David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County
David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Building & Grounds Committee met July 1
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Chair Call Meeting to Order
Sign In
Approval of Minutes from June 3rd and revised minutes from May 6th
New Business
Information Systems, Kim Jackson
1. Approval to hire a replacement Network Analyst II at an annual salary of $95,361.17 effective 7/10/24; the previous employee left the position on 6/28/24 at an annual salary of $106,396.74 and will leave the payroll system on 7/5/24. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag. This is a supervisory position and needs to be filled as soon as possible to keep the current projects moving along.
2. Purchase Order-LeadsOnline LLC for FY24 ISD Maintenance-SHR Cellhawk Renewal in the amount of $5,402.
3. Pre-Travel Approval for Michaela Vahling, Systems Analyst I, to attend the Illinois Association of Court Clerks Conference in Champaign, IL from 8/28-8/30/24 in the amount of $531.12.
Acceptance of Purchase Reports
Old Business
• Procurement/Grant Notifications (Report Only) Emergency Procurement-Connor & Co for a garbage disposal in the amount of $7,399.73. (approved by Brian McFadden)
• Emergency Change Orders (Report Only)
Building & Grounds, Byron Deaner
Public Comment
Next Building & Grounds Committee Meeting
August 5, 2024, 5:15 pm
Next County Board Meeting
July 9, 2024, 6:00 pm
Adjournment https://sangamonil.gov/DesktopModules/EasyDNNNews/DocumentDownload.ashx?portalid=0&moduleid=8841&articleid=497&documentid=1970v