
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pawnee Board of Trustees met April 24

Village of Pawnee Board of Trustees met April 24

Here are the minutes provided by the board of trustees:

Call to Order:

President Clarke called the meeting to order to 7:00pm.

Roll Call:

Village Clerk, Devona Martin called roll

Trustees in attendance: Brian Whitlow, Patrick Murphy, David Skinner, Troy Squires

Trustees Absent: Phillip Thompson, Steve Gudgel

Also in attendance: Treasurer Kelly Haney, Brent Wise, Candy Kramer with the Pawnee Post, Chief Barclay Harris, Steve Haney, Troy Grant, Dale Walters, Jay Smith with Locals

Visitor's Recognition/Comments:

Jay Smith appeared before the Board to ask to block off part of the square on Wed May 10th from 6pm - 9pm for the Coors Light Rumble Around the Lake. He would like to block off in front of Locals Bar and Restaurant and then in front of the vacant lots. Consensus was to allow.

Clerk's Report:

Minutes of April 10, 2023 were presented for review and approval

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve the minutes of April 10, 2023 as presented

Second made by Trustee Squires

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Personnel & Finance Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Skinner

Trustee Skinner presented the bills payable for the week ending April 24, 2023 in the amount of $52,204.13

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve the bills payable for the week ending April 24, 2023 in the amount of $52,204.13.

Second made by Trustee Squires

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Trustee Skinner presented Resolution 23-01. This is for the hazard mitigation plan with Sangamon County. President Clarke stated we have attended the required meetings and now we have to approve the resolution for the Multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. This agreement is good for 5 years.

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve Resolution 23-01-Resolution Approving Multi- Jurisdicational Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Second made by Trustee Squires

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Brent Wise presented the Monthly Budget Comparison Report for the Month Ending March 31, 2023. He also advised we did have an increase in our money market interest rates to 3% from 1.68%.

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve the Monthly Budget Comparison Report for the Month Ending March 31, 2023

Second made by Trustee Squires

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

President Clarke advised that Kelly Haney has resigned as Village Treasurer

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to appoint Brent Wise as our Village of Pawnee Treasurer

Second made by Trustee Skinner

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to remove Kelly Haney from the bank accounts for the Village of Pawnee

Second made by Trustee Murphy

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Discussed our investments and bank accounts. President Clarke advised we will not need to update our ordinance as there is a separate investment policy. We will discuss at the next board meeting.

Gas and Water Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Squires

Trustee Squires advised that on April 19th, 70 red letters were sent out.

Trustee Squires advised the guys are playing caught up as Metro is not completed. CTI will probably be here within the week.

Streets, Alley and Sidewalk Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Whitlow

Trustee Whitlow advised the guys have been doing normal maintenance such as filling pot holes, picking up limbs, etc. They have also been marking the streets for repairs to be made by Metro.

Trustee Squires advised he has heard from a few people that are not satisfied with the repairs Metro has completed. He wanted to know if there was another number to call. President Clarke asked that Trustee Squires let Andy Lee know as he has a running list. CTI is going to be on the same side of the street. They should wait to do repairs since CTI will be boring in the same area as Metro.

Police Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Skinner

Chief Barclay Harris advised Officer Shea is wanting to step down to part-time. Chief Harris is looking for replacements. He has advertised the positions. He has an applicant that wants to go through the part-time academy. He also has someone that he worked with while in Divernon that may be interested.

Sewers and Parks: Committee Chair, Trustee Thompson

Steve Haney discussed the replacement of meter at the Henkle lift station. The cost is $12,000. He also advised the San Terra Lift Station needs to be rehabbed and upgraded. The cost is $45,000. He needs approved because he needs to order the pumps and they take 10-12 weeks. Both are in the budget.

Motion made by Trustee Squires to approve replacement of the pump at San Terra Lift Station not to exceed $50,000

Second made by Trustee Murphy

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Motion made by Trustee Squires to approve purchasing a hydrokinect flow meter not to exceed $15,000

Second made by Trustee Whitlow

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Zoning Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Murphy

Trustee Murphy advised he has approved a few small permits for residential improvement.

Trustee Murphy advised Anita Kern approached him regarding rezoning of the properties at 1202 Carroll Street and 1210 Carroll Street. We granted a liquor license to Anita Kern for package liquor located at 1200 Carroll St. The house that is connected to the liquor store is not properly zoned. It is currently R3 and it should be B1. Kern's own most of the block and wanted the entire blocked zoned B1, however, there are still properties that are residential and these cannot be rezoned until they are vacated. Trustee Murphy advised this does not have to go through the Zoning Board. The Village Board can change the designation.

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to rezone 1202 Carroll Street from R3 to B1 and 1210 Carroll Street from industrial to B1 at property owner request Anita Kern

Second made by Trustee Whitlow

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Bargaining Committee: Committee Chair, President Clarke

No Report

Energy: Committee Chair, President Clarke

No Report

Infrastructure: Committee Chair, President Clarke

No Report

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

President Clarke presented Resolution 23-02 - Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent for IMRF. This is to remove Kelly and add Brent.

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve resolution 23-02 Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent for IMRF

Second made by Trustee Murphy

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes

Motion Carried: (4-0)

President Clarke advised that Attorney Don Cravens is requesting a pay increase. Currently his monthly retainer is $500 with $225/hr. He would like his retainer increased to $600/mo and his hourly rate increased to $235/hr. This is a $100/month and $10/hour increase

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to approve Attorney Don Cravens rate increases as presented

Second made by Trustee Whitlow

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion

Carried: (4-0)

Motion to Adjourn:

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to adjourn

Second made by Trustee Squires

Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes,

Motion Carried: (4-0)

Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm on Monday, April 24, 2023. The next scheduled meeting of the Pawnee Village Board of Trustees is Monday, May 8, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Village Hall.
