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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Prairie Skies Library Board receives, discusses revamped facilities plan


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At a recent meeting, the Prairie Skies Public Library District Board received and examined a revised facilities plan, with new space-planning and collection policies.

The Prairie Skies Public Library District's stated mission is to fulfill the reference, research and recreational needs of the community, especially young students. The board aims to  use library funds economically and efficiently.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Prairie Skies Public Library District

Ashland Location

April 12, 2016

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mark Cochran.


Trustees Present: Mark Cochran, Dareea Paiva, Wendell Walch, Anna Stone, Angela Larakers

Trustees Absent: Lana Pfaffe

Staff Present: Kathleen Roegge, Director; Kelly Greene, Board Clerk; Patty Smith, Librarian

Visitors: Robin Krone

Regular Agenda Items: The agenda was approved as presented.

It was noted that Robin Krone was in attendance to be considered for the vacant Board of Trustees seat.

Approve Previous Minutes: Minutes from the regular meeting held March 8, 2016 were presented and

approved as presented by Anna Stone and seconded by Dareea Paiva.

Financial Report:

Prepared and presented by Kelly Greene for March 2016.

Submit Bills:

Bills submitted for tonight were submitted totaling $9,807.07. Motion to pay bills by Stone, with a second

by Paiva. Ayes: Cochran, Paiva, Walch, Stone, Larakers Nay: 0 Absent: Pfaffe

Administrators Report: Roegge presented the report of Library Statistics for the prior month.

Roegge provided her report of activities at the branches, upcoming events, and staff attendance at workshops

in her absence.

• A facilities plan has been prepared and has been presented to the Trustees to review with changes

including space planning of public and staff spaces and collection reorganization.

• Several boxes of old books have been shipped to Better World Book to as part of a process to clear

out the collection of old books in each location.

• Roegge and Deb Gruen attended an Illinois Reads event in Brown County that highlighted Illinois


• Roegge will be participating in a committee to review the IPLAR report. This committee was

formed to recommend changes to the report and ways to improve it.

• Roegge updated the Trustees on recent programming and outreach events.

• A high school student from Pleasant Plains has been volunteering in the library.

Committee Reports:


Old Business

• Buraski Builders will be contacted to perform an independent inspection on the roof in Ashland for

repair/replacement suggestions.

• A suggestion was made that we move the monthly board meeting date to Monday starting in the new

fiscal year. No action was taken at this time and will be re-discussed when the Board Calendar is

presented for approval in June.

• A discussion was held regarding the vacant board seat due to the death of Gloria Rhoads. Robin

Krone has expressed an interest in coming on the Board. Other names have also been mentioned

and will be asked to come and address the Board as well.

• A priority list of the facility plans for Ashland and Pleasant Plains has been developed and given to

the trustees to review. Estimates of costs will be obtained an shared with trustees as they are known

to allow for approval of individual projects.

• A rough estimate of the cost for Trustee Liability Insurance was received in the amount of $800.

More information will be forthcoming on this policy.

New Business:

• Patty Smith has indicated that she no longer wishes to clean the facilities in addition to her librarian

duties. Trustees will review options at a future meeting for replacing this service.

Committees to Meet:

Budget/Finance - May 3, 5pm, Pleasant Plains

The next meeting will be held May 10, 2016 at 6:00pm, in Pleasant Plains, IL.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly S. Greene

Board Clerk