Springfield SD 186 in Springfield receives $592 per student from the state to fund pensions for public school teachers and administrators – the most in Metro Springfield, according to a Wirepoints analysis of Teacher Retirement System data.
It seems there’s a pretty good reason why the public at large never got to see any Rep. Jeanne Ives vs. Gov. Bruce Rauner debates prior to Election Day.
Sen. Chris Nybo (R-Lombard) proposed a grandfather provision in possible gun legislation at the two-hour subject matter Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on firearms March 8.
Cartwright, Talkington and Newmansville top the list in Metro Springfield with the highest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
Gov. Bruce Rauner says he'll fight for Illinoisans. But only if he wins re-election. If he loses, Rauner's wife, Diana, says she and Bruce are out of here.