
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 23

Webp 14

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 23

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members present

Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Also in attendance Dr. Becca Lamon and Jennifer Farnsworth

Meeting called to order at 7:34 PM


Procedural: 1.1 Call Meeting to Order

Procedural: 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Action: 1.3 Roll Call

All present.


Action: 2.1 Approval of Agenda

To approve the agenda for the meeting of October 23, 2024.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Andrea Rediger

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders


Recognition: 3.1 Recognition of GMS Boys Baseball State Champions

Recognition of the boys baseball team

Recognition: 3.2 Recognition of GMS Girls Softball State 2nd Place

Recognition of the girls softball team. Not in attendance, the team will be recognized next month.

Recognition: 3.3 Recognition of GMS Boys Golfer

Not in attendance.

Recognition: 3.4 Recognition of CACC Students of the Month

Recognition of the CACC students of the month.

Recognition: 3.5 Recognition of Student Author

Trinity was recognized for her published children's book of poetry. Six copies were purchased so that we can have signed copies to be placed in each school library.

Information: 3.6 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic



Action: 4.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Laura Calderon.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action (Consent), Minutes: 4.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, September 25, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 4.3 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, October 8, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 4.4 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, September 24, 2024

Action (Consent): 4.5 Treasurer/Financial Report

Action (Consent): 4.6 School District Accounts Payable

Action (Consent): 4.7 School Activity Account Reports

Action (Consent): 4.8 FOIA Requests


Action: 5.1 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the personnel consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Laura Calderon.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action (Consent): 5.2 Resignations

Action (Consent): 5.3 New Hires

Action (Consent): 5.4 Retirements

Action (Consent): 5.5 Transfers

Action (Consent): 5.6 Leaves of Absence

Action (Consent): 5.7 Contract Amendment


Action: 6.1 GHS Auditorium Sound Upgrade- Maintenance Director, Mike Dobbs presented the bid for the GHS Auditorium. There was only one bid for the job. 

To approve GHS Auditorium Sound Upgrade 

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Ann Strahle

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.2 FY24 Audit Presentation

Cate Moulton, CPA from Mack and Associates, PC  presented via google meets. Auditor report, acceptable by ISBE. Clean opinion on the basis of accounting practices. District funds were in a healthy position. Fund balances were explained. Single Audit was acceptable based on requirements. Typical of the district. Expenditures and revenue are reviewed.

Questions: None

To Approve the FY24 Audit Report as presented.

Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.3 Bond Resolution Notification

Resolution declaring the intention to issue $1,850,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ryan Murphy.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.4 Hearing Date for Bond Resolution

A hearing date for the bond will be established on November 20, 2024

Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Andrea Rediger.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.5 School Maintenance Project Grant

To approve the School Maintenance Project Grant between Ball-Chatham and Illinois State Board of Education as presented below.

Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Laura Calderon.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.6 MOU Insurance Eligibility

Rationale for the change. Bus drivers are variable employees and in order to attract drivers it is in the best interest to offer insurance from day one.

This will make us more competitive in the market now. Phipps- mechanism to attract drivers/employees.

 It is recommended by Administration that Article 14 Section 14.12 be adjusted to allow for all Bus Drivers eligibility for group medical benefits.

Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.7 MOU Overtime Pay

The Ball-Chatham Educational Support Professionals Association, IEA/NEA (“BCESPA”) and the

Ball-Chatham School District #5 Board of Education (“BOE”) agree to modify Overtime Pay.

Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 6.8 Disposal of GHS English and World Language Department materials

To approve the disposal of GHS English and World Language outdated/old/retired curriculum materials.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders


Presentation: 7.1 Facilities and Grounds Update annual report mission

Information: 7.2 Future Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 SY

Dates presented

Information: 7.3 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic



Action: 8.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting

Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
