamon County Transportation Center and the proposed improvements to the Sangamon County Complex and new construction of a Coroner's facility and Sheriff's evidence storage.
20. Resolution approving the Public Transportation Grant Application to IDOT for Sangamon County to provide public transportation within the county.
21. Resolution approving a grant application to Court Services from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the Family Violence Coordinating Council program in the amount of $38,800.
22. Resolution approving a grant application to SMART from the IDOT for the Downstate Operating Assistance program in the amount of $779,500.
23. Resolution approving a grant application to SMART from IDOT for the Section 5311 Grant in the amount of $132,109.
24. Resolution authorizing the execution and amendment of the Section 5311 Grant Agreement.
25. Resolution temporarily granting all liquor licenses the option to pay license fees in two installments.
26. Resolution approving the procedure for the preparation of County redistricting plans.
27. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for ETSD from Motorola for the Radio Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $50,000.
28. Resolution approving a proposal from Joe Petty and Associates to conduct final design and development, generate construction documents, manage procurement and provide construction oversight for the County Complex renovation project at a cost not to exceed $278,000.
XVI. Old Business
XVII. New Business
A. Resolutions
B. Appointments
-Mid-Illinois Medical District -Zoning Board of Appeals -Community Services Block Grant Board
C. Procurement/Grant Notifications
D. Ratification of the Laborer's Public Health Collective Bargaining Agreement
XVIII. Public Comment
XIX. Reports of County Officials Reports of Standing Committees Reports of Special Committees
XX. Committee Report on Claims
XXI. Recess
Reports from Committee Chairmen
Report from County Administrator
VI. Appointments
• Review Appointments for Boards & Commissions
• Review Nominations for Boards & Commissions
VII. Old Business
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Upcoming Meeting Dates
Next Exec Meeting May 10, 2021 @ Noon Next County Board-May 11, 2021 @7:00pm
X. Adjournment