
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Arthur Community Unit School District #305 Board of Education met Nov. 16

Arthur Community Unit School District #305 Board of Education met Nov. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Arthur Board of Education was called to order by President Beth Wiley at 6:00 pm on November 16, 2022 in the Atwood-Hammond Grade School Cafeteria with the following members in attendance: Suzi Berkich, Brock Casteel, Monica Green, Kristie Mechling, Ryan Nettles, Justin Wierman and Beth Wiley. Mr. Shannon Cheek and administrators were also present. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

During recognition of visitors, Mark Ritter with WRF Engineering was introduced. 

A motion was made by Suzi Berkich, seconded by Ryan Nettles to approve the consent agenda as presented which included: the Minutes of the October 19th, 2022 meeting, bills of $1,129,401.08, the Treasurer's Report, and donations. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Ryan Nettles, seconded by Suzi Berkich to approve the HVAC bid for Arthur Grade School as presented. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Ryan Nettles, seconded by Monica Green to approve the HVAC bid for Lovington Grade School as presented. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

Principal Reports were presented. See attached. 

A motion was made by Kristie Mechling, seconded by Brock Casteel to approve the tentative tax levy as presented. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

Superintendent's Report was presented. See attached. 

During Board Comment, Kristie Mechling commented the reading presentation given by Mr. Peralta was nicely done. Beth Wiley remarked the Veteran's Day assemblies she was able to attend were nicely done. 

A motion was made by Justin Wierman, seconded by Suzi Berkich to go into closed session at 7:05 pm under the Open Meetings Act for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c )(1) and for collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2). Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Ryan Nettles, seconded by Justin Wierman to leave executive session at 7:41 pm. Upon roll, all present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Ryan Nettles, seconded by Monica Green to accept executive session minutes as read in executive session. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Suzi Berkich, seconded by Justin Wierman to approve the personnel report as presented which includes approving Mrs. Dana Tinkle for Assistant JH Volleyball Coach, approving Sarah Bailey as volunteer HS Girls Basketball Coach, and approving Oakley Martin as JH Boys Basketball Assistant Coach. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Suzi Berkich, seconded by Ryan Nettles to adjourn at 7:42 pm. Upon roll, all members present voted yea. Motion carried. 
